Not only Zhao Yuanlong was curious, Lu Deyuan was also very curious.

Xiao Jiang did not hide anything and gave a brief description of what happened that day. He did not tell many details.

When the two elders heard that there really was a big explosion, they took a breath of cold air and looked at Xiao Jiang with astonishment.

Who else could survive such a large-scale explosion except for immortals?

Their awe of Xiao Jiang in their hearts increased a little more.

In fact, they had already decided that no matter what, they must have a good relationship with Xiao Jiang.

A few minutes later.

Jiang Feng and Jiang Jitong, the father and son, also arrived late.

""Mr. Xiao, I'm so sorry that we are late." Jiang Feng hurriedly apologized. Both he and Jiang Jitong had bloodshot eyes and some had dark circles under their eyes.

It was obvious that the two of them did not sleep at all last night and had been investigating the members of Zhong Yiran's Chamber of Commerce.

Jiang Jitong handed a document to Xiao Jiang and said,"Mr. Xiao, this document records in detail the names, addresses, family situations, and company situations of all the members of Zhong Yiran's Chamber of Commerce!"

"Including Zhou Yinian, there are about 32 members, who control two-thirds of the economic lifeline of Nanzhou Province."

Xiao Jiang nodded slightly, pointed to the photo of Lin Shengrong with his right hand, and asked:"Why is he tentative?"

Jiang Jitong immediately explained after hearing this:"Lin Shengrong is the head of the Patrol Police Department. He has an ambiguous attitude towards Zhong Yiran. He neither joined nor refused!"

It was because of this ambiguous attitude that Jiang Jitong couldn't classify him directly as Zhong Yiran's Chamber of Commerce. He could only write the word"tentative".

Xiao Jiang nodded slightly, tapped the table with his right hand, and sneered:"What an old fox, that's all, this guy is still useful"

"Jiang Jitong"

"Yes, Mr. Xiao, what do you want me to do?"

"Go and ask Zhong Yiran to come to Jiangling City for a gathering. I believe that he will come here in person after receiving the invitation from your Jiang family."


Jiang Jitong nodded. He seemed to have imagined Zhong Yiran's miserable condition.

However, this had nothing to do with him. He just had to do his own job well.

After Xiao Jiang burned the information out of thin air, he looked at Lu Deyuan and Zhao Yuanlong and said,"Please help me take control of Nanzhou Province as soon as possible after this matter is dealt with!"

The Lu family in Kyoto Province and the Zhao family in Hong Kong Province both have great appeal.

If, with their help, we can better control Nanzhou Province as soon as possible.

The two elders naturally would not have any problems hearing Xiao Jiang's words.

After everything was arranged, everyone got up and left one after another.

Xiao Jiang was sitting alone in the living room. He took out his mobile phone and called Wan Yuqin first.

When Wan Yuqin heard that Xiao Jiang wanted him to help slaughter the group of traitors, he did not hesitate much and agreed decisively.

As the strongest man in the martial arts world of Nanzhou Province, he still has a lot of weight in Nanzhou Province. As long as he opens his mouth, many warriors are willing to help.

Next, he called Lin Shengrong, the old fox.

Patrol Police Department, Chief's Office.

Lin Shengrong sat inside and looked down. Another invitation from Zhong Yiran, chuckled and said,"It is safest to maintain this ambiguous relationship until it is really confirmed that Xiao Shao is dead."

""This fellow Zhong Yiran is still too reckless and impatient!"

In his eyes, Zhong Yiran is equal to a reckless man.

It has not been confirmed whether Xiao Jiang is really dead or not, but he immediately chooses to betray based on Xu Zimo's one-sided statement.

Without thinking through the brain, if this is not a reckless man, then what is it?

Lin Shengrong put the envelope into the drawer, and his cell phone rang.

Seeing the person calling, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the hairs all over his body instantly stood up.

Young Master Xiao!!!

He is not dead after all!

After Lin Shengrong barely adjusted his mentality, he coughed lightly, answered the phone, and a flattering smile appeared on his face:"Young Master Xiao, how come you have time to call me?"

"Oh? You didn't think I was dead?"

"Those are all rumors. I have already arranged patrol police to suppress these rumors!"

"I heard that you were planning to join Zhong Yiran's Chamber of Commerce and maintain an ambiguous relationship with him. I wonder if this is true or not?"

When Lin Shengrong heard what Xiao Jiang said, he instantly came to his senses and broke out in a cold sweat.

After a brief silence, he hurriedly explained:"Misunderstanding, this is all misunderstanding. Since the party that day, I have been on your side, Young Master Xiao!"

"I don't care about you. I need you now to control all members of Zhong Yiran's Chamber of Commerce in Nanzhou Province. No one is allowed to leave. Do you hear me?"



Xiao Jiang hung up the phone immediately. Lin Shengrong looked at the phone with lingering fear and murmured,"Mr. Xiao used Xu Zimo to deceive everyone!"

"If all the big fish are caught, the small fish will give up the idea of going after the big fish."

"Fortunately, I did not agree to Zhong Yiran, otherwise, I would not know when I died."

While speaking, Lin Shengrong called a male patrolman in.

The male patrolman looked at Lin Shengrong and asked,"Chief Lin, is there anything wrong?"

"You go and keep all the people on this list in their respective cities and they are not allowed to leave Nanzhou Province. Do you hear me?"

Lin Shengrong rubbed his brow and handed a list to the male patrolman.

In fact, although he had not joined the Zhong Yiran Chamber of Commerce, he had already collected the list of these guys in private.

The male patrolman looked at the names on the list. Many of them were bigwigs in the business community of Nanzhou Province. If he controlled them all, wouldn't it offend them?

He looked embarrassed and undecided for a moment. He looked at Lin Shengrong and asked,"Chief Lin, are you sure you didn't give me the wrong list?"

"It's this list. Just go if I tell you to. Why are you talking so much nonsense?!"

"Yes, yes, I will deal with this matter right away."

The male patrolman immediately turned around and left, gradually disappearing from Lin Shengrong's sight.

Lin Shengrong leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling, and murmured,"It looks like the Zhong Yiran Chamber of Commerce is about to be liquidated!"

"Alas, this Zhong Yiran will not endure for a few more days."

Zhong Yiran and he are just ordinary friends.

He can't help but feel sad for Zhong Yiran's fate, but he doesn't sympathize with him.


Two days later, in the private room of the largest hotel in Jiangling City,

Jiang Feng and Jiang Jitong, the father and son, sat inside, seemingly waiting for a guest.

After a while, the door of the private room was opened, and Zhong Yiran came to the party alone.

He sat in the main seat very naturally, looking at the father and son, and sneered:"What, you two, have finally thought it through?"

"Are you willing to give up 50% of your company's shares to the Xu family and join our Chamber of Commerce?"

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