"No...no?" Fang Cong thought there was something wrong with his ears, and asked again to confirm:"Mr. Xu, we are now in the same boat, you can't abandon us like this!"

The simple point is, if I don't have a good ending, then you, Xu Can, don't want to have a good ending either.

How could Xu Can not hear the threat in Fang Cong's words.

His face sank slightly, and the aura from the superior on his body made Fang Cong feel as if he was facing a great enemy, and cold sweats broke out on his head.

This kind of aura is something Xu Zimo has never possessed.

For this reason, Xu Zimo sat on the sofa, and when he felt this aura, in addition to fear, there was also resentment.

He only hated that he didn't have such a powerful aura.

Just when Fang Cong was about to give in, Xu Can suddenly put away his aura and smiled gently:"In terms of funding, our Xu family is indeed unable to help"

"Kyoto Province is being controlled by the Lu family, and I am also being controlled by Nanzhou Province and Pan City in Yanglin Province controlled by Xiao Jiang."

"Naturally, I can't get out of my way to help you. How about you hold on for a while, and wait for me to deal with things here, and then help you?"

The words were very gentle, but full of the flavor of being inviolable.

After experiencing Xu Can's powerful aura, Fang Cong immediately nodded:"Yes, yes, since you, Mr. Xu, have troubles here, I won't bother you."

"When you are free, I will come to discuss with you again!"

After saying that, he immediately stood up and left, not daring to stay here any longer.

Xu Can looked at his back as he left, gradually putting away his smile, his eyes turned cold, and he played with the pen in his right hand.

Then, he looked sideways at Xu Zimo who was still sitting there.

"Zimo, you are still sitting here, is there something wrong?"

"No, I'm just sitting here, waiting to see you make a fool of yourself."

Xu Zimo laughed at him without hesitation.

Xu Can's face darkened:"Really? What a pity. I don't even take Xiao Jiang seriously. In less than a month, I can take control again!"

"Hahaha!" Xu Zimo couldn't help laughing. He quickly wrote a website on a piece of white paper and put it on Xu Can's desk.

"I used my connections to find this dark web address. If you really have no other options, you can try to offer a reward for Xiao Jiang and see if there are any killers willing to help you."

After saying this, Xu Zimo turned and left with a hint of sarcasm.

In terms of business battles, talent, and wisdom, Xu Zimo might not be as good as Xu Can in terms of these three aspects.

Just in terms of being disgusting, a hundred Xu Cans are not Xu Zimo's match.

Xu Can looked at the address with a terribly dark face. He crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the corner.

It was like eating ten pounds of shit, but he couldn't blame Xu Zimo.

On the surface, Xu Zimo gave you this dark web address just to help you.

Naturally, he couldn't say anything, so he could only swallow his anger.

""Xu Zimo, you wait!"

As he spoke, he threw everything on the desk to the ground to vent his inner dissatisfaction and anger.

It must be said that he and Xu Zimo are worthy of being cousins, and the ways they use to vent their anger are almost the same.


A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

Under Zhao Ying's leadership, the prices of Hong Kong real estate continued to fall, and the market price reached the lowest point in the entire summer.

Many small real estate companies were forced to declare bankruptcy.

Without the Xu family's funding, Fang Cong and the other two were in a very bad situation, especially Xiao Ruihan. Not only did his company not make a profit, but it had already begun to suffer large-scale losses. Fang

Cong also went to find Xu Can during this period, but unfortunately, he was too busy to take care of their affairs in Hong Kong.

"Old Fang, if Xu Can doesn't come to help me, I will declare bankruptcy in less than half a month!"

Xiao Ruihan looked at Fang Cong with an anxious look. If he continued like this, he would have no choice but to declare bankruptcy. He would not be able to survive until the three major families stood side by side in Hong Kong Province.

After hearing what Xiao Ruihan said, Fang Cong was silent for a moment, then explained:"Mr. Xu is also busy with his own affairs and can't take care of us at all. Old Zhang"

"Hmm? What's the matter?"Zhang Heyi had intended to remain silent and be invisible, but he didn't expect Fang Cong to notice him.

"If I remember correctly, you are mainly engaged in online and offline chain supermarkets, so you should not be affected by the Zhao family."

"Lao Fang, you can't say that. You know the market conditions in recent years. The supermarket industry has been in a downturn!"

"All right, all right, you give me 10 million to help Lao Xiao tide over the difficulties temporarily. I'm sure you should be able to come up with this amount of money!"

When Xiao Ruihan heard Fang Cong's words, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Zhang Heyi with a smile:"Lao Zhang, you just help me temporarily, and when we completely bring down the Zhao family, I will pay you back ten times, how about that?"

"You want me to pay 10 million?" Zhang Heyi's face fell instantly, and he said coldly:"Fang Cong, why don't you help Lao Xiao?"

"You now control 50% of the shares of the Mu family company, and your own company's revenue should be relatively stable!"

Fang Cong heard Zhang Heyi's words and said with a little displeasure:"You can't say that. Lao Xiao and I are both in real estate, so I have to spend my money wisely."

"Even if you run a chain of supermarkets, the Zhao family won't get you for now, so you can just help Lao Xiao first."

He was secretly planning to bring them down, so how could he be willing to spend money to help Xiao Ruihan get back on his feet.

Xiao Ruihan was still speaking for Fang Cong at this time, and said in a deep voice:"Lao Zhang, you don't want to help me, have you secretly joined forces with that guy Xiao Jiang?"

"Already betrayed us?"

He thought that Zhang Heyi could still come up with a mere 10 million.

Now that he was unwilling to come up with it, he could only think that Zhang Heyi might have secretly joined forces with Xiao Jiang to betray them!

For a moment, he and Fang Cong looked at Zhang Heyi unkindly.

Facing their gazes, Zhang Heyi stood up subconsciously and said angrily:"If I had secretly joined forces with Xiao Jiang, I would not have come here alone and sat here with you!"

"Why don't you give me a mere 10 million to help me? We have been partners for many years, would I cheat you?"


Facing Xiao Ruihan's relentless pressure and Fang Cong's sharp gaze,

Zhang Heyi finally sighed helplessly and chose to compromise.

"Okay, I'll pay the 10 million!"

After these words came out, Fang Cong's eyes gradually softened, and Xiao Ruihan laughed out loud:"Hahaha, this is the Lao Zhang I know!"

"There is absolutely no need to make the relationship between the three of us so strained just for a mere 10 million!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Zhang Heyi smiled happily on the surface, but he had already begun to feel resentful in his heart.

As this simple meeting ended, Fang Cong and Xiao Ruihan stood up and left.

Under Zhang Heyi's honest face, a trace of anger and viciousness appeared:"Didn't you say that I secretly joined forces with Xiao Jiang? Well, I won't play with you anymore!"

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