Xiao Jiang watched Ke Zhishang throw a punch, and he dodged it easily by slightly turning his body.

Ke Zhishang's fist hit the big pillar in front of him, and a huge hole appeared in the cement pillar, and the whole martial arts hall was shaking.

"If you are a man, fight me face to face, don't hide like a mouse!"

As his body grew larger and strengthened its various values, it also restricted his range of movement. This martial arts hall was too narrow!

After several attacks, when he was unable to attack Xiao Jiang, Ke Zhishang punched the ceiling open, connecting the first and second floors. The innocent Guo Weicai and Huo Gu, the group of guys, looked at the concrete blocks falling from above and quickly looked for cover to hide.

"Ahem, ahem, how could this fight affect me?" Guo Weicai carried the table and quickly moved away from this place of trouble, fearing that he would be accidentally injured.

Huo Gu also evacuated quickly, holding his head.

Soon, only Xiao Jiang and Ke Zhishang were left in the huge martial arts hall.

As the space became larger, Ke Zhishang stretched his muscles a little.

He looked down at Xiao Jiang with contempt, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:"Now, let me see how you can dodge!"

In a blink of an eye, the huge body suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Guo Weicai, who was hiding outside, quickly pointed behind Xiao Jiang and reminded him:"Mr. Xiao, the guy behind you appears behind you!"

Huo Gu, who was not far away, frowned when he heard these words, and said unhappily:"Guo Weicai, aren't you going too far? You even dare to remind me outside the venue!"

While speaking, he and his younger brothers glared at Guo Weicai.

Guo Weicai put down the table and glanced at Huo Gu

"It’s none of your business, I enjoy it!"

"You!" Huo Gu pointed at Guo Weicai angrily, then smiled again:"Look, your Xiao Shao didn't react at all, and he's still standing there like a wooden stake, motionless."

""Guo Weicai, I advise you to leave now, lest Master Xu settles the score with you later!"

When Guo Weicai saw his expression, his face darkened instantly, and he looked anxiously at Xiao Jiang, muttering to himself:"Master Xiao, I've reminded you to dodge quickly. With this punch, even Superman will be turned into a meat pie!" Seeing that

Ke Zhishang's fist had already swung down quickly.

He couldn't help but close his eyes, as if he could see Xiao Jiang being smashed into a meat pie.

When Ke Zhishang couldn't help laughing when he thought that he would be able to avenge his brother soon, he suddenly froze in place.

The smile on his face was gone, and there was only shock and disbelief.

His right hand was clamped and couldn't move. Even if he used all his strength, he couldn't move for a moment.

Xiao Jiang slowly turned around and looked at him, chuckled and asked:"Why, you don't keep swinging your fist?"

For this kind of guy who uses brute force, he has a hundred ways to deal with him.

"What the fuck did you do to me?"

"It’s nothing, I just made your right arm unable to move!"

"Qi can actually be used like this!?"Ke Zhishang subconsciously thought that Xiao Jiang used Qi to bind his right arm.

Little did he know that Xiao Jiang possessed spiritual energy

, which was even more powerful than Qi! Qi and spiritual energy are essentially the same thing.

However, spiritual energy is dozens of times purer than Qi, so its power is naturally much stronger!

Xiao Jiang did not intend to explain this.

A look of determination appeared in Ke Zhishang's eyes. The next second, he gritted his teeth and tore off his right arm with his left hand.

After a brief spurt of blood, he forcibly sealed it with Qi.

He retreated several steps back and his body began to recover to its original size.

However, his momentum did not weaken, but became many times stronger than before, and his muscles became more solid.

It was as if all the strength in his body was compressed, waiting for a quarter of an hour to explode.

"I admit that I underestimated you, which caused me to lose an arm, but from now on, I will be serious."

"Let me show you my real strength!"

After the words fell, in the eyes of Guo Weicai and Huo Gu, Ke Zhishang had been staying in the same place.

However, in the next second, another Ke Zhishang appeared in front of Xiao Jiang.

"What's going on? Why are there two Ke Zhishangs?"Guo Weicai looked at him with a puzzled look on his face. He was completely stunned.

Could it be that this is the clone technique of the Sakura Country?

However, looking at Ke Zhishang, he was obviously an ancient warrior, not a Sakura Country ninja at all.

With Guo Weicai's narrow knowledge, he couldn't understand why there were two Ke Zhishangs.

Even Huo Gu, who was Ke Zhishang's boss, was confused and didn't know what was going on.

However, he knew that Ke Zhishang might win, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

There was a smug look in the corners of his eyes.

Xiao Jiang looked at Ke Zhishang who had come to him, but he knew that this was not a clone technique.

Instead, Ke Zhishang's speed was so fast that an afterimage appeared. The

"Ke Zhishang" on the original ground was just an afterimage, and the Ke Zhishang in front of him was the real body.

""Go to hell!" Ke Zhishang screamed hysterically, and he gathered all his strength in his left hand.

Without hesitation, he threw a punch at Xiao Jiang, and a threatening wind pressure came like an anti-aircraft gun.

Seeing that he was about to hit, Ke Zhishang also showed a smug smile.

However, when his fist pierced through Xiao Jiang's body, there was no feeling of penetrating the flesh, as if it was hitting the air.

Oh no, this is an afterimage!

Ke Zhishang's heart tightened, he did not expect that Xiao Jiang's speed could be so fast.

In other words, his speed was faster than his. He began to look for Xiao Jiang everywhere.���film

"No need to look for me, I'm here."Xiao Jiang stood on the beam, playing with a small stone in his hand.

The next second.

He used the power of his thumb, aimed at Ke Zhishang, and ejected it.

The flying stone was as fast as a bullet, attacking Ke Zhishang quickly.

It was obviously just a small stone, but Ke Zhishang felt a fear from the bottom of his heart.

This stone will take my life, escape, must escape!

The speed of the small stone was so fast that he had no way to leave. He could only bite the bullet and find a way to resist the small stone.

He gathered all his strength into his left arm, and his muscles began to expand and contract constantly, and finally became as stiff as steel.

""Don't even think about killing me with a small stone!" Ke Zhishang screamed hysterically.

When the small stone collided with his left arm, it was like a meteorite hitting tofu, so vulnerable.

The whole left arm turned into minced meat, and a bloody hole appeared on the chest, which was very horrifying.

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