The man clenched his fist and walked slowly towards Xiao Jiang.

Just as he was about to throw a punch, an invisible force clamped his right arm, preventing him from throwing the punch at Xiao Jiang.

Seeing this, Xiao Jiang smiled and said,"Why, you don't want to continue hitting me?"

""Asshole, what did you do to my right hand?" The man roared almost like a roar.

He thought that since his right arm was useless, he would use his left hand.

As a result, he just swung his left fist and was clamped again.

The next second, both arms began to twist, slowly like a twist.

"Ah, stop it, stop it now……"

The man knelt on the ground, screaming hysterically:"I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't have done that to you, please spare my life!"

The others were so frightened when they saw this scene that they dared not breathe.

Xiao Jiang glanced at the man, and with a flick of his right hand, he untied his hands, but threw him out and hit the iron pole.

The loud noise startled several patrolmen, who quickly came over.

""What happened?" A patrolman immediately asked.

Everyone's eyes subconsciously looked at Xiao Jiang who was leisurely.

The patrolmen immediately realized that something was wrong, walked towards the man and asked:"Did he beat you like this?"

"No, no, I just fell down accidentally!"The man was really scared by Xiao Jiang and didn't dare to identify him.

Others also echoed and said that the man just fell down accidentally.

"Are you sure you fell like this?" The patrolman's face was full of disbelief.

Who would have their arms twisted into knots after falling?

The man was extremely impatient and said in a cold voice:"Are you annoying? I said I fell like this, and I fell like this."

"How about you guys falling like this too?"

The patrolmen looked at each other and didn't say anything else. They had to leave tactfully.

However, before leaving, they couldn't help but look at Xiao Jiang a few more times. He had just arrived here, but he was able to subdue these guys. It seems that he really has some skills.

"This Xiao Jiang was someone that Xu Shao specifically instructed to be taken care of, but, on the first day he came in, he became the boss. How can he be taken care of?"

"Let him stay here, it won't be long anyway."

"That's right, let him enjoy a few more days of good life, there will be no more in the future."

As they talked, they walked outside.

Their voices were very low, but unfortunately they all fell into Xiao Jiang's ears.

Sure enough, as I expected, it was that guy Xu Zimo who was behind the scenes.

Thinking of this, he looked at the man and shouted,"Come here!"

"Hey, hey, Mr. Xiao, do you have any instructions?"

"May I have your name?"

""I am Han Zhuang, if you don't mind, you can just call me Zhuangzi."

Han Zhuang endured the pain and said in a very flattering way.

Xiao Jiang nodded slightly and asked:"Xu Zimo, why did you take me to the patrol station?"

"Could it be that I just want you to beat me up?"

"No, no!" Han Zhuang hurriedly shook his head and explained:"Mr. Xu...Xu Zimo, that guy, he wants to pin the crime of molesting women on you."

"He will ruin your reputation, and then use his connections to let you stay in there for a few more years!"

This method is extremely sinister, and he actually plans to directly destroy Xiao Jiang's reputation.

When Xiao Jiang heard this plan, he said indifferently:"So, no matter whether I have committed a crime or not, he will force the crime on me?"


"Very good, if you can’t kill me with assassins or sorcerers, then use this method."

Xiao Jiang had a smile on his face, but murderous intent was hidden in his eyes.

The temperature around him seemed to drop a few degrees.

Han Zhuang and the others were trembling with fear, their hands and feet were cold, and they looked at Xiao Jiang with fear in their eyes.

Almost at the same time, an idea flashed through their minds, that is: absolutely, you must not provoke Xiao Jiang.

Otherwise, you might not even know how you died.

After a moment,

Xiao Jiang threw a pill to Han Zhuang and said,"Swallow this pill, it can heal your arms."

Han Zhuang took the pill and swallowed it without hesitation.

After the pill entered his stomach, within a few seconds, his arms that had been twisted into a knot actually turned back in an instant and healed successfully.

"It's OK, and all the pain is gone!" Han Zhuang looked at his arms in surprise, with an extremely excited expression on his face.

He thought that his arms would be like this in this life.

Unexpectedly, they could recover.

When he looked at Xiao Jiang, his eyes were full of endless awe.

Xiao Jiang looked at him and said in a calm voice:"If I'm not mistaken, you can get out soon"

"Yes, Xu Zimo only arranged for me to stay here for a day, saying that he wanted to teach you a lesson, and then he would let me go."

Han Zhuang smiled awkwardly and touched the back of his head.

Xiao Jiang nodded slightly:"When you get out, go directly to Jiangling City, Nanzhou Province, and find the Zhao family, and say that I asked you to find them."

"Yes, yes, I will definitely complete the task."

Han Zhuang is now full of awe for Xiao Jiang, and will naturally do his best to complete this task.


The next morning,

Han Zhuang was released as scheduled. When he left, he looked at his younger brother in the detention center and said,"Take good care of Xiao Shao. If anything goes wrong,"

"I told you to go into the hospital as soon as you come out."

The others heard Han Zhuang's words and replied in unison:"Don't worry, brother."

Han Zhuang nodded slightly, and after saying goodbye to Xiao Jiang, he quickly left the patrol station.

After leaving the patrol station, he followed Xiao Jiang's order and quickly went to Jiangling City, Nanzhou Province. Twenty minutes later.

Xiao Jiang was lying on the bed leisurely, and several younger brothers were fanning him.

���The patrolman came over and saw this scene, his mouth twitched.

Is this guy here to suffer or to enjoy?

The treatment is several times better than mine.

He shook his head and shouted,"Mr. Xu, I'm here to find you, come out quickly"

"Why, don't you ask him to come and see me?"

"You, you are a criminal suspect now, so you should obey my orders!"

"You also know that I am just a suspect, not a criminal, so you have no right to order me."

Xiao Jiang was too lazy to even sit up, and just lay on the bed, arrogant.

The patrolman, upon hearing Xiao Jiang's words, immediately flew into a rage and shouted,"Watch your words, come out quickly!""

""Hmm?" Xiao Jiang sat up slowly. His cold eyes made the patrolman subconsciously take a step back. It was as if he was being stared at by an ancient beast. He felt cold all over and was terrified.

" wait!" He turned and left in a panic, not daring to stay for another quarter of an hour.

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