Zhong Yiran looked at the father and son, waiting for their reply.

Jiang Feng was not in a hurry, but drank a cup of hot tea leisurely, and asked with a smile:"Boss Zhong, if you betray Young Master Xiao in the end, aren't you afraid that Young Master Xiao will attack you?"

"He? It's just a corpse. Could it be that he wants to turn into a ghost and kill me?"Zhong Yiran sneered disdainfully.

A few seconds later, he crossed his arms and said calmly:"If you want to join the Chamber of Commerce, just sign this contract honestly."

Jiang Jitong picked up the contract on the table, looked at the content, and frowned slightly.

Then he quickly gave it to his father.

A few minutes later.

Jiang Feng's expression was similar to his son's, both of them were not very good:"Mr. Zhong, I may understand your cutting off cooperation with Su Ruxin."

"But, you want us to take back Young Master Xiao’s villa, what does that mean?"

"I have already transferred that villa to Young Master Xiao. How can I take back something that does not belong to me?"

Zhong Yiran tapped the table with his right hand and replied slowly,"This was arranged by Young Master Xu. He wants to destroy Xiao Jiang's family, make his parents live on the streets, and arrange a few hooligans to beat them to death!"

"As younger brothers, we naturally have to obey his orders."

"Besides, this is not your family, why are you showing so much sympathy for him?"

He looked at the Jiang father and son with disdain.

Jiang Feng and Jiang Jitong felt a chill on their backs when they heard these words.

It's over, Zhong Yiran is completely finished!

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng immediately returned the documents and replied seriously:"I'm sorry, I can't agree to your request!"

Zhong Yiran thought that the Jiang family was still afraid of Xiao Jiang's remaining power, and sneered:"Jiang Feng, you are a man in your sixties, and you are still so afraid of a dead guy!"

"With the Xu family's protection, what are you afraid of?"

But in the next second, his smile gradually froze on his face, and he looked at the figure who slowly walked in from outside the door.

"Xiao...Xiao Jiang!"

Zhong Yiran almost fell off the chair, his face full of disbelief, without any of his previous arrogance.

Wasn't he killed by Xu Shao?

Why, is he still alive?

Before Zhong Yiran could fully react, Xiao Jiang was already sitting opposite him, smiling and saying,"Mr. Zhong, long time no see!"

After hearing Xiao Jiang's words, Zhong Yiran gradually came to his senses and was sure that the guy in front of him was the living Xiao Jiang.

Who would have thought that Xu Zimo would actually give false information.

But now, things have been done. How can an arrow that has been shot turn back?

Zhong Yiran adjusted his mentality and said in a cold voice,"I didn't expect that you, Xiao Shao, were not killed!"

"I'm lucky, that guy Xu Zimo didn't blow me to death!"

Xiao Jiang said, and Jiang Jitong immediately poured him a cup of hot tea in a flattering manner:"Mr. Xiao, have some tea!"

Seeing this scene, Zhong Yiran instantly came to his senses, glared at Jiang Feng, and said in a cold voice:"Jiang Feng, you are so bold that you dare to trick me into a trap!"

"Mr. Zhong, you just said that!"

Jiang Feng didn't lie. He smiled faintly and said,"Everyone serves his own master. How dare we, the younger brothers, disobey the orders issued by Mr. Xiao?"

Zhong Yiran was so angry that he couldn't say a word.

"By the way, I remind Mr. Zhong that Mr. Xiao has sent people to seal up your company, and your family may also be in trouble!"

Jiang Feng's tone was very calm.

These words instantly broke the defense of the steady Zhong Yiran. He looked at Mr. Xiao, and his right hand holding the teacup began to tremble.

"Young Master Xiao, I was indeed wrong in this matter. If you want to punish someone, just punish me and don't bring disaster to my family!"

Xiao Jiang almost wanted to laugh when he heard his words, and asked,"If I really die, will you not do anything to my family?"


"Don't argue, I heard everything you said just now!"

"Those were the orders given by Master Xu, and I had no choice but to obey!"

"You should also know that this is Nanzhou Province. Even if Xu Zimo's hands are long, he can't reach here. You have every reason to refuse, but unfortunately you didn't."

Zhong Yiran fell silent, unable to refute Xiao Jiang's words.

Xiao Jiang was right. Regarding Xu Zimo, he could find a reason to refuse to deal with Xiao's father and Xiao's order.

He did not refuse, and even agreed quickly without hesitation.

After all, they were not his family, so he naturally would not have any burden.

""Yuan Bei, come in!"

Xiao Jiang gave an order, and Yuan Bei came in with a machete and a group of his brothers.

"Mr. Xiao, do you want to deal with this guy?"

"Well, you handle it yourself."

Xiao Jiang was reluctant to touch Zhong Yiran, as that would only dirty his hands.

Zhong Yiran's body went limp, and he fell off the chair, his eyes full of regret and dead silence.

If only he hadn't turned to Xu Zimo so quickly.

What had happened had already happened, and there was no regret medicine for him!

A moment later.

Xiao Jiang and Jiang Feng, father and son, left the box.

After the scream came out, it lasted for only a few seconds before it completely disappeared.

Yuan Bei walked out slowly, smiling flatteringly,"Mr. Xiao, the person has been completely dealt with!"

""Good!" Xiao Jiang nodded slightly.

Jiang Jitong then asked:"Mr. Xiao, what should we do with Zhong Yiran's property?"

"Mr. Lu and Mr. Zhao will take care of these things, so you don’t have to worry about them!"


Jiang Jitong and Jiang Feng both had a look of disappointment in their eyes.

They naturally wanted to swallow up Zhong Yiran's huge industry, but since Xiao Shao had said so, they kept their mouths shut.

In addition to the previous incident, they dared not continue to talk.

How could Xiao Jiang not see the thoughts of this father and son? The reason why they did not give it to the Jiang family was because their Jiang family did not have the strength to swallow up Zhong Yiran's industry.

Therefore, they let Lu Deyuan and Zhao Yuanlong take over the management for a while.

After dealing with Zhong Yiran, Xiao Jiang left the hotel and returned home.

At the same time, many members of the Zhong Yiran Chamber of Commerce were sealed off by the local patrol police.

In the evening, many warriors in Nanzhou Province, led by Wan Yuqin, slaughtered all the traitors.

In just three days, the Zhong Yiran Chamber of Commerce had collapsed, and the properties under the names of many of its members were also managed by the Lu family of Jindu Province and the Zhao family of Hong Kong Province at the first time.

This news naturally spread quickly to Pan City, Yanglin Province.

Xu Zimo, who had not yet fully recovered, lay on the hospital bed, looking at the female secretary with bloodshot eyes, and roared:"Why, why, why didn't this Xiao Jiang die?"

The female secretary listened to Xu Zimo's words and lowered her head quickly, thinking in her heart: It's not that Xiao Jiang was killed in the explosion I told you about, it was obviously that guy Xie An!

Although thinking so in his heart, on the surface, he still tried to show awe.

At this time, a call came in.

Xu Zimo saw that it was this guy Xie An, and he was furious. He was ready to smash the phone with one punch:"Fuck, this waste, he dared to call me!"

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