Seeing this situation, Zhao Yuanlong shook his head helplessly and quickly helped Mu Yinhua up.

"If I had known this would happen, why did I do it in the first place?"

"Forget it, I will tell you the location of Young Master Xiao, but as for whether you can persuade him, it all depends on your own strength."

After that, Zhao Yuanlong told them the location of Xiao Jiang.

Hearing that it was the castle, the brother and sister quickly left the Zhao family manor and rushed towards the castle.

Zhao Ying also followed.

Zhao Qianwei stayed beside Zhao Yuanlong and asked,"Grandpa, do you think they can persuade Young Master Xiao?"

In her impression, Xiao Jiang was a man full of arrogance. It would be difficult to invite him back again after Mu Anxiang said those words before!

"I don't know. It depends on their own strength."

Zhao Yuanlong was too lazy to care. He walked towards the second floor with a cane.

Zhao Qianwei nodded when she heard it. She didn't think about it anymore. She sat on the sofa and watched the TV program silently.

On the other side, in the castle.

A room decorated in pink, with furry dolls everywhere, and many Barbie dolls. It was a little girl's room.

Yuyu was lying on the soft little bed. Because she played everywhere during the day, she fell asleep in the bed before long.

Xiao Jiang sat on the edge of the bed and slowly got up. When he was about to leave, Butler Xu tiptoed in.

"Young Master Xiao, someone from the Mu family is here and says they have something urgent to discuss with you!"

"By the way, Mr. Zhao Ying, you are here with me this time. If you don’t want to see them, I can ask them to leave!"

Butler Xu knew that his immediate boss was Xiao Jiang, not Zhao Ying, so he naturally didn’t have much respect for Zhao Ying.

"The three of them came over. It seems that the man really can't hold on for much longer."

Xiao Jiang looked at Butler Xu and said,"Take me over to have a look."


Butler Xu immediately led Xiao Jiang to a very luxurious reception room.

Inside the reception room, Zhao Ying, Mu Anxiang and Mu Yinhua were waiting anxiously, and none of them had the heart to drink the hot tea in front of them.

"You three, why are you here so late? I guess it's because the patient is dying."

A sudden voice instantly attracted their attention, and they all looked at Xiao Jiang.

Xiao Jiang sat in the main seat with a calm face, and Butler Xu immediately brought him a cup of hot tea.

He didn't care about the three people's gazes, and drank the cup of hot tea leisurely.

""Mr. Xiao, please save my dad!" Mu Yinhua was the first to plead.

Xiao Jiang was unmoved. He still looked at them coldly without any answer.

The atmosphere fell into dead silence for a while.

Seeing this situation, Mu Anxiang knew that he came to beg Xiao Jiang, but he still couldn't help but said:"This castle was given to you by Uncle Zhao. You just want to save my father. If there is any problem, why are you still making excuses here!"

"Didn't I say a few words to you at that time? Is there any need for you to be so petty?"

"If you feel it's not okay, I apologize to you here, I'm sorry!"

It was obviously an apology, but it sounded like an order to Xiao Jiang.

It was in sharp contrast to Mu Yinhua's attitude just now.

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Ying felt something was wrong, and thought to himself: An Xiang, your EQ is too low, how can you apologize like this?

He always thought that Mu Anxiang had a high IQ, but he didn't expect that his nephew's EQ was so low.

This was not asking for help, it was obviously an order to Xiao Jiang.

Xiao Jiang frowned slightly, put down the teacup, looked at Mu Anxiang with a smile, and asked:"You said that this castle was given to me by the Zhao family, and I must obey the orders of the Zhao family?"


Mu Anxiang was frightened by Xiao Jiang's powerful aura and was unable to speak confidently.

"Well then, I will return this castle to the Zhao family, so are you satisfied with this agreement?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent.

Xiao Jiang was about to get up and leave after drinking the hot tea in his cup.

Seeing this, Zhao Ying stood up hurriedly and said with an apologetic smile:"Mr. Xiao, don't mind, this is not what your nephew meant!"

"This castle was given to you by my father. It has nothing to do with me or the Zhao family."

"We came here to ask you to save my good friend. As long as you agree, we, the Zhao family and the Mu family, can do anything within our capacity to help you!"

He spoke much more gently than Mu Anxiang, and his tone was full of pleading.

Xiao Jiang threw a pill to them and said in a calm voice:"Give it to the patient, it can extend his life for a few days."

"As for whether I am willing to save them, it depends on whether I have the time. Butler Xu, please ask them to leave."

After saying that, he put his hands behind his back and gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

Butler Xu smiled politely and said,"Three of you, it's getting late, please leave, we are about to close!"

Zhao Ying looked at the pill in his hand. He knew that Xiao Jiang did not choose to forgive them.

However, based on what Mu Anxiang said just now, giving them a pill was already very tolerant.

""Uncle Zhao, is this pill really useful?" Mu Yinhua asked immediately.

Zhao Ying shook her head slightly and held the pill:"Let's give it a try. Do we have any other options now?"

"" Okay, alright."

The three of them left the castle under the escort of Butler Xu.

About twenty minutes later, they returned to the Mu family villa and entered the ward.

Alec heard the door open, but did not see Xiao Jiang. He sneered,"Why, that Chinese medicine kid didn't come over? Is it because he was afraid?"

"No, he gave me a pill, saying it could temporarily suppress cancer cells and extend my father's life for a few days."

Mu Yinhua answered on behalf of his brother, took the pill from Zhao Ying, came to the bedside, opened his father's mouth, and fed the pill down.

Alec, as a leader in Western medicine, couldn't help laughing when he heard that the pill could inhibit the spread of cancer cells.

"Pills? Are they the pills that your group of warlocks in Yanxia made from various minerals?"

"Normal people taking this kind of pill would put a heavy burden on their bodies, let alone your father's current condition."

"I bet that as long as the patient takes this pill, within ten minutes, the patient will lose his breath!"

He said with great certainty. In his impression, Yanxia pills are made of various complex minerals.

As the pill entered the patient's abdomen, its medicinal properties began to spread in the body.

In just a few minutes, the patient's originally pale face began to show a few red spots, and his breath began to calm down.

The detection instrument next to him showed that the patient was close to returning to normal.

"How... How is this possible!" Alec saw this scene, his eyes were full of disbelief!

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