Xu Can looked at his cousin in front of him with a bit of sneer.

Xu Zimo was almost furious at his cousin's sarcasm and said angrily:"None of your business, keep your mouth shut!"

He didn't like his cousin since he was a child, and could even be said to hate him.

Xu Can has been very outstanding since he was a child, and he has always been better than Xu Zimo. There is even a saying in Kyoto Province: If Xu Can is a direct descendant, he may be the next generation head of the Xu family!

For this reason, Xu Zimo, who was obviously supported as a trainee, hated his cousin very much.

Compared with his cousin's anger, Xu Can behaved very calmly. He smiled lightly and said:"Why are you in a hurry? I can help you deal with Xiao Jiang, you should be happy."

"I need your help? What a joke, you bastard, shut up!"

"So, your method is to injure the enemy by a thousand and yourself by ten thousand?"

He heard clearly what Xu Zimo said in the office just now.

It is estimated that only his cousin can think of such a stupid method.

Upon hearing this, Xu Zimo picked up the teacup on the table and threw it at Xu Can's feet, and said in a deep voice:"Xu Can, watch your attitude when talking to me, I am the next generation head of the Xu family!"

"You are not qualified to tell me what to do with your identity!"

He used his identity to force Xu Can.

Xu Can's smiling face gradually disappeared. Xu

Zimo noticed this, snorted coldly, turned around and left, no longer paying attention to this guy.

As the office door was just closed,

"That damn bastard actually dared to use his status to suppress me!"

""Wait, you wait, I want to see how long you can keep jumping around!"

Xu Can was so angry that his fingernails were about to dig into his flesh, and his eyes flashed with a sinister look.


Oasis International Hotel, Presidential Suite.

After leaving the patrol station, Xiao Jiang returned to this place and called Li Yaxian to report that he was safe so that she wouldn't worry.

He sat on the single sofa, looking at Guo Weicai and Ye Chang who were sitting opposite him.

Ye Chang looked at Xiao Jiang who remained quiet. The invisible sense of oppression made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Not only him, Guo Weicai also had this feeling.

Finally, Ye Chang couldn't bear it anymore and asked,"Mr. Xiao, you suddenly called the two of us over. Is there something wrong?"

Xiao Jiang slowly picked up a cup of hot tea and asked in a calm voice,"Mr. Ye, how about handling the thing I asked you to help with before?"

"They couldn't win over anyone. They were all afraid of Xu Zimo's majesty, and at the same time, they were unwilling to give up the huge benefits of the Xu family."

Ye Chang shook his head helplessly and sighed.

It turned out that when Ye Chang joined Xiao Jiang's camp, he was arranged by Xiao Jiang to win over other prominent people in Pan City.

However, those guys seemed to be afraid of the power of the Xu family and did not dare to choose to resist, so no one was willing to agree to Ye Chang.

Without completing the task, Ye Chang did not contact Xiao Jiang for a long time to report the situation.

"It doesn't matter, you go and ask them one last time. If they still don't agree, forget it."

Xiao Jiang originally wanted to use the power of Pan City to disintegrate the Xu family's foundation in Yanglin Province one by one.

If Ye Chang still can't persuade those guys successfully.

He can only mobilize the power of the entire Nanzhou Province to gradually occupy Pan City, but it will be much more difficult to say this.

Ye Chang heard Xiao Jiang's words and nodded without saying anything.

The next second.

Xiao Jiang's eyes fell on Guo Weicai.

Guo Weicai felt Xiao Jiang's gaze and sat up straight instantly

"Huo Gu, you know this guy, right?"

After hearing Xiao Jiang's words, Guo Weicai immediately nodded and replied,"I know him. This guy is Xu Zimo's recently supported younger brother. He is competing with me for territory."

"I have a lot of territories, but he has taken them all away."

When mentioning this guy, Guo Weicai's eyes were filled with anger, and he wanted to tear him into pieces.

How could he not be angry when the business he had worked so hard to build was taken over by Huo Gu?

"I want you to completely master the entire underground world of Pan City within a week. Do you have the confidence to do so?"

Xiao Jiang's tone was very cold, as if he was talking about something very ordinary.

"One week to take back the territory from Huo Gu?"Guo Weicai's anger suddenly faded, and he became a little cowardly.

"What is the problem?"

"Hey, Master Xiao, let me be frank. Huo Gu has a very strong subordinate who can deal with more than 20 of us by himself. It’s really terrifying!"

As he spoke, Guo Weicai’s eyes gradually became lonely, and then he said:"Several of my capable subordinates were beaten to death by that guy, which led to the continuous shrinking of my territory." As soon as these words came out, Xiao Jiang aroused a hint of interest.

Xiao Jiang couldn’t help but ask:"What’s the name of that guy?"

"I don't know. When I sent people to investigate, they couldn't find out anything."

Guo Weicai shook his head helplessly.

He spent a lot of money and manpower to investigate the guy next to Huo Gu, but found nothing.

The guy just appeared out of thin air in Yanxia.

Xiao Jiang tapped the table with his right hand and did not reply to Guo Weicai immediately.

"Guo Weicai, go challenge Huo Gu to a fight!"

"Invite...invite to fight?" Guo Weicai thought there was something wrong with his ears and looked at Xiao Jiang in disbelief.

He knew his men quite well. Just relying on those few misfits, more than a hundred of them would probably not be enough to beat that guy.

This invitation to fight was not just to give away lives and territory.

Xiao Jiang looked at Guo Weicai's reaction and said calmly:"I will fight for you, what are you hesitating about?"

"What? Master Xiao, you personally help me?!"

""Oh?" Xiao Jiang looked at him with a smile, and asked:"It seems that Guo Weicai has found a suitable candidate and doesn't need me?"

As soon as these words came out, Guo Weicai felt a chill on his back, and he knelt on the ground hurriedly, explaining:"No, no, it's my honor that Xiao Shao can fight for me!"

Although he was frightened by Xiao Jiang, he still couldn't help but feel excited.

With Xiao Shao personally taking action, that guy is just an ant, and can be crushed to death with ease!

Thinking of this, Guo Weicai lowered his head and inadvertently revealed an excited smile.

It seems that at this moment, he can imagine Huo Gu's frustrated look.

"Okay, you two, hurry up and get ready."


Ye Chang and Guo Weicai quickly stood up and left.

Xiao Jiang looked at their backs and murmured,"It's almost time to close the net completely."

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