The next day, in the morning.

Almost all the well-known upper-class people in Pan City were sitting in a large luxurious box.

About ten minutes later.

Ye Chang walked in from outside the box and said with an apologetic smile:"I'm really sorry, because of some things, there have been some delays. I hope you don't mind."

As he said that, he sat in the main seat.

This banquet was hosted by him, so he should sit in the upper seat.

One of the middle-aged men asked:"Mr. Ye, you suddenly called us here this time. Don't you want us to join Xiao Jiang?" The fact that Ye Chang pulled them to join Xiao Jiang was no longer a secret in the upper class of Pan City.

The number of times they were invited was at least five or six times, and the most was probably more than ten times.

"If you want to pull me into Xiao Jiang's camp again, I'm sorry I can't attend this banquet!"

A man wearing glasses and looking gentle said with disdain.

His name is Zhu Yingzhe. He is the most valuable person present and has a lot of say. When others saw Zhu Yingzhe getting ready to get up and leave, they also seemed to be ready to move.

Seeing this, Ye Chang smiled lightly and said,"Why are you in such a hurry? It's not too late for you to refuse after I finish speaking, right?"

Zhu Yingzhe felt that there was some truth in it, so he sat down again.

The crowd, which was still throbbing, became quiet at this moment, and they looked at Ye Chang silently.

"The reason I called you here this time is really to invite you to join Young Master Xiao's camp!"

"Master Xiao has given me the final order. This is your last chance to join us. If you miss it, you will really miss it."

"By then, even if you beg to join, you won't have a chance!"

However, these words did not make them fall into deep thought. Instead, they caused a burst of laughter. They had never taken Xiao Jiang seriously.

Among them, Zhu Yingzhe laughed the loudest.

"Hahaha, do you think we will join your camp?"

"Still begging to join, it's so funny, even if I starve to death, I will never choose to betray Master Xu and join Xiao Jiang, that arrogant and incompetent guy!"

After saying that, Zhu Yingzhe got up and left without hesitation.

When he walked to the door of the room, he suddenly stopped and reminded:"Ye Chang, I advise you, it's best to leave Xiao Jiang now and return to Master Xu!"

This time after saying that, he really left.

Ye Chang listened to Zhu Yingzhe's words, his face was extremely gloomy, and his whole face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

If Master Xiao is an incompetent person, what am I?

Zhu Yingzhe was not only scolding Xiao Jiang, but also Ye Chang.

After a long time.

Ye Chang reluctantly adjusted his mentality, looked at the remaining group of people, and asked:"If you don't want to join, you can also choose to leave at this time."

As soon as these words came out, they left one after another as if there were needles on the bench.

In less than three minutes

, Ye Chang was the only one left in the huge box.

Ye Chang was not very surprised by this result. In fact, he had expected this result when he came here.

However, it made him feel very angry.

A large number of people here had received help from him, but now, surprisingly, no one was willing to follow him.

"Forget it, I've tried my best."Ye Chang shook his head helplessly, got up and left the box, walked towards the hospital, and looked at his daughter.


At the same time, in Pan City, inside a martial arts hall,

Guo Weicai looked at Huo Gu who had arrived late, but he didn't pay much attention to him. His eyes fell on the man who was following Huo Gu and wearing a white training suit.

His face suddenly became more serious.

"Guo Weicai, you actually dare to challenge me to a fight, you are quite courageous!"

"What, are you planning to leave Pan City and develop somewhere else after you lose the remaining territory to me?"

Huo Gu smiled coldly, and then said:"Tsk tsk tsk tsk, I have to admire your courage. You said you would leave, so I would be embarrassed to accept your remaining territory."

"Humph!" Guo Weicai snorted coldly and said in a cold voice:"Who said that I am leaving and giving you the territory?"

"If you don't leave, then you plan to let these ugly people fight?"

Huo Gu covered his stomach and laughed.

Many of his younger brothers behind him also laughed.

Such contemptuous laughter filled the entire martial arts hall.

Guo Weicai and his younger brothers' faces turned pale in an instant, and their hands were clenched and creaked.

"Okay, let's get started, I'm in a hurry to do other things."

Huo Gu looked at the man beside him and said in awe:"Master Ke, this time, I trouble you again!"

"No problem, I'll take your money, so I'll do things for you!"

The so-called"Master Ke" slowly came to the center of the martial arts hall, looking at Guo Weicai and others with contempt.

"Who of you will come up? I want to save time!"

Guo Wei heard his words and sneered,"Who said that it is my group of little brothers who are fighting with you?"

"That is?"

""Master Xiao, I'll leave the rest in your hands!"

Guo Weicai and his group of younger brothers respectfully made way for them.

At this time, everyone saw that Xiao Jiang was sitting on a throne, listening to their words quietly.

Master Ke looked at Xiao Jiang in front of him and was shocked: I didn't even feel any breath from this person at such a close distance.

It seems that he is a master!

Thinking of this, his face became solemn for the first time in history.

The moment Huo Gu saw Xiao Jiang, he almost subconsciously shouted:"Xiao Jiang!!!""

""What, you are Xiao Jiang!" Master Ke heard Huo Gu's words and looked at the man in front of him who looked only in his twenties with surprise.

Soon, this surprise turned into anger and hatred!

Xiao Jiang put his hands behind his back, walked up to him and asked,"Do you know me?"

"More than knowing you, I want to kill you as a blood sacrifice for my brother!"

At this point, Master Ke's aura suddenly surged, and veins on his forehead bulged.

"Your brother?" Xiao Jiang didn't have any impression.

Master Ke suppressed his inner anger and said coldly:"Ke Qisheng, that is the ancient warrior you killed a few days ago, he is my brother!"

"I'm his brother, Ke Zhishang!"

Ke Zhishang's eyes were full of murderous intent, and his muscles began to swell continuously.

In about a minute, his body was more than two meters tall, and he looked strong and muscular, and his surging muscles looked so terrifying.

Xiao Jiang looked at Ke Zhishang's situation and said in a calm voice:"You are indeed much stronger than your brother!"

"However, in my eyes, he is at most a strong ant, not even a mantis!"

His words were filled with endless arrogance, and he did not take Ke Zhishang seriously at all.

But Xiao Jiang had enough strength to be arrogant.

Hearing this, Ke Zhishang's face darkened, and he suddenly raised his right fist and roared:"Arrogant boy, take my punch!"

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