When Jiang Feng and his son heard what Xiao Jiang said, they were so scared that they kowtowed again in a hurry and said hastily:"Mr. Xiao, we are really just talking nonsense. We will never have any second thoughts about you!"

They were really scared, because they had seen Xiao Jiang's methods. It would be easier to kill them than to kill an ant.

The key is that Xiao Jiang can leave no trace.

By then, no one will know that they are dead.

Xiao Jiang looked at their attitude and said lightly:"Get up, you didn't immediately surrender to Zhong Yiran, which is already very good."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Jiang Feng and his son felt relaxed, and their hearts also fell back.

They immediately got up from the ground, but they still didn't dare to look at Xiao Jiang.

Xiao Jiang didn't care too much about it, and said in a calm voice:"Give me the list of all members of Zhong Yiran's Chamber of Commerce tomorrow."

"Yes, we, father and son, will never let Young Master Xiao down!" Jiang Feng answered immediately, fearing that if he answered even a second later, Xiao Jiang would be unhappy.

Ten seconds later, when they looked up again, they found that Xiao Jiang had disappeared.

Jiang Feng suddenly collapsed to the ground, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, and exhaled:"I was scared to death, I thought I was going to die!"

"Unexpectedly, Xiao Shao did not die!"

"Yes, it's a good thing that we didn't rush to join Zhong Yiran Chamber of Commerce before, otherwise, our fate might not be better than that of the Su family!"

Jiang Feng is still frightened. If it weren't for his son's persuasion a few days ago, he might have already taken the Jiang family to join Zhong Yiran Chamber of Commerce. Thinking about it now, he still feels a little scared. Although Jiang Jitong was not as seriously frightened as his father, he was also very scared.

"Dad, let's quickly investigate the members of Zhong Yiran's Chamber of Commerce, and try to investigate everything by tomorrow morning. But don't make Young Master Xiao unhappy again!"

""Yes, yes, let's go investigate!"

Jiang Feng didn't care about his wet clothes, and immediately left the Jiang family with his son to investigate Zhong Yiran's Chamber of Commerce.

On the other side,

Xiao Jiang walked towards his own home after leaving the Jiang family.

He rang the doorbell directly.

""Here she comes!" A babyish female voice came.

When Xiao Jiang heard this voice, he could guess that it must be his daughter.

"Mom, Yuyu can’t reach the door handle, please help Yuyu open it!"

"Then you run so fast"

"Yuyu was thinking, let mom, grandpa and grandma have a rest!"

After the words fell,

Su Ruxin opened the door herself and saw Xiao Jiang, the man she was worried about before.

""Xiao Jiang!!!" Her face was full of surprise.

Although she had learned from Li Yaxian before that Xiao Jiang was not dead, she was still excited when she saw it with her own eyes.

Yuyu was so happy to see her father coming back that she flew over to him and was hugged by Xiao Jiang.

"Yu Yu, do you miss your daddy?"

"Well, Daddy hasn’t called back these days!" Yu Yu puffed up her cheeks slightly, a little dissatisfied, but she looked extremely cute.

Xiao Jiang touched her little head and smiled dotingly:"It's Daddy's fault. I haven't called my baby daughter during this period because of some things!"

"It’s good that dad knows he was wrong, so as punishment, dad must sleep with Yu Yu today!"


Su Ruxin's face turned red when she listened to the father and daughter's words.

Yuyu had been sleeping with her during this period. Now Xiao Jiang was sleeping with Yuyu.

Doesn't it mean that she would sleep in the same bed with Xiao Jiang again?

When she thought of this, her face instantly turned red to her ears.

Xiao Jiang didn't notice so much. It was around eight o'clock in the evening.

After coaxing Yuyu to sleep, Xiao Jiang looked at Su Ruxin, who was wearing thin pajamas and her snow-white skin was faintly visible. He couldn't help but coughed lightly:"You accompany my daughter to sleep, I'll go to the living room"

""Wait a minute!" Su Ruxin suddenly shouted

"What's matter?"

"Thank you for helping the branch!"

Su Ruxin learned from Li Yaxian that Xiao Jiang was silently handling both the location of the branch and the directly-operated stores.

It can be said that without Xiao Jiang's help, the branch would never be able to gain a foothold in Pan City, Yanglin Province.

Xiao Jiang heard Su Ruxin's words and smiled faintly:"It's okay, these are all things I promised you before"

"Go to bed early. I'm counting on you to take Yuyu to kindergarten tomorrow."

"Aren't you going?"

"No, I have something to do tomorrow."

As he said that, Xiao Jiang suddenly thought of something, and with a light flip of his right hand, two talismans folded into a diamond shape appeared, each strung with a red line.

He gave this to Su Ruxin and said,"This is the amulet I asked for from the Taoist temple in Wudang Mountain. You and Yuyu should wear it, and it can protect your lives."

These talismans were actually made by him with the greatest effort.

If Su Ruxin or Yuyu were in danger, these amulets would protect them instead of Xiao Jiang.

Su Ruxin felt a warm current in her heart, and she held the two amulets tightly, smiling and said,"Thank you"

"It's okay, this is my fault, you and your daughter!"

After saying that,

Xiao Jiang turned and left the room.

Su Ruxin thought about what Xiao Jiang had just said, and her heart ached slightly. She looked down at the amulet in her hand with a complicated look in her eyes.

"It turns out that it’s just a debt.……"

She didn't know why, but she always felt very comfortable. So, she didn't bother to think about it anymore. She lay on the bed, carefully put the amulet on Yuyu, and looked at the amulet in her hand.

Unconsciously, she fell asleep.

The next day, early in the morning.

Su Ruxin sent Yuyu to school, and she went back to work.

Father and mother Xiao did not stay in the villa, but went to a nearby park to relax.

Xiao Jiang sat on the sofa in the living room of the villa with his eyes closed.

Not long after, the doorbell rang.

When he got up and opened the door, he saw not the father and son of the Jiang family, but Zhao Yuanlong and Lu Deyuan. The two old people

""How did you two know that I'm back?"

Xiao Jiang clearly remembered that he didn't tell the two elders.

Hearing this, Lu Deyuan smiled and explained:"It was the father and son of the Jiang family who told us. When they were investigating Zhong Yiran's Chamber of Commerce, my grandson found out."

"So, under my grandson's questioning, they revealed the news that you, Young Master Xiao, had returned."

It turned out that when the Jiang family father and son were investigating last night, they happened to meet Lu Liang.

Seeing that they were dealing with Zhong Yiran's business, Lu Liang couldn't help but ask about it.

Under the situation of continuous questioning, the father and son had no choice but to confess honestly.

"Xiao Shao, this is my grandson, please don't blame them"

"It's okay. Even if the two elders don't come, I will go find them."

Xiao Jiang, Lu Deyuan and Zhao Yuanlong sat on the sofa.

After a dozen seconds,

Zhao Yuanlong asked curiously,"I don't know how Xiao Shao avoided Xu Zimo's tricks?"

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