Yanglin Province, Pan City, Patrol Police Bureau.

A middle-aged man with a square face was sitting in his office when he suddenly received a call. After a short communication, the middle-aged man was the director of the patrol police bureau: Yu Tonghua!

His calm demeanor suddenly began to show a hint of panic, followed by sweating profusely.

After the call ended, he wiped his sweat with a tissue and murmured,"What kind of power does Xiao Jiang have? Such a thing can actually alarm the General War Zone!" What is the General War Zone? It is the highest-level war zone department in the entire Yanxia.

Unexpectedly, it would alarm that place.

If this matter is not handled properly, he is very likely to step down from this position.

Thinking of this, Yu Tonghua quickly called someone and asked hurriedly,"Is that Xiao Jiang still in the detention center?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Let him out quickly. Wait, I'd better go there myself!"

After saying that, Yu Tonghua quickly left his office and walked towards the detention center.

At the same time,

Xiao Jiang was sitting in the detention center when he suddenly heard a commotion.

Hmm? How could someone come at this time?

He raised his eyelids slightly in confusion, only to see several patrolmen coming in, including a middle-aged man with a square face.

""Mr. Xiao, you can come out now. Everything before was a misunderstanding!" Yu Tonghua hurriedly smiled and immediately opened the iron door of the detention center and personally opened the handcuffs for Xiao Jiang.

Xiao Jiang looked at Yu Tonghua in front of him and understood instantly.

It seems that it was Mr. Zhao and Mr. Lu. They have already dealt with it.

I owe them another favor.

Thinking of this, he stretched his muscles a little.

"Hahaha, it was all misunderstanding before, it's all their fault that they arrested you without investigating anything clearly."

Yu Tonghua's attitude was very sincere, for he was afraid that Xiao Jiang would make a fuss about it.

He must not provoke anyone who could alarm the General War Zone.

In his heart, he cursed Xu Zimo more than ten times for provoking such a big shot.

Xiao Jiang did not care too much. He stretched his muscles, turned around and left the patrol station.

Yu Tonghua breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

A patrolman looked at Xiao Jiang's departing back and asked worriedly,"Chief Yu, will Young Master Xu be unhappy if we let Xiao Jiang go like this?"

"Xu Zimo, is he considered a thing?" Yu Tonghua snorted disdainfully and said coldly,"So what if he's unhappy? If he has any objections, just come to me!""

"Our patrol police station is not his backyard where he can command us at will!"

After saying that, Yu Tonghua turned around and left without hesitation.


Only about an hour after Xiao Jiang left, the news quickly reached Xu Zimo's ears.

Xu Zimo threw the document he had just processed out and said angrily,"Damn it, that Yu Tonghua actually dared to let Xiao Jiang go without my consent!"

""Mr. Xu, do you want to call to confirm?" The female secretary asked cautiously while hiding aside.

Xu Zimo heard the female secretary's words, hesitated for a moment, and nodded slightly:"Call quickly, I want to see what Yu Tonghua is doing!"

The female secretary immediately made a quick call.

In less than half a minute, the call was ended. She raised her head slowly with an ugly expression. For a moment, she didn't know how to reply to Xu Zimo.

"Tell me, how did Yu Tonghua answer you?"

"He said... He said……"After adjusting her mentality, the female secretary said,"He said that the Patrol Police Station is not your backyard, and there is no need to listen to your words."

"Also, he said that if you have any opinions, you can go to him in person and he will talk to you face to face."

"After that, he hung up the phone and blocked me."After the female secretary finished speaking, she quickly lowered her head and closed her eyes, as if she could already imagine Xu Zimo's angry expression.

Sure enough, Xu Zimo overturned the office, stomped on the computer screen, and roared:"Damn it, you actually dared to disobey our Xu family's orders, you are so bold!"

"Notify everyone that I will completely ban Su Ruxin's company at any cost, even if it means losing money!" Xu Zimo failed to kill Xiao Jiang several times, and this time he wanted to make Xiao Jiang bear a false charge, but he was actually let go by Yu Tonghua himself. This made Xu Zimo completely blinded by anger.

At this moment, his mind was full of how to deal with Xiao Jiang, and he no longer cared about the interests of the company.

The female secretary heard Xu Zimo's words and showed some difficulty on her face:"Mr. Xu, if we ban Su Ruxin's branch at all costs, the price may be a bit too high!"

"Many of our companies and partner companies may go bankrupt because of this!"

Su Ruxin branch is supported by its parent company. If Xiao Jiang knows about this, the entire Nanzhou Province will take action.

In this way, it is bound to cause huge losses.

By then, the group of younger brothers under his command will definitely be unsettled.

After all, they are all out to do business and make money. Who is used as a scapegoat for you?

This is also what the female secretary is most worried about.

Before, Xu Zimo was also worried about this, so he did not kill Su Ruxin branch.

However, at this moment, Xu Zimo's eyes were covered by anger. How could he think so much?

"Shut up and just do what I tell you!"

"But……"The female secretary noticed Xu Zimo's murderous gaze, and she swallowed the words she wanted to say.


She finally had no choice but to compromise, holding a pile of documents and quickly leaving the office, and carefully closing the door.

Xu Zimo looked sideways at the overturned table on the ground, exhaled lightly, and slowly sat on a sofa.

Just when he was about to close his eyes to relieve his inner anger, the door suddenly opened.

"Didn't your parents teach you to knock on the door when you come in?"Xu Zimo shouted in displeasure.

"Your aunt and uncle didn't teach me this!"

A handsome man in a white suit and a slicked-back hair said with a smile on his face.

"Xu Can? How come you suddenly came to this place from Kyoto Province?"

Xu Zimo looked at Xu Can in front of him with an unhappy face.

Xu Can, Xu Zimo's cousin, was the son of his aunt, and his father was a proper son-in-law, so he did not take his father's surname, but the Xu family surname.

"The news of your being played by a guy named Xiao Jiang has spread to Kyoto Province and has been ridiculed by the young generation."

"In order to prevent you from bringing discredit to the Xu family, Grandpa arranged for me to come and take your place!"

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