"Cough cough cough……"Ke Zhishang lay in a pool of blood. In his dying moments, he looked in the direction of Xiao Jiang.

With blood in his mouth, he said vaguely,"Wait, I have already sent the news of my death back to my master."

"I'll wait for you on the road to the underworld!"

After saying that, Ke Zhishang sent the message and used up his last bit of strength to smash the phone.

After just a dozen seconds, he gradually lost his breath and turned into a cold corpse.

Huo Gu, who was hiding outside, saw this scene and turned around and ran away without hesitation.

However, before he ran a few meters, Guo Weicai quickly pulled out the pistol from his waist, pulled the safety, and sneered:"Run, let me see, who runs faster, you pig, or my bullet."

Huo Gu is not a powerful ancient martial artist like Ke Zhishang. He is just an ordinary person with flesh and blood. How could he not be afraid of bullets.

When he heard Guo Weicai's words, he slowly stopped and turned around with a very stiff body.

""Boss Guo, you don't have to be so cruel!"

Now, Huo Gu, who had no one to rely on, was much better than before.

Guo Wei smiled coldly, walked over slowly, and put his gun to Huo Gu's forehead.

"I still like your previous rebellious look, restore it for me"

"Hahahaha, Boss Guo, you are kidding, how dare I treat you like that!"

"Don't try to get close to me, kneel down!"

As soon as these words came out, Huo Gu knelt on the ground instantly without any hesitation.

He was really scared that if he knelt one second later, the bullet would have shot through his head.

Huo Gu's brothers also knew that the situation was over, so they raised their hands and knelt on the ground.

At this time, Xiao Jiang walked over slowly. He glanced at Huo Gu and said in a low voice:"You can handle the next thing yourself. I hope you won't let me down."

"Yes, I promise to take care of it."Guo Weicai replied quickly.

Seeing Xiao Jiang again today, his powerful and terrifying strength made him more certain in his heart, that is, he must be absolutely loyal to Xiao Jiang and do his best.

He dare not do anything to betray him.


After saying that, Xiao Jiang's figure gradually disappeared from the ground.

After Guo Wei watched Xiao Jiang leave, his eyes fell on Huo Gu again, revealing an intriguing smile.

"Boss Huo, tell me, you occupied my territory without permission. Should I settle this matter with you?"

"No, no, no, Boss Guo, I will return everything to you, I don’t want a single cent, and I will leave Pan City immediately!"

Huo Gu felt scared when he saw Guo Weicai’s smile, and he quickly spoke up.

Guo Weicai slowly helped him up, put his right hand on his shoulder, and smiled sinisterly:"That won’t do, wouldn’t my brothers all die miserably!"


Huo Gu swallowed his saliva, his body stiffened, and said in a trembling voice:"How about I give you 10 million as compensation?"

He also has his own property. Although he can take out 10 million, it will be enough to make him feel painful for a while.

However, at this time, the pain is not as great as his own life.

Guo Weicai shook his head and smiled lightly:"The lives of my younger brothers cannot be compensated with money."

"You guys, take Boss Guo down and serve him well!"

He deliberately emphasized the word"serve".

Guo Weicai's brothers understood instantly, and each of them took Huo Gu away with malicious smiles.

"Boss Guo, please let me go. I have parents and children to take care of.……"

"Guo Weicai, I'm telling you, the Xu family is behind me. If you dare to touch me, the Xu family will never let you go.……"

Whether it was soft words or threatening words,

Guo Weicai ignored Huo Gu.

Then, Guo Weicai looked at Huo Gu's group of brothers and said calmly:"Those who are willing to join can join, and those who are not willing to join can be dealt with."

His brothers have been reduced sharply recently, and he really needs to add more people.

Otherwise, if this goes on for a long time, he will be left alone! When those guys heard Guo Weicai's words, they naturally chose to surrender. Who would be willing to die?


A few days passed in the blink of an eye, in the German Empire.

At the top of the tower of Cologne Cathedral.

A white-haired old man with a summer face was sitting on the huge cross of the church.

The next second, a blonde, blue-eyed, slim woman climbed up tremblingly, looked down, and her legs almost weakened with fear.

Resisting her inner fear, she slowly crawled to the side of the white-haired old man and said,"Master Chen, your apprentice Ke Zhishang was killed in summer by a man named Xiao Jiang."

"Zhishang?"Master Chen slowly opened his eyes, a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes.

"Zhishang is gifted, but unfortunately, he does not focus on martial arts and spends all day thinking about how to make money!"

"When he reaches my level of strength, will he still be worried about being without money and power?"

The beautiful blonde nodded affirmatively after hearing Master Chen's words.

The Germanic Empire was attracted by Master Chen's strength and wanted to win him over at all costs.

Master Chen slowly stood up, exhaled, and said in a light voice:"After all, Zhishang is my only disciple. If Xiao Jiang dares to kill my disciple, he is slapping me in the face!"

"Master Chen, you are going back to your country, do you want me to book a ticket for you?"

The blonde beauty was about to take out her mobile phone to book a ticket.

Master Chen shook his head:"No need, I can walk back to Yanxia. You will take care of many things during my absence in the German Empire."

After saying that, he put his hands behind his back, flew into the air, and gradually disappeared from sight.

The blonde beauty was stunned when she heard Master Chen's words.

After a long time, she gradually reacted and twitched the corner of her mouth:"The German Empire is more than 7,000 kilometers away from Yanxia. It will take a long time to walk here.���When will it be?!"

She was shocked and couldn't help but sigh at Master Chen's strength.


At this moment in the hot summer, Yanglin Province, Pan City.

Xu Zimo has begun to overthrow Su Ruxin's branch at all costs.

However, there are obstacles from the merchants of the entire Nanzhou Province, the Zhao family of Hong Kong Province, and the Lu family of Kyoto Province, resulting in no progress after so many days.

On the contrary, more than 60% of the Pan City merchants who joined Xu Zimo's camp have completely declared bankruptcy.

The remaining group of guys are afraid that they will become the next victim, and they all begin to panic.

Only Ye Chang is sitting leisurely in the hospital ward at this moment, looking at his daughter who is getting healthier and healthier, with a kind smile on his face.

At this time, four or five middle-aged men suddenly visited, and they all came with gifts.

One of them was Zhu Yingzhe, who ridiculed Ye Chang a few days ago and did not take Xiao Jiang seriously.

He was no longer in his previous posture, but instead showed a flattering smile:"Hahaha, Mr. Ye, how are you!"

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