When Fan Guang heard Xiao Jiang's words, his face turned pale.

It seemed that Xiao Jiang had completely saved his life!

"As long as you don't betray me, I will let Jin Jianbai send you a relief pill every three months!"

Xiao Jiang drank a cup of hot tea leisurely.

When Fan Guang heard Xiao Jiang's words, he immediately said:"Don't worry, Xiao Shao, I will never betray you!"

He knelt on the ground and acted very flattering.

In his heart, he was also scared by Xiao Jiang and didn't dare to have any second thoughts.

It is estimated that if Xiao Jiang didn't die, he would have a small chance of choosing to betray.

"Good!" Xiao Jiang nodded slightly and continued:"Go and call all the senior members of Meng Chao's forces together."


"No, I have something to talk to them about tomorrow morning!"

"Yes, I will prepare it right away."

Fan Guang knew that the group of guys would definitely be in trouble tomorrow, but adhering to the principle of"a friend dies rather than a poor Taoist", he still decisively chose to betray these guys. Besides, the relationship between him and these guys was not very good.

There would be no psychological burden in betraying them.

After a while,

Fan Guang slowly stood up from the ground and was about to leave when he realized that his legs were weak and the area between his legs was wet again.

Jin Jianbai looked at Fan Guang's departing back with a solemn and suspicious look in his eyes.

To be honest, in his heart, he did not believe that Fan Guang would be loyal to Xiao Jiang.

However, when he saw that Xiao Jiang did not speak, as a subordinate, he did not say much and stood silently by.


The next day, early in the morning.

Fan Guang quickly gathered all the senior executives under Meng Chao in a private room in a high-end restaurant.

Excluding Fan Guang, there were about five people. They were all old employees who had followed Meng Chao to Ningjing City to conquer the world a long time ago. They were also Meng Chao's confidants.

As Fan Guang deliberately concealed the news, this group of guys still didn't know that Meng Chao had died.

If they knew, they probably wouldn't have come to this banquet.

One of them was a man with a slightly strong physique, about thirty years old, supporting his head with his right hand, and asked impatiently:"Why did you call us here this time?"

""Where is Brother Meng? Why didn't I see him?"

The man's name was Cao Hongfang. He had a good relationship with Meng Chao and was also the one who looked down on Fan Guang the most among the five.

When the other four heard Cao Hongfang's words, they all nodded and said they wanted to see Meng Chao first. Otherwise, they would turn around and leave without hesitation.

Fan Guang joined Xiao Jiang's side. Meng Chao died, and he had Xiao Jiang as his backer. He was not afraid of these guys at all.

"Hahaha, don't worry, everyone. However, the reason I asked you all to come here today is not because of that guy Meng Chao."

"You are so brave, you actually dare to call Brother Meng by his name, do you believe I will cut off your head?!"

Cao Hongfang was furious when he heard Fan Guang's words, and he slammed the table and stood up, his eyes wide open, wishing he could kill Fan Guang.

If it were the past, Fan Guang might really be scared.

Unfortunately, Fan Guang was not afraid at all, he smiled lightly, and said:"Why is Cao Hongfang so excited? Meng Chao is already dead, why are you still working for him?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar.

The five people looked at Fan Guang almost at the same time.

You know, this matter is not a joke in Ningjing City.

They looked at Fan Guang's calm appearance, frowned, and almost at the same time, an idea emerged in their hearts: Could it be that Meng Chao is really dead?

Cao Hongfang shook his head, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and glared at Fan Guang:"You are spreading rumors to confuse the people, who dares to kill Brother Meng in Ningjing City?"

"If Brother Meng died, how could we not get the news? You must be lying here!"

Fan Guang shrugged in the face of Cao Hong's anger.

"I am telling the truth. I deliberately concealed the news. How could you possibly know it in time?"

When Cao Hongfang heard Fan Guang's words, he could no longer suppress his anger, and rushed to Fan Guang, ready to kill him with a knife.

At this time, the door was kicked open.

After kicking the door open, Jin Jianbai made way and shouted respectfully:"Mr. Xiao, all of them are here."

Cao Hongfang stopped and looked towards the door, and so did the other four people.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fan Guang immediately came to Xiao Jiang and shouted respectfully:"Mr. Xiao, they are all here, five people, not one less."

""Yeah." Xiao Jiang nodded slightly.

"Who are you?"

Cao Hongfang felt a very dangerous aura from Xiao Jiang, and he became alert.

Xiao Jiang heard Cao Hongfang's words and replied calmly,"Meng Chao was the one I killed."


After hearing these words, Cao Hongfang and the other four began to look at Xiao Jiang.

Although Xiao Jiang had an inexplicable dangerous aura, he looked too young, at most twenty-two years old.

They could not imagine that Meng Chao, who was so powerful and domineering in their impression, would be killed by such a young man!

After a moment, Cao Hongfang held the dagger tightly in his right hand and said in a cold voice:"Brother Meng, how could he be killed by a guy like you? It's really funny."

"However, I don't care who you are. You have completely pissed me off. Don't even think about leaving alive today!"

After saying that, Cao Hongfang suddenly exerted force with his right arm and threw the dagger directly at Xiao Jiang.

The dagger was as fast and powerful as a bullet, aiming at Xiao Jiang's heart.

However, just a few centimeters away, the dagger was suddenly restricted by some force and slowly stopped.

Finally, it hovered in the air. When

Cao Hongfang and the other five saw this scene, their pupils suddenly shrank.

"Dagger... Dagger, it's actually suspended in the air!" Cao Hongfang's anger was quickly replaced by fear and shock.

Even though he was well-informed, it was the first time he saw someone who could make a dagger suspended in the air.

The next second, the dagger suddenly turned around and pointed at Cao Hongfang, who was still in a daze.

Cao Hongfang gradually reacted and saw the dagger turned around. He was so scared that he immediately looked for cover everywhere.

However, before he found it, the dagger instantly pierced his heart.


Before he could finish his words, he fell into a pool of blood. The pungent smell of blood soon filled the space.

Jin Jianbai and Fan Guang seemed much calmer about this situation.

They had seen Xiao Jiang kill more than 30 people in an instant. This situation was too weak for them.

However, the other four were so frightened that their minds went blank and they forgot who they were in an instant!

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