Xiao Jiang sat in the main seat as if nothing had happened, tapping the table with his right hand.

The"dong dong" sound, like a death bell, made the four of them increasingly tense.

However, Xiao Jiang didn't say a word, and smelling the pungent smell of blood, made them reach the brink of collapse.

Finally, one of them couldn't stand it anymore, and suddenly stood up from his chair and came to Xiao Jiang.


He knelt on the ground and kowtowed, saying:"Mr. Xiao, I am willing to serve you!"

With this leader, the other three people also knelt on the ground immediately to express their loyalty.

For them, it didn't matter who they followed, and there was no need to sacrifice their lives for a dead guy.

Xiao Jiang looked at this group of guys, holding his head with his right hand, and asked with a smile:"Are you sincere and willing to submit to me?"

"Yes, yes, it's more real than pearls, you must believe us!" As soon as the voice fell, the four of them quickly returned to their original positions.

As for Cao Hongfang's body, it was dragged out by many younger brothers who came in from behind and quickly disposed of.

"From now on, Fan Guang will be my representative, and the four of you must fully cooperate with him, otherwise, you should know the consequences!"When

Fan Guang heard Xiao Jiang's words, he suddenly felt proud.

Subconsciously, he became more loyal to Xiao Jiang!

Faced with this situation, the other four people did not expect that one day, Fan Guang would be able to sit above their heads.

However, with the threat of Xiao Jiang, they dared not say anything and could only agree reluctantly.

After arranging everything, the other four people left in a hurry.

Xiao Jiang glanced at Fan Guang and said indifferently:"Fan Guang, when can the one hundred pieces of top-grade chalcedony that I want be delivered to Jiangling City, Nanzhou Province?"

""Don't worry, Master Xiao, it will be delivered to your house in a week at most."

Fan Guang was obviously much more dedicated when he was with Xiao Jiang than when he was with Meng Chao.

After all, the treatment was different, and Xiao Jiang gave him a lot of power.

As long as Xiao Jiang left, he would have the final say in Ningjing City.

Under such treatment, it would be very difficult not to work hard.

"Good!" Xiao Jiang nodded slightly, slowly stood up and said:"Jin Jianbai, we should leave this place"


Fan Guang watched Xiao Jiang and Jin Jianbai's backs as they left. After they disappeared, he quickly began to deal with the task assigned by Xiao Jiang.

On the other side, on the road,

Xiao Jiang sat in the back seat of the car and said in a calm voice,"Jin Jianbai, wait a moment and take me to Pan City, Yanglin Province."

"Yes!" Jin Jianbai agreed without asking any questions.

For this reason, he deliberately took a detour and drove to Pan City, Yanglin Province.


About three hours later,

Xiao Jiang had arrived at the branch of Yuxin Skin Care Co., Ltd. in Pan City, Yanglin Province.

After he got off the car, Jin Jianbai drove away and headed for Jiangling City, Nanzhou Province.

Xiao Jiang entered the branch, and because most of them knew each other, basically no one dared to stop him.

Soon, he came to the door of the office.

But he found that there were two bodyguards standing at the door.

Huh? Li Yaxian, now she has started to hire bodyguards to protect her safety?

Xiao Jiang didn't think much about it. When he was about to go in, the two bodyguards pushed him away.

"Our manager is resting inside, no outsiders allowed to enter!" One of the bodyguards said coldly.

Xiao Jiang frowned when he heard this, but did not say anything.

"Since Li Yaxian wants to rest, I won't disturb her."

After saying that, Xiao Jiang turned around and left without hesitation.

He had just left and had not taken three steps when he heard someone calling him.


""Mr. Xiao, why are you here suddenly?"

A man saw Xiao Jiang and shouted happily.

He was the man who told Xiao Jiang the news that the direct-operated store was smashed. He was also the second-in-command of this branch: Peng Wenshi!

Xiao Jiang turned to look at Peng Wenshi and smiled faintly:"It turned out to be you"

"Are you here to see the general manager?"

"I guess so, but she is resting in the office, so I won't disturb her."

Peng Wenshi heard Xiao Jiang's words and his face was full of doubts.

"Rest? The general manager has never had the habit of resting in the company. Besides, she is really out there handling business."

"Then they……"

Xiao Jiang pointed to the general manager's office and the two bodyguards.

Peng Wenshi immediately reacted and explained,"The person in the general manager's office is a manager of a group, and his name seems to be Wei Shun. He wants to cooperate with our company."

"However, the conditions he offered were too much. Only 30% investment, but 80% profit!"

As he spoke, disgust and anger appeared on his face.

Normally, investment and return are proportional.

But this guy wanted a small investment and a big return. This guy is kidding!

"So that's the case, why not expel him?"

Xiao Jiang roughly understood the whole story, and estimated that Li Yaxian went out to handle business to avoid this guy.

Peng Wenshi heard this and said bitterly:"Their family controls the publicity channels of Pan City. If they are completely offended,"

"It will be extremely difficult to promote in Pan City." Xiao Jiang nodded slightly when he heard this

:"I understand." While speaking, he suddenly walked towards the two bodyguards. Seeing the guy who had just left and came back again, one of the bodyguards grabbed Xiao Jiang's collar without any hesitation and said coldly:"I gave you a chance to leave, but you dared to come back!


"Relax, this is not your company!"

"How dare you, a mere employee, talk to me like this!"

The bodyguard obviously regarded Xiao Jiang as a small employee of the company and did not take him seriously at all.

Peng Wenshi saw this scene and hurried over in fear, scolding:"This is our company, not your company, let go of Mr. Xiao!" He was really afraid of getting hurt when he saw Xiao Jiang's small body.

If Xiao Jiang entered the hospital, he would not only be unable to explain to Li Yaxian.

Li Yaxian would not be able to explain to Su Ruxin.

The bodyguard glanced at Peng Wenshi and sneered:"What qualifications do you have to talk here as a thin dog, get out of here!"

"You!" Peng Wenshi was the second in command of this branch company after all. He was so angry that his face turned red and his teeth chattered when someone said that to him on the territory.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a big belly came out, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and said angrily:"Which bastard dares to disturb my sweet dream?!"

As he said that, he looked at Xiao Jiang who was still being held by the collar by the bodyguard.

"This guy……"

"Manager, this guy disturbed your sleep. I chased him away, but he refused to leave!" The bodyguard spoke first.

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