The middle-aged man with a big belly was Wei Shun.

He looked at Xiao Jiang with displeasure. He was lying on the sofa, dreaming, but was disturbed by this ungrateful guy in front of him.

How could he give him a good face?

""Kill him out, damn it, I'm so annoyed when I see him!"

After saying that, Wei Shun planned to turn around and go back to the office to catch up on some sleep.

The bodyguard looked at Xiao Jiang with a cruel smile.

"Hahaha, kid, you asked for this!"

After saying that, he raised his left fist high, ready to hit Xiao Jiang in the face.

But he heard an extremely miserable smile. When

Wei Shun heard this, his brows furrowed, and he said in a cold voice:"If you want to hit someone, why don't you stay farther away?"

"Hitting someone so close, I don't know, will affect my sleep……"

However, when he turned around, he found that the person lying on the ground was not Xiao Jiang, and the one who screamed was not him.

It was the bodyguard who had just grabbed his collar.

The bodyguard's arms were twisted 180 degrees, and the whole arm was twisted together like a twist. Blood seeped through the skin and dyed the sleeves red.

"ah——"The bodyguard screamed hysterically! Wei

Shun's brows twisted even more when he saw this scene, and he looked at Xiao Jiang in shock and solemnity. Peng Wenshi was surprised when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect that this young master Xiao, who looked rather weak, was so powerful.

In an instant, he broke the bodyguard's hands.

The speed was so fast that even he couldn't react.

Xiao Jiang patted his clothes, looked at Wei Shun in front of him calmly, and said indifferently:"If I remember correctly, this is not your company"

"This is not your company, but you treat it as your home. You are really brave and thick-skinned!"When

Wei Shun heard Xiao Jiang's words, his face darkened instantly.

The anger in his heart instantly covered the surprise and fear.

"Peng Wenshi, this is the good employee of your company who beat up my bodyguard at will?"

"I tell you, if he doesn't apologize to me today, there will be no cooperation, and I will completely block your publicity channels!"

At this point, Wei Shun suddenly had some confidence and regained his arrogant look.

Peng Wenshi's face darkened when he heard Wei Shun's words, but he couldn't say anything.

At this time, a beautiful figure slowly walked over, with a group of security guards behind her.

"There's no point in discussing cooperation. I don't even bother to negotiate with a guy like you!"

"I just found out that your company has been secretly cooperating with Xu Zimo for a long time. How dare you come here to make fun of our company? I'm giving you face, right?"

Li Yaxian, who came late, was very unhappy.

She left the branch this time to investigate the company where Wei Shun worked.

She found out that on the surface, the company terminated the cooperation with the Xu family, but in fact, behind the scenes, the Xu family held 60% of the shares of the company.

Strictly speaking, the company belongs to the Xu family.

Wei Shun heard what Li Yaxian said and said angrily:"Don't regret it!"

"Who will regret it?"Li Yaxian didn't even bother to look at this guy.

When Wei Shun and the remaining bodyguard were about to leave, the group of security guards blocked their way.

"Li Yaxian, what do you mean?"

Wei Shun turned his head to look at Li Yaxian, his face was not very good.

Li Yaxian pointed at the bodyguard on the ground and the sofa in the office, and said coldly:"You are your own people, take them away by yourselves, I will not pay a penny for their medical expenses!"

"Also, all the tables, chairs and cabinets in the office have probably been touched by you, which makes me feel disgusted, so they must all be thrown away!"

"Before that, you need to compensate me three hundred and fifty thousand!"

"What?" Wei Shun did not expect Li Yaxian to ask for such a high price here, and said in a deep voice:"You are blackmailing me, I will not give you a penny!"

""Okay, then don't even think about leaving."

Li Yaxian waved her right hand gently, and the group of security guards quickly surrounded them, all with evil smiles.

The key is that these security guards are all retired soldiers, and they are very strong. They can definitely easily subdue Wei Shun and the bodyguard.

Wei Shun was so angry that he was fuming, but he had to bow his head under the eaves. He gritted his teeth, took out a bank card from his purse, and handed it to Peng Wenshi.

"There are three hundred thousand in it, and the remaining fifty thousand, I will find a way to give it to you!"

"Forget it, I am more merciful. I am too lazy to take the remaining 50,000 and let him go."

Li Yaxian smiled faintly, and the group of security guards quickly made way.

Seeing this scene, Wei Shun suppressed his inner anger, glared at the bodyguard beside him, and said angrily:"Hurry up and carry your colleague away!"

""Oh, oh, oh!"

After answering, he immediately walked over and carried his colleague.

Wei Shun glared at Li Yaxian and threatened coldly:"You wait!"

After saying that, he left quickly, fearing that he would be surrounded again and unable to leave.

Seeing this situation, everyone couldn't help laughing.

"Go and move all the tables and chairs out of the office. You won't work for nothing. Whoever is responsible for moving the tables, chairs and cabinets will get one thousand yuan each!" When the bodyguards heard Li Yaxian's words, they immediately rushed into the office as if they had been injected with chicken blood, fearing that they would not have the opportunity to move things.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Jiang smiled lightly and said,"I didn't expect that your ability to control subordinates seems to be better than Su Ruxin's."

"No, no, Manager Xiao, please come with me to the lounge next door and talk."


Immediately, Li Yaxian and Xiao Jiang walked towards the lounge.

Peng Wenshi turned around to purchase new tables, chairs and cabinets.

Inside the lounge.

Li Yaxian looked at Xiao Jiang who was sitting opposite her and asked,"Mr. Xiao, you came here suddenly. Is there something wrong?"

"I'm just asking, how is the opening of the direct-sale store going, and whether Xu Zimo is messing with it."

"No, thanks to the staff arranged by you, Mr. Xiao, all the direct-operated stores opened smoothly!"

Li Yaxian was grateful from the bottom of her heart for this matter.

If it weren't for the staff arranged by Xiao Jiang, the direct-operated stores would never have been able to open smoothly.

Xiao Jiang smiled slightly, waved his hand, and when he looked at Li Yaxian again, a faint golden light appeared in his eyes.

The black energy on her body was getting more and more serious. It seemed that someone had deliberately cast a black magic on Li Yaxian.

Could it be the guy who attacked me that day?

Xiao Jiang couldn't help but think of the black magic master, who has no clues yet.

"Li Yaxian, have you been feeling unwell recently?"

"That's not the case. If I have to say what's wrong, it's that I have nightmares every night these days."

Speaking of this nightmare, Li Yaxian couldn't help but say a few more words:"It just so happens that the nightmares these days are exactly the same, all of them are a gloomy middle-aged man stuffing a woman's hair into my mouth!"

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