Xiao Jiang controls Nanzhou Province, which is not very far from Hong Kong Province, and has rich experience in fighting against the Xu family.

This is why they chose Xiao Jiang for help.

Xiao Jiang did not rush to answer, but considered it in his heart.

Zhao Ying and Mu Liang saw this situation, and after looking at each other, they seemed to make some kind of decision.

""Mr. Xiao, as long as you help us get through this crisis, from now on, our Zhao family and Mu family will be at your disposal!"

Zhao Ying said very seriously, and Mu Liang nodded on the side.

Now, if the three families are not completely curbed, within half a year, their two families will be completely squeezed out of Hong Kong Province.

At that time, even the capital will be taken away by the enemy. It is better to choose to completely join Xiao Jiang's camp, and maybe there will be a chance to turn defeat into victory!

After hearing these words, Xiao Jiang still did not choose to agree immediately, but asked:"Who in the Xu family came up with the idea of supporting the three major families?"

"A guy named Xu Can. I heard that this guy is very insidious, but he has a strong talent for business and is considered the most outstanding guy of the younger generation in the Xu family!"

Although Zhao Ying didn't like Xu Can, she had to admit that this guy was amazing.

When Xiao Jiang heard Zhao Ying's words, he was relieved and understood.

Sure enough, it was not a method that Xu Zimo, the reckless man, could come up with.

The tricks Xu Zimo could use were just cleverness, and he was not as powerful as Xu Can.

It seems that not all the Xu family members are useless. There are always one or two more powerful guys.

Thinking of this, Xiao Jiang slowly stood up and said in a light voice:"I agree to this matter. If Xu Can gets Hong Kong Province, it will not be conducive to my plan."

Once Xu Can obtains Hong Kong Province, then Pan City in Yanglin Province and the entire Nanzhou Province may be taken back by him.

Therefore, no matter what, this guy Xu Can must be stopped.

Zhao Ying and Mu Liang laughed happily when they heard Xiao Jiang agreed.

With Xiao Jiang's help, not to mention suppressing the other three families to death, at least a balance can be achieved.

After a few simple words, Xiao Jiang left the Zhao Family Manor and came to the magnificent castle. When

Butler Xu saw Xiao Jiang coming, he immediately ordered the maids to prepare dinner.

Xiao Jiang sat on the sofa in the living room, tapping the armrest of the sofa with his right hand. No one knew what he was thinking.

At this time, Butler Xu suddenly came over.

"Mr. Xiao, Miss Mu from the Mu family came to you suddenly and said that there is an auction in the evening and she wants to invite you to go."

"You let her in"


Butler Xu nodded and turned to leave the living room.

A few minutes later, he walked in with Mu Yinhua.

Mu Yinhua looked at Xiao Jiang sitting on the sofa, obviously a little restrained, and didn't know where to start for a moment.

Xiao Jiang raised his head slightly and looked at her, smiling lightly,"Sit down."

""Yes!" Mu Yinhua nodded and sat opposite Xiao Jiang.

"You come over and invite me to the auction?"

"Yes!" Mu Yinhua nodded vigorously and said,"It is said that this auction has many rare treasures from all over the world and is held only once every five years."

"The thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum that our Mu family gave you, Young Master Xiao, was what my father got at this auction."

Xiao Jiang was aroused by Mu Yinhua's introduction.

Since there are many strange things at this auction, there might be things like magic tools.

Thinking of this, he agreed to Mu Yinhua's invitation.

Seeing that Xiao Jiang agreed, Mu Yinhua couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and smiled sweetly:"Then I'll come to pick you up online!"


After a moment, Mu Yinhua stood up and left the castle.

Xiao Jiang looked at Mu Yinhua's departing back and murmured,"Are those two also here to attend this auction?"

The two people he was talking about were none other than the old woman and Yu Dairou.

After all, when he was at the Jiangling Airport, he heard the old woman say something about going to Hong Kong Province to attend the so-called auction.

In a blink of an eye, it was already around eight o'clock in the evening, and the auction was about to begin.

Xiao Jiang took the car arranged by Mu Yinhua and came to a huge luxury cruise ship, where the auction was held.

When Xiao Jiang and Mu Yinhua boarded the luxury cruise ship, they soon noticed Zhao Qianwei who had also arrived.

It seemed that only Zhao Qianwei and her father Zhao Ying had not arrived.

"Sister Qianwei!" Mu Yinhua trotted over happily after seeing Zhao Qianwei.

Zhao Qianwei also smiled when she saw her, and when she looked at Xiao Jiang, she respectfully called out:"Mr. Xiao!"

""Yeah!" Xiao Jiang nodded slightly.

When the three of them entered the venue, they found a seat and sat down.

Just as they sat down, a girl in front of them suddenly turned her head and looked at Xiao Jiang.

"It's you!"

"It turned out to be Miss Yu!"

Xiao Jiang smiled faintly. He didn't expect that Yu Dairou and the old woman were sitting in the front.

When the old woman heard Xiao Jiang's voice, she turned her head and looked at him:"Young sir, you are here to participate in this auction!"

She was not surprised that Xiao Jiang would appear in this place.

With Xiao Jiang's medical skills and status, it would be strange if he didn't appear at this auction.

While they were chatting, three middle-aged men walked in slowly.

The three middle-aged men didn't seem to notice Xiao Jiang and others, and sat directly in the front.

Zhao Qianwei whispered in Xiao Jiang's ear:"Those three people are the heads of the three families. The one in the middle is Fang Cong, who is considered the boss of the three families."

"The one on the right is Zhang Heyi, and the one on the left is Xiao Ruihan!"

Xiao Jiang nodded slightly, his eyes fell on the three people, just a glance, and quickly retracted his gaze.

As the auction officially began, a professional auctioneer, wearing a neat suit, slowly came to the auction table

"Welcome everyone to this auction. All the items in this year's auction will not disappoint you."

While speaking, the auctioneer tore off the red cloth, revealing a fist-sized night-shining pearl that was emitting a faint glow.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this night-shining pearl was a burial object of Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing Dynasty. For some reason, it was taken abroad and later obtained by us."

"This night-light pearl is of excellent quality. Even without turning on the light, it can illuminate your room. It is a rare treasure."

"Starting price: one million!"

As soon as the words fell, someone immediately raised the price quickly.

In just ten minutes, the price soared all the way to ten million and one million!

Xiao Jiang looked at the night pearl and murmured:"This night pearl is quite interesting. It actually bred a small piece of Yin jade inside it!"

"It happens to be a treasure for refining soul magic tools. It seems that I must take this night-shining pearl!"

The next second, he suddenly raised the sign and shouted:"Fifteen million!"

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