After that.

Li Yaxian spoke again:"However, I went to see a psychologist, and he said that I was just under too much pressure recently. If I relax properly, maybe I can get better."

However, the branch company is still facing many difficulties.

She and Su Ruxin are as close as sisters. Su Ruxin has placed such high hopes on her, so she naturally cannot let Su Ruxin down.

For this reason, even if the psychologist said so, she did not plan to rest.

Xiao Jiang nodded, took out a talisman drawn with black cinnabar from his arms, folded it into a diamond shape, and handed it to Li Yaxian

"Keep this talisman. It may help relieve your nightmare."


"Well, it can relieve your stress and make you feel more at ease at night."

"Thank you."

Li Yaxian carefully put away the talisman.

After Xiao Jiang chatted for a few words, he turned around and left.

At eleven or twelve o'clock that night.

Li Yaxian finally returned home, took a hot bath, lay on the bed, holding the talisman in both hands, and murmured:"I didn't expect that Manager Xiao also believed in ghosts and gods."

"However, it was Manager Xiao's good intention after all."

After saying that, she placed the talisman directly under the pillow.

I don't know if it was the effect of the talisman or she was really tired today.

In just a dozen seconds, she fell asleep.

The black mist lingering around her body began to grow at this moment, gradually turning into a human figure, standing by the bed.

If you look closely at this human figure, you will find that this person is none other than Ning Wenwei.

A strand of long hair appeared in Ning Wenwei's hand, and he smiled sinisterly:"As long as you continue to take the female corpse's hair, you will become my puppet, allowing you to get close to Xiao Jiang"

"Then, I will kill Xiao Jiang unexpectedly. Hahaha, I am worthy of being you!"

He was just imagining the success of his plan when a black-gold light flashed from under Li Yaxian's pillow.

The intense light instantly engulfed Ning Wenwei.

The long hair of the female corpse in Ning Wenwei's hand instantly gathered together, and the black mist formed a figure that dissipated in an instant.

"Xiao Jiang, it's you again……"He roared with endless anger. All the efforts of these days were wasted today.

After removing the black mist from Li Yaxian, the black and gold light gradually faded.

In the presidential suite of Oasis International Hotel,

Xiao Jiang sat on the single sofa, slowly opened his eyes, and slowly exhaled a foul breath.

"It was that guy. I finally caught him this time."

"I want to see how long you, a rat, can hide!"

As he spoke, his figure disappeared from the spot.

At the same time, in a dark and gloomy room,

Ning Wenwei suddenly opened his eyes and spat out a mouthful of blood. He looked much weaker.

He trembled and got up from the ground, looking at a white skeleton beside him. On the skull, there were still some hairs.

Thinking that all his efforts had been wasted, he couldn't help but feel angry and kicked the skeleton away.

"Xiao Jiang, this guy is ruining my plan again, I must kill him!"

After venting his anger, he gradually calmed down.

"I did this very secretly, how come I was discovered?"

Ning Wenwei thought that even the Taoist priests of Longhu Mountain Taoist Temple might not be able to discover it, let alone Xiao Jiang.

Just when he was puzzled, a breath appeared, which made his muscles tense and a cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He turned around stiffly and saw a figure sitting on the rattan chair in his room.

"This should be our first meeting."

Xiao Jiang looked around and said sarcastically,"Do you all like this kind of cold and gloomy decoration in your rooms?"

"Xiao Jiang?!" Ning Wenwei took a breath of cold air.

After a brief adjustment, he quickly reacted and asked in a cold voice:"How did you find my place?"

"It's very simple. When you tried to feed Li Yaxian the corpse's hair, I had already locked your position!"

"Don't think that you can kill me just because you can find me!"

As he said that, Ning Wenwei suddenly bent down and quickly took out the clay pot that was wrapped under the bookcase.

Xiao Jiang looked at the clay pot and frowned slightly:"You are still raising evil spirits!"

"Humph, as long as he is a sorcerer, he will definitely raise evil spirits!"

"Today, I will show you how powerful this evil spirit is!" As soon as the words fell,

Ning Wenwei pulled out the talisman and the plug from the clay pot. A bone-chilling chill instantly spread, causing the temperature of the building to drop rapidly to zero degrees.

A layer of frost gradually covered the ground.

Then, a woman with a big belly and a violent aura slowly crawled out of the clay pot.

It was obvious that she was a pregnant woman who died of dystocia. No wonder her aura was so severe.

Xiao Jiang looked at the evil spirit in front of him with a calm face. He moved his right index finger slightly, and the Longyuan Sword flew out and turned into a normal size.

"Magical weapon?!" Ning Wenwei was slightly surprised, but soon calmed down:"What's the use of a magic weapon? I want to see which is more powerful, your magic weapon or the evil spirit that I have raised with human blood for more than 20 years!"


With a command, the female ghost rushed towards Xiao Jiang with her fangs and claws.

However, when she was less than ten meters away, the Longyuan Sword flew out quickly, making a faint dragon roar.

With just one sword, she pierced through the female ghost's body in an instant.

Logically speaking, this sword could completely kill the female ghost.

However, the wound that had just appeared was healed in an instant.

"Hahaha, Xiao Jiang, your magic weapon is useless. Today, I will kill you!"

Ning Wenwei laughed triumphantly, but in the next second, his smile gradually solidified on his face.

Xiao Jiang sat on a rattan chair, supporting his head with his right hand, and said lightly:"It seems that the fetus is dead in the womb. Save its life."

"Not good!"

Ning Wenwei's pupils suddenly shrank, and when he was about to tell the ghost to dodge, he found it was too late.

The Dragon Abyss Sword instantly pierced through the ghost's abdomen.


Two sharp and piercing ghost howls sounded, and the female ghost, along with the dead fetus in her belly, turned into nothingness.

Ning Wenwei collapsed to the ground when he saw this scene.

"how so……"

The evil spirit that he had worked so hard to raise for more than 20 years was now completely killed by Xiao Jiang with two swords and disappeared.

Xiao Jiang looked at him and suddenly asked,"I met a sorcerer named 'Master Fang' before. What does he have to do with you?"

"Master Fang? Fang Wu!" Ning Wenwei reacted instantly and asked angrily,"What did you do to my junior brother?"

"He wanted to murder me, but I killed him. Since you two know each other, you will have a companion down there!"

Xiao Jiang waved his right hand lightly, and the Longyuan Sword instantly changed direction and attacked Ning Wenwei's heart.

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