Xu Zimo gradually calmed down, slowly loosened his right hand, took the phone, answered the call, and said in a deep voice:"You still have the nerve to call me, didn't you tell me that Xiao Jiang had been blown to death?"

"I also didn't expect that Xiao Jiang was so lucky. The explosion didn't even take his life!"

"All right, shut up, our cooperation ends here!"

Xie An, who was on the other end of the phone, heard these words and hurriedly said,"Mr. Xu, don't worry, since I have taken your money, I will definitely help you kill Xiao Jiang!"

"I believe you once again. If you still can't complete it, let's end our cooperation completely!"

"Yes, yes, I will definitely satisfy you!"

Xie An nodded repeatedly, hung up the phone, his face instantly darkened, and threw the phone into the swimming pool in front of him.

"You are just a kid from the Xu family, and you dare to talk to me like this? If I hadn't taken your money, I would never do this!"

"Also, why can't you kill a mere Xiao Jiang? Why?!"

Since he established the killer organization [Dark Blood Organization], almost all employer tasks can be completed very successfully.

But it was this Xiao Jiang. Even after spending a large number of killers, they still couldn't kill Xiao Jiang.

This is a shame for their organization!

The group of high-level [Dark Blood Organization] around felt Xie An's anger, and they all shut their mouths honestly, not daring to say anything more.

After a long time.

Xie An picked up a glass of red wine beside him and asked:"Xiao Jiang, are that guy's family all in Jiangling City?"

"Yes, Boss, are you kidnapping them?" A tall, thin-faced middle-aged man asked

"That's right, since we can't kill Xiao Jiang, we'll just kill his family and make him surrender!"

As he said this, Xie An crushed the goblet, and the bloody red wine flowed out from his fingers and dripped onto the ground.

"However, the entire Nanzhou Province is now under martial law. Anyone who is found to be a member of our [Dark Blood Organization] can be killed immediately!" The middle-aged man said worriedly.

Today, the person in power behind the scenes in Nanzhou Province is still Xiao Jiang.

So, if the [Dark Blood Organization] wants to sneak into Nanzhou Province as easily as before, it is almost impossible.

After hearing this, Xie An gently wiped off the wine stains with a towel and asked in a calm voice:"Do you still remember that Ke Qisheng?"

"That Ke Qisheng who wants to join our organization?"The middle-aged man had some impression of this person.

Ke Qisheng was very strong, but unfortunately, he had a hot temper and his martial arts were mainly strong, so he was not suitable to be a killer.

Therefore, Xie An never agreed to his joining.

He was worried that this guy's joining would kill other killers or expose the location of the headquarters!

"Now I give him a task, let him kidnap Xiao Jiang's family. If he succeeds, I will not only let him join the [Dark Blood Organization], but also give him a high-level position!"


Everyone also knew that nowadays, it is almost impossible for members of their [Dark Blood Organization] to enter Nanzhou Province.

However, Ke Qisheng is not a member of the organization, so it will be easier for him to enter Nanzhou Province.

After arranging everything, Xie An asked these guys to leave, looked at the swimming pool, and murmured:"Xiao Jiang, if this is the case, I still can't kill you!"

"Then I will take action myself and see what kind of supernatural powers you have!"


Nanzhou Province, Jiangling City.

Today is the weekend, Xiao Jiang is lying on the sofa, Yu Yu is lying in his arms, the father and daughter are watching cartoons very comfortably.

Unconsciously, Yu Yu lies on Xiao Jiang and slowly falls asleep.

That cute and sweet sleeping posture is like a little panda.

Xiao Jiang touches her little head and smiles dotingly.

Ding Dong~

The door of the room was suddenly pressed at this time, Xiao Jiang slowly got up holding Yu Yu and opened the door.

Jin Jianbai, who sold meteorite iron before, had a flattering smile on his face:"Mr. Xiao,……"

""Keep your voice down, my daughter is sleeping!" Xiao Jiang reminded calmly.

Jin Jianbai looked at Yuyu and immediately closed his mouth, even holding his breath!

After Xiao Jiang carefully put Yuyu in the room, Jin Jianbai tiptoed into the living room of the villa.

Xiao Jiang sat on the single sofa, looked at Jin Jianbai, and asked:"You suddenly came to see me, is there something wrong?"

"Mr. Xiao, didn’t you ask me to buy chalcedony before?"

"How much did you buy?"

"Not many, only ten pieces!"

Jin Jianbai handed ten pieces of extremely high-quality, milky white chalcedony to Xiao Jiang.

Xiao Jiang looked at the ten pieces of chalcedony and nodded with satisfaction:"Only these ten pieces?"

"Xiao Shao, I also want to help you buy more, but they are unwilling to ship. They said that too much is shipped to other provinces, there are too many risks, and they can only give ten yuan at most!"

Jin Jianbai shrugged helplessly.

He had to work hard to get these ten yuan.

Otherwise, the other party would only be willing to sell it to three yuan.

Xiao Jiang looked at the ten yuan in his hand. He wanted to refine it into a spirit gathering array, but it was simply a drop in the bucket, not enough

"Can't you sell more?"

Jin Jianbai was filled with confusion when facing Xiao Jiang's words. After hesitating for a long time, he slowly said,"Yes, but you need to go to Ningjing City, Baoqi Province in person!"

Ningjing City, Baoqi Province, is the place where jade is produced in abundance in the entire Yanxia.

No wonder there is something like chalcedony there.


Jin Jianbai paused as he spoke.

Xiao Jiang supported his head with his right hand and said calmly,"Keep talking!"

"Yes!" Jin Jianbai took a deep breath and said,"Nowadays, the jade industry in Ningjing City, Baoqi Province, is completely monopolized by a man named Meng Chao. Without his words, almost no one dares to sell chalcedony."

"���The ten pieces of chalcedony were purchased from him by someone else."

"However, this guy likes to blackmail outsiders. Many outsiders who go to trade with him in person have to pay thirty times the market price and are forced to buy!"

"If it is not available, then almost no one can leave Ningjing City, Baoqi Province intact."

This is also why Jin Jianbai is unwilling to buy it himself.

He would rather ask for help from others.

After hearing what he said, Xiao Jiang asked softly,"If I go with you, are you willing to lead the way?"

"Where are you going?" Jin Jianbai's eyes flashed with reluctance.

A timid person like him who cherishes his life would definitely not want to go to such a dangerous place!

""Don't want to?"

Xiao Jiang's eyes became slightly sharper.

Jin Jianbai felt a chill on his back and nodded hurriedly,"Yes, as long as you are willing to go, Xiao Shao, I am willing to lead the way for you, even if it is through mountains of swords and seas of fire!"

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