When everyone heard Xiao Jiang's words, regardless of whether they believed it or not, they immediately pulled Mu Anxiang away from the bedside.

Immediately, Xiao Jiang removed all medical equipment except the heart rate monitor.

Alec was not very emotional when he saw this scene. Anyway, the patient was already dead, so he just opened the instruments.

The next second.

More than ten silver needles appeared in Xiao Jiang's right hand, and he inserted them into the Wailing acupoint, Guanyuan acupoint, Zhongwan acupoint one by one...

Then, more than ten silver needles were inserted into the acupoints, and a trace of spiritual energy was injected to stimulate the effect.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, the patient who was originally breathless, his chest began to rise and fall slightly, and his face gradually began to return to a rosy color.

"Miracle, my God, is this really the Chinese medicine I know? It's incredible!"

Alec's face was full of surprise, and he felt that his worldview was completely overturned at this moment.

Zhao Ying and Mu Anxiang were even more shocked.

Who would have thought that this young man who looked to be in his twenties actually had such amazing medical skills?

"Great, my dad can still be saved!" The sadness in Mu Yinhua's eyes gradually dissipated and disappeared.

As time passed, the patient gradually recovered, and the heart rate monitor began to fluctuate greatly.

Xiao Jiang quickly took back the silver needle, looked at them and said:"Your father will be fully recovered in about an hour."

"According to this prescription, take it once every ten days, and you will be completely cured in a year."

There is no other way. The patient not only has residual cancer cells in his body, but also strong toxins. His body has become very weak after being tortured for a long time.

He can't bear Xiao Jiang's rapid treatment at all, and can only recuperate slowly.

Mu Yinhua took the prescription and saw that the herbs on it were all very common Chinese herbs, so she immediately arranged for the housekeeper to buy them quickly.

She was about to take Xiao Jiang out of the room to get the thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, but was interrupted by Alec.

Alec came to Xiao Jiang with an excited look on his face.

"Mr. Xiao Jiang, I apologize to you for my improper remarks some time ago. I hope you can forgive me."

"So, what do you want from me?"

"It's like this, your medical skills are the best among all the doctors I have ever seen, and I would like to invite you to join my team!"

As he spoke, Alec saw that Xiao Jiang's face was very calm, so he hurriedly explained:"Mr. Xiao Jiang, my team is first-class in the world!"

"I have even won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. As long as you are willing to join my team, I will let you become the deputy team leader, and I guarantee that you will win the Nobel Prize in Medicine within one year!"

In fact, Alec was still relatively conservative. With Xiao Jiang's medical skills and the pill, it would not be a problem for him to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine within half a year. He might even become the only genius in the world to win two Nobel Prizes in Medicine at the same time.

Zhao Ying and the other two took a breath of cold air when they heard Alec's words.

If Xiao Jiang is really as Alec said, he will definitely become a world-class Chinese medicine doctor, and the only well-known Chinese medicine doctor in the world!

At that time, it was estimated that it would be more difficult to meet Xiao Jiang than to ascend to heaven.

However, Xiao Jiang did not care much about this false reputation.

"I'm not interested. Mu Yinhua took me to get the 10,000-year-old Polygonum multiflorum."

"Huh? Oh oh oh!"

Mu Yinhua reacted and hurriedly took Xiao Jiang out of the room and walked towards the storage room where the thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum was placed.

When Alec saw Xiao Jiang's refusal, a trace of loneliness appeared in his eyes, and he shook his head helplessly:"Alas, it's my loss that such a genius can't join my team.……"

"No, it should be said that it is a loss for the entire medical community!"

After saying this, he turned around and began to examine the patient. The more he examined, the more surprised he became.

"Not only did it save the patient, it also killed most of the cancer cells, repaired the internal organs, and restored the bone marrow's normal hematopoietic function!"

"It seems that I am still too ignorant. I didn't know that Yanxia Chinese medicine is so powerful. It seems that I should buy a few more Chinese medicine books in Yanxia to study when I return to the British Empire."

Since seeing Xiao Jiang's amazing Chinese medicine skills, Alec has been inspired to study Chinese medicine. After hearing Alec's words, Mu Anxiang hurriedly asked:"Doctor Alec, is my father out of danger?"

"More than being out of danger, under Mr. Xiao Jiang's treatment, Mr. Mu's gastric cancer has been cured. If he follows Mr. Xiao Jiang's instructions, Mr. Mu should be able to fully recover."

At this moment, Alec has been completely impressed by Xiao Jiang's medical skills and has completely turned into a little fan.

Mu Anxiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard Alec's words.

On the other side.

Xiao Jiang and Mu Yinhua, the two of them have come to the storage room.

When they just opened the storage room, they smelled a strong smell of Chinese medicine.

After turning on the lights inside, what came into view was a dazzling array of Chinese medicinal materials.

The youngest ones are five hundred years old, and there are countless thousands of years old medicinal materials.

If you don't know, you would think this is a drug store in a pharmacy.

"My dad, before he got stomach cancer, loved collecting medicinal herbs. He collected them from all over the world."

Mu Yinhua himself didn't know why his dad, who didn't know anything about Chinese medicine, still collected so many Chinese medicinal herbs.

Perhaps everyone has different hobbies for collecting.

"Xiao Shao, you saved my father. You can take any of the herbs here that you like."

Mu Yinhua said very seriously, not joking.

People with such powerful medical skills must be won over and must not be offended.

Xiao Jiang waved his hand to refuse.


No, I just want my share of the 10,000-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, forget about the rest of the herbs." Hearing this, Mu Yinhua couldn't help but feel a little more favorable towards Xiao Jiang.

Soon, she pushed the 100-year-old Polygonum multiflorum in front of Xiao Jiang from a very hidden corner.

It can't be seen from the picture, but in reality, this Polygonum multiflorum is extremely thick. Today, a ten-year-old boy and his gang of big and small

"Mr. Xiao, would you like me to mail it to Jiangling City for you?"

This Polygonum multiflorum is really too big. It would be difficult to take it away by myself.

"No need."When Xiao Jiang placed his right hand on the Polygonum multiflorum, it suddenly disappeared, and there was no trace of it anywhere.

Little did he know that the Polygonum multiflorum had been put into Xiao Jiang's storage ring, which was forged when he was in the cultivation world.

It was just that it was worn out when crossing billions of galaxies, resulting in the space capacity being less than one ten-thousandth of the previous one.

However, it was no problem to store a ten-thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum.

This scene scared Mu Yinhua.


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