Hearing her grandmother's words, Yu Dairou bowed her head helplessly and apologized to Xiao Jiang:"I'm sorry, please forgive my rude behavior just now!"

Xiao Jiang glanced at the old woman and soon noticed the strong smell of Chinese medicine on her body.

It seems that she is an old Chinese doctor.

"You are going to Hong Kong Province, what's the matter?"

"We can’t tell you about this!"

Yu Dairou didn’t intend to tell Xiao Jiang.

The old woman also came over and explained with a smile:"Nothing, just attending an auction."

"Grandma!" Yu Dairou immediately looked at her grandmother. Unexpectedly, she actually said it directly.

Xiao Jiang nodded slightly, put his hands behind his back and walked towards the boarding cabin, saying:"If you want to go together, just follow me."

"Otherwise, this plane won't wait for you after I board!" Anyway, there are many other seats in the plane, so it won't be a problem to take them with you.

Yu Dairou was instantly delighted when she heard Xiao Jiang's words, and immediately followed his pace with her grandmother.

After the three of them successfully boarded the plane, the plane quickly started to fly, leaving Jiangling City and flying towards Hong Kong Province according to the fixed route.

On the plane.

It was the first time for Yu Dairou to sit in the first class cabin. Her eyes were full of novelty. Soon, she noticed Xiao Jiang's gaze.

Her little face suddenly turned red, and she felt her whole face was hot. She was embarrassed to the extreme, and she quickly sat up straight.

The old woman saw this situation, but just smiled, and her eyes quickly fell on Xiao Jiang.

"Thank you, young man, for letting us take this plane."

"It's okay. Grandma, you are a Chinese doctor."

"Oh, how did you figure that out?"

The old woman looked at Xiao Jiang with some curiosity. She didn't expect that her identity could be figured out by the young man in front of her.

"You smell like Chinese medicinal herbs. The thumb and index finger of your right hand have thick calluses, which should be the result of years of acupuncture for others."

Xiao Jiang took the cup of hot tea handed to him by the stewardess.

The old woman was slightly surprised when she heard what Xiao Jiang said, and soon there was some appreciation in her eyes:"You observe very carefully. I am indeed a Chinese medicine practitioner."

"Young man, you are also a Chinese medicine practitioner, right? I can feel the same aura from you!"

""Aura?" Xiao Jiang was slightly stunned, and nodded with a faint smile:"I guess so. I only know a little bit about Chinese medicine."

Hearing these words, the old woman's interest was instantly aroused. Along the way, she asked Xiao Jiang about some things.

Two hours later, the plane successfully landed in the Hong Kong Provincial Airport.

When leaving the airport, a middle-aged man in a black suit came to Xiao Jiang.

"Mr. Xiao, Mr. Zhao is already waiting for you at the Zhao family!"

"I understand. I'll be there right away."

Xiao Jiang turned his head to look at the old woman and Yu Dairou, and smiled faintly,"Goodbye."

"Well, if there is a chance in the future, I, an old woman, really want to meet the young gentleman again!" The old woman smiled slightly.

Xiao Jiang did not continue to say anything. He followed the driver into the car and gradually drove away from here.

Yu Dairou looked at the taillights of the car, and noticed her grandmother's expression, and asked:"Grandma, you seem to like that guy named Xiao Jiang very much."

"Hahaha, of course, his attainments in Chinese medicine are amazing, perhaps even better than mine!"

The old woman thought of the time when she was communicating with Xiao Jiang about Chinese medicine on the plane. She deliberately threw out a difficult and complicated disease. As a result, the other party not only gave a perfect solution, but also gave three solutions at once.

From that moment on, she knew that Xiao Jiang's attainments in Chinese medicine must be much higher than hers.

When Yu Dairou heard the old woman's words, she took a breath of cold air and said subconsciously:"Grandma, you are the leader of the Medicine Immortal Sect, a person who stands at the pinnacle of the entire Yanxia Chinese medicine community."

"Xiao Jiang looks about the same age as me, how could his medical skills be better than yours?"

In her impression, her grandmother's attainments in Chinese medicine cannot be said to be invincible, but there are only a handful of people who can compete with her.

Her grandmother said that Xiao Jiang's strength is better than hers, but she was unwilling to admit it.

Seeing her granddaughter's reaction, the old woman said seriously:"There are always people who are better than you, and you must remember this."

"There are many people whose medical skills are better than your grandmother's, and this young gentleman is one of them."

Yu Dairou listened to her grandmother's extremely serious words, and she began to doubt whether Xiao Jiang's medical skills were really that strong.

"Okay, don't think too much. Let's find a hotel to stay in and have a good rest. We still have to attend the auction in the evening."


Yu Dairou nodded and followed her grandmother out of the airport.

On the other side,

Xiao Jiang had already arrived at the Zhao Family Manor. When he entered the living room, he saw Zhao Ying, Zhao Qianwei, Mu Liang and Mu Anxiang, the four of them sitting inside.

The atmosphere seemed much more solemn.

Zhao Ying saw Xiao Jiang coming and immediately stood up and walked up to him.

""Mr. Xiao, you are finally here, please take a seat."

Under Zhao Ying's guidance, Xiao Jiang sat on a single sofa.

As soon as he sat down, he asked,"What is the matter about the Xu family?"

"Alas, some time ago, the Fang, Zhang, and Xiao families suddenly received strong support from the Xu family. With the help of the Xu family, they became almost crazy and attacked our two families!"

"In just these few days, my Zhao family is fine, the market value has only dropped a little, while the market value of the Mu family has dropped by nearly one-third!"

After saying that, Zhao Ying did not continue, and let Mu Liang, who was still in a wheelchair, speak himself.

After taking a deep breath, Mu Liang slowly said:"Many shareholders of companies under the name of my Mu family have already thought about selling their shares."

"If it weren't for Old Zhao helping me, those shareholders would have sold their shares long ago!"

Everyone knows that those shareholders will definitely sell all their shares to the three families.

At that time, they can take away Mu Liang's directorship rights by virtue of their far greater shares than Mu Liang. If this happens, it will be the worst situation for both the Zhao family and the Mu family.

After hearing these words, Xiao Jiang fell into a moment of contemplation.

"So, you called me over? Why didn't you call Mr. Lu over? He has a good relationship with Mr. Zhao and they are old comrades."

"If he knew about this, he would definitely help you."Indeed

, if Lu Deyuan knew about this, he would definitely help the Zhao family and would never sit idly by!

Zhao Ying smiled bitterly when she heard Xiao Jiang's words:"No, the Lu family is too far away and can't help us at all."

"However, Young Master Xiao, you have experience in dealing with the Xu family, and you control the entire Nanzhou Province, so you can definitely help us!"

"Please help us!"

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