"What, you want me to go there in person?"

Xu Zimo's face darkened instantly, and he looked at the patrolman in front of him with great displeasure.

The patrolman sighed helplessly. He didn't dare to offend Xiao Jiang over there, and he couldn't afford to offend Xu Zimo here.

Finally, a middle-aged man with a big belly suddenly came in front of Xu Zimo and said with an apologetic smile:"Mr. Xu, why are you fussing over a prisoner?"

"That so-called Xiao Jiang is going to be convicted anyway, why are you angry with him?"

This middle-aged man is Xu Zimo's new younger brother, Huo Gu.

This guy is specially used to fight against Guo Weicai.

The underground world must be controlled by him personally and cannot fall into Xiao Jiang's hands!

Xu Zimo listened to Huo Gu's words and felt that there was some truth in it.

"Okay, then you accompany me to meet the prisoner!"


Huo Gu said with a flattering smile.

Immediately, the two of them walked towards the detention center. When they arrived, they found Xiao Jiang sitting on the bed, looking at them calmly, and his younger brother was still fanning him, enjoying it.

"Young Master Xu actually has time to come and see me."

Seeing how Xiao Jiang treated him and hearing his words, Xu Zimo's face darkened instantly, and he said coldly,"I just came here to see your last proud look."

"I hope that when you become a prisoner and are locked up in jail, you can still laugh out loud!"

"I hope your dream will come true!" Xiao Jiang yawned, not taking him seriously at all.

Xu Zimo's teeth were clattering and his hands were clenched into fists.

Huo Gu noticed this scene and quickly flattered him,"Mr. Xu, don't be angry, I will help you deal with him."

"I'll leave it to you, don't let me down!" Xu Zimo put his hands behind his back, his face looking extremely ugly.

"I promise I won't."

After receiving Xu Zimo's order, Huo Gu sneered.

Xiao Jiang's eyes fell on him and said in a low voice:"You'd better think it over before you plan to help Xu Zimo."

"Who do you think you are? You are not even worth a finger of Master Xu. What else do I need to consider?" Huo Gu said with contempt.

When Xu Zimo heard this, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he looked at Xiao Jiang with a smug look.

Xiao Jiang supported his head with his right hand, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Catch this guy out, I'm going to teach him a lesson!"

As Huo Gu gave an order, the two younger brothers who followed him rushed in quickly and were about to arrest Xiao Jiang.

The people in the detention room immediately blocked Xiao Jiang's way and looked at them with hostility.

"You, don't you want to live?!"

Seeing this group of scum dare to disobey in public, Huo Gu's face became extremely ugly.

Xiao Jiang waved his right hand and sneered:"Let them come over and see if they can catch me."

After hearing Xiao Jiang's words, the group of people reluctantly made way.

Seeing Xiao Jiang who understood the situation, Huo Gu's face looked a little better:"You are more sensible, I will show some mercy"

"Catch him out!"

The two brothers nodded and went in quickly.

But when they were less than three meters away from Xiao Jiang, they suddenly couldn't move.

After just a few seconds, their bodies began to lose control.

"My hands are out of my control……"

"I am the same, what on earth is going on here!"

The two of them were very confused and kept slapping themselves, and the sound echoed throughout the detention center.

"You actually dared to beat someone up in the patrol station, you're so brave!"

Huo Gu's expression at this moment was almost exactly the same as Xu Zimo's, with no difference at all.

"With your eye, did you see that I was hitting them?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar.

It seemed that it was true, the two guys were slapping themselves, and it had nothing to do with Xiao Jiang.

Seeing that it was almost time, Xiao Jiang gently waved his right hand, and the two instantly regained control of their bodies.

They covered their painful cheeks, and without caring about their big brother, they quickly fled from this place, fearing that the same thing would happen again.

Seeing this, Huo Gu looked around and looked at his subordinate.

However, they all lowered their heads tacitly, and no one was willing to go in. Going in would be purely to seek abuse, so whoever is willing to go, let them go.

"You are all my good subordinates. Since no one is willing to go in and catch him, I will go myself!"

Huo Gu snorted coldly. When he just entered the detention room, he noticed Xiao Jiang's half-smile and half-smile expression, and his heart suddenly began to panic.

The hair on his body stood up, his hands and feet were cold, and he swallowed his saliva involuntarily.

"Cough cough cough~" Huo Gu pretended to be calm, coughed a few times, and said:"I have a cold today, it's not easy to catch him, so forget it.!"

After saying that, he hurriedly retreated to Xu Zimo's side, probably because he was scared away by Xiao Jiang.

Xu Zimo was slightly stunned, and soon glared at Huo Gu, saying unhappily:"A bunch of trash, I might as well raise a dog than train a guy like you!"

Huo Gu lowered his head and did not dare to look up. Even if Xu Zimo insulted him, he did not dare to go in.

"You wait!"

After Xu Zimo said this harsh word, he left quickly.

Huo Gu and others followed him immediately, not daring to stay for a moment.

Xiao Jiang saw them leave, lay down on the bed again, and closed his eyes to rest.


At the same time, in Nanzhou Province, Jiangling City.

Han Zhuang had arrived at the gate of Zhao's manor. After explaining his purpose to the security guard, he was soon invited in.

He looked at such a magnificent decoration and was surprised: I didn't expect that Xiao Shao actually knew such a person. It seems that I must hold on to Xiao Shao's thigh.

It seems that becoming rich in the future is no longer a dream.

The more he thought about it, the more certain he was that he had to join Xiao Jiang.

Zhao Yuanlong and Lu Deyuan were sitting at a stone table. When they saw Han Zhuang coming, they smiled and said,"You are Xiao Shao, sent by���?"

""Yes!" Han Zhuang immediately lowered his head, not daring to look at such a big shot.

The next second

, he quickly told the two of them everything.

Zhao Yuanlong heard this and nodded slightly:"It's similar to what the girl named Li Yaxian said. Young Master Xiao was really arrested and taken to the patrol station."

"However, I didn't expect that Xu Zimo would want to frame Xiao Shao with a false charge."

Anger could not help but appear in his eyes.

Lu Deyuan looked at Han Zhuang and said,"I have already dealt with this matter. I believe the patrol station has received the news."

"Bullshit, it was clearly my help, how did it become your credit?"

"Hahaha, we are old friends, why do you still care about this little credit? What's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine!"

"If you say so, give me the white jade crown that Young Master Xiao gave you before. Anyway, yours is also mine!"

"No, you are greedy!"

Unconsciously, the two old men suddenly quarreled.

Han Zhuang stood there helplessly, not knowing whether to leave or stay. He thought to himself: At least let me leave first, and you guys continue to quarrel, right?

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