The matter was settled.

Jin Jianbai went back to prepare immediately.

That evening,

Xiao Jiang told the dinner table that he would leave Jiangling City the next day.

"Dad, are you leaving tomorrow?" Yuyu raised her little head and looked at Xiao Jiang reluctantly.

Xiao Jiang touched her little head and smiled faintly:"Dad, promise that you will come back before Yuyu's birthday and hold a grand birthday party for my Yuyu, okay?"

"Well, Yuyu believes in daddy!"

Yuyu's voice was soft and she smiled sweetly.

Because of Yuyu, Su Ruxin basically settled in the Xiao family.

She looked at Xiao Jiang and asked,"Are you planning to go to Yanglin Province?"

"No, I have to go somewhere else to deal with some things. After I finish dealing with some things, I will go to Yanglin Province!"

"So that's how it is. Be careful along the way."


After that, Xiao's father and mother also nagged for a few words and then stopped talking.

The next day, in the morning.

Jin Jianbai drove an off-road vehicle early in the morning and stopped at the door of Xiao Jiang's house.

After Xiao Jiang went out with his hands behind his back, Jin Jianbai immediately opened the door for him and said,"Mr. Xiao, please get in the car!"

"Yeah." Xiao Jiang then sat in the back seat of the car, and Jin Jianbai immediately drove away, not daring to delay for a moment.

On the way.

Xiao Jiang looked at the scenery outside the window and asked:"What about Meng Chao's power?"

"Very big. He is a local tyrant in Ningjing City, Baoqi Province. Everyone must obey his orders."

"Anyone who dares to offend him will no longer have a place to stand in Ningjing City!"

As he spoke, a trace of fear appeared in Jin Jianbai's eyes.

Xiao Jiang fell into a moment of thought, and suddenly asked:"Is it true that if we get rid of this Meng Chao, we can get a very stable chalcedony channel?"

Chalcedony can not only be used to make formations, but also to forge magic tools and improve cultivation.

Therefore, this chalcedony channel must be obtained.

Jin Jianbai nodded slightly, and soon he came to his senses, and asked in horror:"Xiao... Young Master Xiao, do you want to control Ningjing City?"

"Any questions?"

"No... no problem!" Jin Jianbai was so upset at this moment that he had no tears. He thought that Xiao Jiang was just going to buy chalcedony at a high price.

Who would have thought that Xiao Jiang was actually going to Ningjing City, Baoqi Province, with the idea of annexing Meng Chao!

Meng Chao is not like Yuan Bei. In Ningjing City, he is a local emperor and no one dares to disobey him.

Now that he has boarded Xiao Jiang's pirate ship, he has no choice but to go all the way to the end! After driving for four hours, they finally arrived in Ningjing City, Baoqi Province.

After entering the city, Jin Jianbai took Xiao Jiang to a jade shop.

A middle-aged man in a simple Zhongshan suit saw Jin Jianbai coming and immediately came out to greet him:"Hahaha, I didn't expect that you, a guy, would actually come"

"Fan Guang, let's talk about it later after we reminisce about the past. This is Young Master Xiao from Nanzhou Province. We came here this time just to meet President Meng!"

Jin Jianbai immediately introduced Xiao Jiang to Fan Guang.

Although Fan Guang and Jin Jianbai have been good friends for many years, Fan Guang did not know much about the situation in Nanzhou Province, and he mistakenly thought that Xiao Jiang was the son of a wealthy businessman.

He also greeted him warmly and shouted,"Young Master Xiao, you want to meet President Meng, what's the matter?"

"I want to order a large quantity of top quality chalcedony. Price is not a problem."

""Okay, okay, please find a place to rest first. I will notify you immediately if there is any news."

When Fan Guang heard that Xiao Jiang was a big customer, his attitude instantly became much more enthusiastic. You know, if he introduced big customers to Meng Chao, he could also get a lot of commission.

He was not an idiot if he didn't take the free money.

After chatting for a few words, Xiao Jiang and Jin Jianbai turned around and left here, and found a hotel to stay.

Here, Fan Guang also left here as soon as possible and went to where Meng Chao was.

About 20 minutes later,

Fan Guang came to the office of a gambling stone field. He carefully knocked on the door.

""Come in!" A deep male voice came from inside.

After Fan Guang opened the door, he saw a man with a strong physique, a scary scar on his face and sharp eyes.

This man was none other than Meng Chao.

Meng Chao put down a pile of bills, slowly raised his head, looked at him and asked,"Fan Guang, why did you suddenly come to see me? What's the matter?"

"Mr. Meng, I have a big client here who said he wants to meet you and buy a large amount of top-quality chalcedony from you!"

"Top-grade chalcedony?" Meng Chao supported his head with his right hand, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly:"It seems that this is really a big customer. If the negotiation is successful, this ten thousand will be yours!"

As he said, he took out a stack of banknotes from the drawer and put them on the table.

"Just tell him to come to the VIP box No. 1 of Jinshuiwan KTV tomorrow night. I will negotiate with him there!"

Fan Guang was slightly stunned when he heard the news.

Jinshuiwan Bar was Meng Chao's property and it was also where many of his thugs stayed.

This was an attempt to blackmail Xiao Jiang to death.

However, this matter had nothing to do with him.

"OK, I'll go and inform them right away."

After saying that, Fan Guang immediately turned around and left.

Meng Chao touched the stack of banknotes and smiled sinisterly:"I didn't expect that there would be outsiders who dared to come to me to buy jade."

"However, if he doesn't come to me, where else can he buy a large amount of chalcedony? Since it has been delivered to my door, it would be a bit unkind if I don't accept it."

After saying that, he made a call to the younger brother of Jinshuiwan KTV. He asked them to prepare in advance, so as not to let the fat meat delivered to the door suddenly run away.


The next day, in the evening,

Xiao Jiang, Jin Jianbai and Fan Guang had already arrived at Jinshuiwan KTV.

"Young Master Xiao, President Meng is in VIP Box No. 1 inside, you can just go in directly."

Fan Guang did not intend to go in, he did not want to get involved in this muddy water.

Xiao Jiang immediately discovered that there were many pairs of eyes nearby, staring at him eagerly.

In these eyes, he seemed to become a little lamb.

It seems that the so-called Meng Chao has arranged people to prevent me from leaving.

Thinking of this, Xiao Jiang glanced sideways at Fan Guang beside him and smiled faintly:"Boss Fan, I am not very familiar with this place, please show me the way!"

"No need, the staff inside will take you there, Mr. Xiao!"

"You won't take me with you? Could it be that there is a trick inside?"

Fan Guang felt Xiao Jiang's gaze, and his heart was terrified. There was silence for more than ten seconds.

Xiao Jiang put his hands behind his back and said in a calm voice:"It seems that there is indeed a trick inside, Jin Jianbai, let's go!"


Immediately, Xiao Jiang and Jin Jianbai turned around and left without any hesitation!

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