On the other side.

After Zhao Yuanlong saw that the call had been hung up, he looked at Mu Yinhua and said,"Yinhua, wait a minute, come with me to Xiao Shao's house. When you get there, be careful with your words."

"If you miss this opportunity again, I will not be able to help you!"

This would consume the favor between him and Xiao Jiang. If it were not for the good relationship between the Zhao family and the Mu family.

He really didn't want to get involved in this matter. An ordinary matter of saving people was made so complicated by that guy Mu Anxiang.

Mu Yinhua nodded gratefully:"Thank you, Grandpa Zhao, our Mu family will definitely remember this kindness."

"Thank me, that's enough. If Young Master Xiao can cure your father, your Mu family should thank him."


About 20 minutes later,

Zhao Yuanlong and Mu Yinhua drove to the front of the villa. When they arrived at the door of the villa,

I don't know if it was an illusion, but I felt refreshed all over.

Zhao Yuanlong felt like he was one or two years younger.

"As expected of Mr. Xiao, his residence has such an effect."

As he rang the doorbell, the door opened automatically, followed by Xiao Jiang's voice.

"Come in."

After Zhao Yuanlong and Mu Yinhua exchanged a glance, they entered the living room and soon saw Xiao Jiang sitting at the tea table and making tea.

The two walked over and sat opposite Xiao Jiang.

Zhao Yuanlong picked up the tea on the table, took a sip, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

With this sip, he felt that his internal organs were cleansed and his whole body felt extremely comfortable. He immediately looked down at the tea in the cup.

He was also a tea lover, and he could tell at a glance that the tea brewed in the cup was not a special tea, but a simple Biluochun.

Strange, I used to drink Biluochun, why didn't I have this effect?

Could it be that the tea brewed by Xiao Shao was just a kind of tea similar to Biluochun?

""Mr. Xiao, what kind of tea is used to brew this? Surprisingly, it has the miraculous effect of making the whole body unobstructed!"

He couldn't help asking. After all, if he could get this kind of tea

, drinking it every day in the future, maybe it can have the effect of prolonging life. When

Xiao Jiang heard what Mr. Zhao said, he couldn't help but smile:"This is just ordinary tea, but this water has some effect!"

With the presence of the spirit gathering array, even ordinary tap water can be turned into spirit water after staying in this villa for a few minutes.

Long-term consumption of spirit water does have the effect of prolonging life and strengthening the body.

"So that's how it is!"

Zhao Yuanlong's eyes fell on the pot of tea, and he could hardly take his eyes away

"If Mr. Zhao likes it, he can come to my place every once in a while and take a pot of this water. How about that?"

"Hahaha, Xiao Shao, you are so polite. In this case, I owe you a favor."

Zhao Yuanlong said this, his eyes were full of joy and desire.

Xiao Jiang smiled faintly, picked up the teacup, and his eyes fell on Mu Yinhua, who had always been very reserved.

"Are you coming to me this time to save your father?"

Hearing that Xiao Jiang was talking to her, Mu Yinhua nodded immediately and pleaded,"Mr. Xiao, as long as you can cure my father, I have a thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum at home that I can give to you."

On the way here, she had learned from Zhao Yuanlong that Xiao Jiang didn't have any hobbies, but he loved medicinal materials. The older the better, for this reason, she thought of the thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum that her Mu family had just purchased from a foreign country some time ago.

Anyway, it has been kept in the storage room, so it is better to sacrifice this thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum to save her father's life.

When Xiao Jiang heard about the thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, he was indeed interested. He supported his head with his left hand and asked with a smile,"Are you sure you have a thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum?"

"Yes, it is 100% Thousand Years Polygonum Multiflorum, here is the photo!"

This photo was taken by Mu Anxiang not long ago and sent to me.

A very delicate preservation box, this box is filled with transparent liquid, used to preserve the medicinal properties of Thousand Years Polygonum Multiflorum.

Xiao Jiang looked at this photo and could confirm that it was Thousand Years Polygonum Multiflorum, and its quality was also excellent.

"It is indeed a top-quality 10,000-year-old Polygonum multiflorum."

"Well, Mr. Xiao,……"

"I can certainly agree to go to Hong Kong Province again, but before that, you must remain quiet while I am saving people, absolutely quiet."

"Of course, we will keep quiet!"

Mu Yinhua smiled brightly after hearing Xiao Jiang's agreement. As long as her father could be saved, she would agree to any conditions.

Zhao Yuanlong stroked his beard and smiled faintly:"Yinhua, since Xiao Shao is willing to help, your father will definitely have a chance to be rescued. Don't let your Mu family down."

To put it more clearly, it means to take care of your own brother and don't let him speak rudely to Xiao Shao again.

Mu Yinhua naturally heard the implication of Grandpa Zhao's words, and suddenly looked a little embarrassed. She smiled and replied:"Of course, of course!"

After Xiao Jiang explained the matter to Jiangling City, Mu Yinhua left and took the last flight to Hong Kong Province. It was about eleven o'clock that night.

The two of them finally arrived in Hong Kong Province, and it took nearly half an hour to arrive at the Mu family villa.

""Brother, Uncle Zhao, I have invited Young Master Xiao back!" Mu Yinhua pushed open the door with great joy.

But she noticed the dead atmosphere inside.

Mu Anxiang knelt beside the bed with a hollow look in his eyes.

Zhao Ying and Zhao Qianwei, the father and daughter, both lowered their heads silently.

""What's going on? Why are you all like this?" Mu Yinhua suddenly felt something was wrong, and her face turned pale.

Alec, who was standing next to her, slowly said,"Ms. Mu, your father lost all signs of life ten minutes ago."

The heart rate monitor had returned to a straight line, and it was obvious that he had completely passed away.

"How... is it possible!"Mu Yinhua's body softened and she collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down her face.

Xiao Jiang was not pessimistic at all. A golden light flashed in his eyes. He could see that the patient's heart was still beating weakly.

However, the amplitude was too weak, so the heart rate monitor could not detect it.

The heart was still beating and the brain was not completely necrotic, which meant that the patient was still alive.

"You still want him to live, the guy kneeling beside the bed, please make way for me!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room looked at Xiao Jiang.

Mu Yinhua stopped crying, her eyes were red, and she looked pitiful.

"Mr. Xiao, do you really have a way to save my dad?"

"This is natural. How can I, Xiao Jiang, go against my promise to others? Even if your father is dead, I can bring him back to life. What's more, your father is not completely dead yet!"

"The premise is to pull your brother away from the bed."

Xiao Jiang's tone was very calm, as if he was talking about something insignificant.

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