Just as Ning Wenwei was about to hit his heart, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him and grabbed the Longyuan Sword with one hand, causing the Longyuan Sword to barely stop.

"It's a good sword!"The man looked at the Longyuan Sword, and a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

It was obvious that he wanted to take the Longyuan Sword for himself.

Xiao Jiang supported his head with his right hand and looked at this guy.

"Ancient warrior?"

"You must be Xiao Jiang, right? My name is Ke Qisheng, and I came here specifically to kill you!"

Ke Qisheng waved the Longyuan Sword, and the smile on his face became more and more wanton:"I was originally going to Nanzhou Province to kill you."

"But when I arrived, you disappeared."

"It was only later that I found out that you had returned to Pan City, Yanglin Province."

Xiao Jiang listened to Ke Qisheng's words and slowly stood up from his chair.

"Are you the one sent by Xu Zimo?"

"I'll let you die knowing full well, I'm a killer from the Dark Blood Organization!"

"Killer?" Xiao Jiang was slightly stunned. It was the first time he saw a killer standing there so openly.

Rather than being a killer, it was more like an ancient warrior.

The next second.

Xiao Jiang stretched out his right hand, and the Longyuan Sword struggled a little, then broke free from Ke Qisheng's restraints and flew back to his hand.

Ke Qisheng looked at the flying Longyuan Sword, his eyes full of reluctance.

"Alas, it is a pity that such a good sword does not belong to me."

"However, as long as I kill you, this peerless sword will be mine after all!" As soon as the words fell,

Ke Qisheng had a cruel smile on his face, and his body was wrapped in true energy. The table and chair were instantly blown away.

When he took a step forward, the floor tiles instantly cracked and turned into countless pieces.

In an instant, he had come in front of Xiao Jiang and punched him without hesitation.

"He is quite strong, maybe even on par with Elder Wan!"

Xiao Jiang couldn't help but sigh. The strength of this Ke Qisheng was considered to be one of the more powerful ancient warriors he had fought so far.

Unfortunately, no matter how powerful he was, in his eyes, he was still an ant.

A seemingly powerful punch, in Xiao Jiang's eyes, was as weak as cotton!


A sword instantly cut off Ke Qisheng's right hand, and blood gushed out instantly.

Ke Qisheng's body kept retreating, looking down at his severed right arm, his face full of pain and anger, roaring:"I'm going to kill you!"

After the roar, his right arm suddenly stopped bleeding, and his body began to swell continuously. The gnarled and strong muscles burst his shirt, revealing a body as hard as steel.

He tore open the cement floor directly. Fortunately, no one lived downstairs, otherwise, they would probably be scared to death.

""Go to hell!" Ke Qisheng threw the cement towards Xiao Jiang without hesitation.

Xiao Jiang looked at the huge cement block, stood still, and slowly raised the Longyuan Sword in his hand.

He just waved it a few times, and the huge cement block turned into countless small stones and fell to the ground.

"How is it possible!"Ke Qisheng was slightly startled, but he quickly reacted.

He ran towards Xiao Jiang like a black bear, causing the whole building to shake slightly.

Xiao Jiang looked at Ke Qisheng, took back the Longyuan Sword, raised his right foot slightly, and saw that the distance was about right, so he decisively kicked him out.


With a loud bang, Ke Qisheng was embedded into the wall

"Cough cough cough……"Ke Qisheng began to cough violently, spitting out a lot of blood.

This kick injured his internal organs, and the broken ribs penetrated his lungs, making it very difficult for him to breathe.

Xiao Jiang walked slowly to him, put a sword against his neck, and said coldly:"Any last words?"

"You can't kill me. My brother and my master will never kill me.……"

Before he could finish his words, the Longyuan Sword quickly cut off his head.

Xiao Jiang looked at the body on the ground, wiped the blood off the Longyuan Sword, and looked sideways at Ning Wenwei who had already escaped.

"Run? Do you really think you can run away?"

He retracted the Longyuan Sword and disappeared into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

On the other side, taking advantage of the gap between Xiao Jiang and Ke Qisheng's battle, Ning Wenwei left this place quickly, not daring to stop for a moment, for fear of being caught up by Xiao Jiang.

If he was caught up by Xiao Jiang, his life would be completely reimbursed.

He deliberately chose to walk to crowded places in order to better conceal his breath.

An hour later, he dragged his weak body to the gate of a villa.

"Ding Dong~"

After ringing the doorbell, a girl with a graceful figure, wearing a nearly transparent lace pajamas, her whiteness almost looming, opened the door.

"Who are you……"

"I'm here to see Mr. Xu. You just need to tell him that my name is Ning Wenwei!"

The girl nodded subconsciously and turned to enter the villa.

Soon after, she invited Ning Wenwei into the villa.

Ning Wenwei looked at Xu Zimo, who was sitting in the living room, still wearing his pajamas, and apologized,"I'm sorry to disturb Mr. Xu's elegance so late at night!"

"It's okay. What's the matter with you coming to see me?"

Xu Zimo himself didn't do anything. He couldn't have sex for a year, and the girl was just a feast for the eyes.

Ning Wenwei immediately told Xu Zimo everything that had just happened.

When Xu Zimo heard the news, his brows knitted together.

"Are you saying that Xiao Jiang is already powerful enough to not fear ghosts or gods?"

"No, it's just that I'm too inexperienced. It just so happens that Xiao Jiang is a little stronger than me. If I can find someone stronger, maybe I can kill Xiao Jiang."

"for example?"

"For example, my master!"

Ning Wenwei said his master firmly.

In his heart, his master is the strongest sorcerer in Thailand.

It should be more than enough to deal with Xiao Jiang.

Xu Zimo's eyes lit up and said,"Hurry up and invite your master. No matter how much money it costs, it is not a problem."

Ning Wenwei shook his head helplessly and explained,"Although my master is powerful, he rarely comes to Yanxia. If we want to invite him, I am afraid it will be difficult.……"

Xu Zimo could finally hear the hidden meaning behind Ning Wenwei's words.

He just wanted more money.

After a moment,

Xu Zimo slowly said,"As for the price, everything is negotiable. Our Xu family lacks everything except money!"

"However, I need you to kill Xiao Jiang first, then I will pay you!"

His trust was completely worn out by this group of guys, and he didn't want to waste his money.

Ning Wenwei raised the corners of his mouth slightly when he heard these words, and he immediately stood up and said:"Don't worry, if my master takes action, it will be easy!"

"I hope so!"Xu Zimo snorted coldly.

He had heard this kind of words countless times.

And, just as Ning Wenwei was about to turn around and leave.

His body suddenly began to expand continuously. After just a few seconds, he became a fat man of two or three hundred pounds.


With a loud bang, his body exploded like a balloon, and a large amount of blood was blown all around, which was very scary!

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