Alec felt that the medical knowledge he had learned for many years had been overturned. He did not believe in superstition, so he quickly turned on some testing instruments in the ward.

These instruments are used to detect the status of cancer cells in the patient's body, and any one of them is worth millions.

After more than 20 minutes of examination, Alec looked at the printed test report in his hand in disbelief, and he was stunned on the spot.

Zhao Ying and the other two, who knew nothing about medicine, all looked at Alec eagerly.

Finally, Mu Anxiang couldn't help but ask,"Doctor Alec, what is my father's condition like? Please tell us."

After the words fell, another one or two minutes passed.

Alec slowly handed them the test report, calmed himself, and said,"It's amazing, that pill actually suppressed the spread of cancer cells in the patient's body."

"It even killed a small number of cancer cells, allowing your father, Mr. Mu, to temporarily escape from life danger."

At this point, he felt that the medical knowledge he had learned over the past twenty years was of great use to him at this moment.���Completely subverted.

When did Chinese medicine become so powerful? A mere pill can actually relieve the symptoms of patients with advanced gastric cancer.

Once this pill is available to the world, the person who developed it will surely win a Nobel Prize in Medicine!

Thinking of this, Alec couldn't help but take a breath.

Zhao Ying and the other two gradually reacted after hearing Alec's words.

"That person's medicine actually works!" Mu Anxiang's face was full of astonishment.

As he spoke, he turned around and prepared to leave.

Zhao Ying grabbed his right hand and asked,"Where are you going?"

"Of course I have to go find Xiao Jiang and ask him to give me a few more pills. In this way, my father might be saved!"

"You probably won't even be able to see him if you go there."

When Mu Anxiang heard Zhao Ying's words and was about to open his mouth to refute, he was unable to refute for a moment and lowered his head silently.

He seemed to have realized that if he treated others with that attitude, how could they go to see him?

For a moment, the whole place fell into silence.

Zhao Ying slowly said:"I will go to see Mr. Xiao later and ask him."

""I'll go with you, Uncle Zhao!" Mu Yinhua said immediately. Zhao Ying nodded slightly. After all, the little girl Mu Yinhua didn't say anything too extreme to Xiao Jiang.

Presumably, Xiao Jiang wouldn't reject her too much.

As for Mu Anxiang, it would be better for him not to appear in front of Xiao Jiang during this period of time.

After Mu Anxiang knew the situation, he sighed, sat on the sofa in the room, and didn't say anything else.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

Zhao Ying and Mu Yinhua quickly came to the castle, and after explaining the situation, they soon saw Butler Xu.

After Butler Xu learned the purpose of their visit, he apologized,"I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao and Miss Yuyu left Gang Province yesterday and returned to Jiangling City, Nanzhou Province!"

"What?!" Zhao Ying stood up subconsciously when she heard the news and asked,"Why didn't you tell me such an important thing earlier?"

"Mr. Zhao, I am Xiao Shao's personal butler now. I should protect his personal privacy and naturally cannot disclose it to you!"

Butler Xu still has his own professional ethics and will never sell out the information of his employer.

When Zhao Ying heard this, she was unable to refute it for a while.

After all, she was just his former boss, and he did not seem to have the responsibility to help him monitor Xiao Jiang's whereabouts.

After hearing that Xiao Jiang had returned to Jiangling City, Mu Yinhua could no longer sit still and immediately stood up.

"Uncle Zhao, you stay in Hong Kong Province, I will go to Jiangling City by myself!"

She knew that Zhao Ying had her own company to take care of and had no time to leave Hong Kong Province.

Therefore, she could only go to Jiangling City by herself.

Zhao Ying listened to Mu Yinhua's words and knew her situation, so she could only nod helplessly.

"Be careful on the road. Your Grandpa Zhao also returned to Jiangling City some time ago. You can go and see him."

"Let him help introduce me, maybe I can meet Xiao Shao smoothly."


Mu Yinhua nodded and left quickly, heading towards the airport.


Dongzhou Province, Jiangling City.

After Xiao Jiang sent Yu Yu to kindergarten, he returned to the villa and sat alone in the backyard.

His eyes fell on the peach tree.

This peach tree had been planted when he moved into the villa, and it was growing quite lushly.

He planned to make this peach tree the center of the formation.

The peach tree is known as the"dragon-subduing wood" and is the best thing to ward off evil spirits. It has the ability to absorb spiritual energy. If it is used as the center of the formation, it will be perfect.

In the world of cultivation, there are many sects that like to use peach trees as the center of the formation when refining the spirit gathering formation.

However, their peach trees are all spirits, which are tens of thousands of times better than the peach tree in front of them. It's just that in a place like the earth where spiritual energy is scarce, it is already very difficult to refine the spirit gathering formation. What else do you need?

After a while.

Xiao Jiang came to the front of the peach tree, lightly tapped his right foot, and a basic formation began to spread around with the peach tree as the center.

Finally, the entire villa was completely covered.

The next second, Xiao Jiang gently waved his right hand, and hundreds of top-grade chalcedony flew out. The moment these top-grade chalcedony approached the peach tree, they instantly exploded and turned into countless powders.

These powders were all absorbed by the peach tree. I don’t know if it was an illusion, but after absorbing hundreds of top-grade chalcedony, it seemed to be a little higher than before.

Under Xiao Jiang’s control, the spirit gathering array gradually began to form, and the spiritual energy of the entire Jiangling City began to gather towards this villa.

"I haven't felt this way for a long time." Xiao Jiang felt the richer spiritual energy, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The peach tree was also madly absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy. With the blessing of these rich spiritual energies, it would probably become a spirit within a hundred years.

Xiao Jiang looked at the peach tree and smiled faintly:"After you become a spirit, I may have the strength to return to the world of cultivation. When the time comes, I will take you with me!"

As if it could understand Xiao Jiang's words, a peach blossom on the peach tree fell, right into the palm of Xiao Jiang's right hand.

"Have you already begun to develop spiritual intelligence? I hope you can succeed."

After Xiao Jiang finished speaking, just as he was about to sit cross-legged under the peach tree to practice, he suddenly received a call from Zhao Yuanlong.

Mr. Zhao, you suddenly called at this time, is there something going on?

Thinking of this, he answered the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao, is there a time?"

"Mr. Xiao, I'm coming to see you now. Is it convenient?"


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