"Mr. Xiao, do you like this Night Pearl?" Mu Yinhua asked.

In her eyes, the value of a Night Pearl is at most 10 million, and this 15 million is really too high.

Xiao Jiang heard Mu Yinhua's words and nodded slightly:"I think so. The Night Pearl contains what I need."

"Inside the Night Pearl?" Although Mu Yinhua didn't quite understand, she suddenly said,"Mr. Xiao, just bid as much as you want. My dad said that all your expenses tonight will be covered by our Mu family."

Mu Liang spent money to befriend Xiao Jiang.

Although the Xu family and the three families in Hong Kong Province obstructed his company's market value, it was still easy for him to pay 1 billion for Xiao Jiang to auction.

Xiao Jiang smiled and waved his hand slightly,"No need. I can still afford this little money."

With the entire Nanzhou Province as the pillar, a mere 15 million is simply a small amount.

After hearing what Xiao Jiang said, Mu Yinhua did not continue to speak and nodded slightly.

Soon, no one was willing to continue to bid high prices to auction the night pearl.

In the end, it was successfully auctioned by Xiao Jiang at a price of 15 million.

The auction items can only be paid for after the auction is over, so Xiao Jiang cannot get the night pearl immediately. Xiao Jiang himself was not in a hurry for this moment. He supported his head with his right hand and watched the auction in front of him silently.

After that, many auction items were some antiques and paintings, among which there was actually a bronze sparrow from the period of Emperor Ling of the Eastern Han Dynasty. For these wealthy people, this auction item was the best one.

However, for a cultivator like Xiao Jiang who has survived for ten thousand years, that auction item is extremely useless!

Soon, a heavyweight auction item was slowly lifted up at this auction.

As the auctioneer lifted the red cloth, a large Ganoderma lucidum the size of a ten-year-old child lay there.

The rich smell of medicine emitted instantly filled the space

"Top-grade 10,000-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, quite interesting. I think I know why Miss Yu and her grandmother came here to participate in the auction."

Xiao Jiang only took a glance and quickly recognized it.

The auctioneer was delighted when he saw the excitement of the crowd.

If this 10,000-year-old Ganoderma lucidum could be auctioned for a good price, he estimated that he could get a considerable commission.

Thinking of this, he coughed lightly and signaled the audience to be quiet.

"Everyone, this 10,000-year-old Ganoderma lucidum was found by our team after a year of hard work in the ancient mountains of Jiangling City. It was an extremely difficult task."

"I don't need to say much about the powerful medicinal effects of the Thousand-Year-Old Ganoderma Lucidum. Let's start the auction now."

"Starting price: 5 million!"

As soon as the auctioneer finished speaking, someone immediately offered 30 million. He directly raised the price to 25 million!

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and found that it was Fang Cong.

Fang Cong was in a good momentum recently, so they didn't say anything. They all joined the fierce auction silently.

Xiao Jiang didn't say anything yet. He supported his head with his right hand and looked at the ten thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum.

"If I remember correctly, Lu Liang and Lu Qingxue, the brother and sister, seemed to be looking for the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum in the ancient mountain."

"It seems that if they had continued to look for it, they probably wouldn't have found it, as it would have been picked up by this auction."

While talking, Mu Yinhua beside him asked in a low voice:"Mr. Xiao, do you want me to help you auction it?"

She knew that this handsome boy in front of her liked medicinal herbs very much, and the older the better.

Obviously, this thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum in front of her was very suitable.

When Xiao Jiang was about to answer, a loud voice instantly resounded throughout the space

"70 million!"

When Xiao Jiang heard this familiar voice, he looked over and found that it was Yuan Yichun.

But thinking about it, it made sense. After all, Yuan Yichun was one of the top Feng Shui masters in Hong Kong Province. It would be strange if he didn't appear in this place.

"However, I didn't expect that being a Feng Shui master would make so much money, 50 million is enough!"

50 million is naturally a very small amount for Xiao Jiang now.

However, Yuan Yichun is a Feng Shui master after all, so he was naturally a little surprised.

Mu Yinhua didn't know how to answer Xiao Jiang for a while. As a student, she rarely came into contact with Feng Shui masters.

Naturally, she was not particularly clear about the inside story.

Zhao Qianwei, as someone who had invited Yuan Yichun before, naturally knew more about it. After hearing Xiao Jiang's doubts, she couldn't help but explain.

"Most of the Feng Shui masters of Master Yuan's level are hired by rich people."

"The price for a session is basically between one million and ten million!"

"The last time I invited Master Yuan to save my grandfather, the price he spent was six million!"

That is to say, the price Yuan Yichun paid each time was at least one million.

With his savings over the years, it would be easy for him to take out a mere fifty million. If you think about it this way, it doesn't seem so strange.

Xiao Jiang nodded slightly, and did not say anything else, continuing to watch the auction.

When Yuan Yichun shouted out the price to fifty million, the whole audience instantly fell silent.

Although Fang Cong wanted the ten thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum very much, he slowly stood up and smiled at Yuan Yichun:"Since Master Yuan wants this ten thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum, I won't compete with you for it."

"Hahaha, thank you, Mr. Fang."

It must be said that in Hong Kong Province, where Feng Shui is flourishing, Yuan Yichun still has some face among many bigwigs.

However, before Yuan Yichun could even laugh, Yu Dairou immediately shouted,"Seventy million!"

Without any hesitation, she decisively raised the sign in her hand and raised the price by twenty million at once.

Xiao Jiang couldn't help laughing when he heard it, and murmured,"They are so rich, it seems that I still underestimated this pair of grandparents!"

When Yuan Yichun heard someone competing with him, his face looked a little ugly, but when he saw the old woman's appearance, he was so scared that he immediately sat back in his chair.

At this time, he did not dare to continue talking and kept his mouth shut.

This scene was instantly captured by Xiao Jiang.

It seems that the identities of this grandma and grandson are not simple, and they can actually scare Yuan Yichun.

When he thought of this, the auctioneer had already dropped the hammer.

Seventy million is far more than the value of this ten thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum, so Xiao Jiang did not continue to participate in the bidding.

Next, it was the last auction item.

A well-preserved imperial edict left over from the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, lying quietly on the auction table.

The starting price is five hundred thousand!

When Xiao Jiang saw this imperial edict, his eyes lit up immediately:"The words written on it use the rare golden cinnabar. As long as you get this thing, you can enhance the power of the soul magic weapon after the successful refining."

So, he must auction this imperial edict!

When he was about to bid, Fang Cong took the lead and shouted:"One million!"

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