When the killers heard what the man said, they threw the grenades down without hesitation.

When they were about to turn around and run away, they found that they could not move their bodies, and their feet seemed to be tightly grasped by something.

The man looked at the people on the second floor and roared:"Hurry up and leave, the grenade is about to explode!"

The killers were also in pain. One of them said bitterly:"Our feet are grasped by something, and we can't move at all!"

Deathly silence soon appeared in their eyes.

In order to kill Xiao Jiang, so many killers are now going to sacrifice their lives!

When the man heard these words, he looked at Xiao Jiang and said:"Humph, it's just a few more deaths. As long as you die, our mission will be accomplished!"

"Death? With just an explosion?" Xiao Jiang sneered.

Before the man could reply to Xiao Jiang's words, several grenades exploded instantly, igniting a large amount of carbon monoxide. The powerful explosion caused a great shock near the mall.

Many residents nearby thought it was an earthquake.

Faced with such a powerful explosion, the group of killers were quickly swallowed up. When the man was dying, his eyes were full of disbelief:"How... is it possible?……"

He witnessed with his own eyes that Xiao Jiang was not afraid of these explosions, and it could even be said that none of them could hurt a corner of his clothes.

This was a carefully planned strangulation plan.

Now it seemed like a joke. Not only did it not hurt Xiao Jiang at all, but it also cost him his life.

Xiao Jiang let go of the ashes in his hand, patted the dust on his body, put his hands behind his back, and walked out leisurely without fear of the high temperature flames.

When he came out, a large number of residents and passers-by had gathered around him.

However, due to the billowing smoke, these residents and passers-by could not see his face clearly.

Xiao Jiang just disappeared silently in the crowd.

The mall explosion made the local front page headlines the next day.

Almost everyone in Pan City knew about the explosion.

Xu Zimo naturally knew about it. He lay on the hospital bed and immediately called Xie An and asked,"Did you arrange this explosion?"

"Naturally, in order to kill Xiao Jiang, there will inevitably be a price to pay!"

"Do you know that you blew up my shopping mall? And you didn't even tell me in advance. You show you don't take me seriously!"

""Master Xu, don't be angry. Now that Xiao Jiang has been killed, the loss of a shopping mall is nothing."

Xu Zimo was immediately interested when he heard this and asked hurriedly,"Are you sure Xiao Jiang has been killed?"

"This is inevitable. How could Xiao Jiang die under such explosive power?"

"Hahahaha, good, good, that's great!"

Xu Zimo could no longer suppress his inner joy, and hurriedly said,"As for the balance, I will have the Xu family pay it all to you in the next two days, not a penny less!"

"Then wait for Master Xu to remit the money. We need to cooperate more in the future."

"Of course, of course!"

After hanging up the phone, he couldn't suppress the joy on his face.

The female secretary entered the ward at this time, saw this scene, and couldn't help but asked:"Mr. Xu, is there something happy?"

"Xiao Jiang is dead, this bastard is finally dead!"

"Congratulations, Master Xu!"

Xu Zimo felt very comfortable when he heard the secretary flatter him. He was really excited when he saw her wearing a white shirt that wrapped her chest tightly, which was about to burst out.

Unfortunately, he had to stop thinking about that kind of thing within a year after the last incident.

When he thought of this, the joy on his face faded a little.

"Xiao Jiang is dead. I want to let all those old dogs in Nanzhou Province know about it and make them panic every day."

"By the way, you should immediately send someone to inform Guo Weicai, this vicious dog that has devoured its master, to let him know that Xiao Jiang is dead. I want him to kneel down in front of me obediently!"

The female secretary sensed Xu Zimo's anger, nodded, and immediately turned around and left.

At the same time, in a bar box somewhere.

Guo Weicai was sitting respectfully in front of Xiao Jiang, and said with an apologetic smile:"Mr. Xiao, what's the matter that requires you to come here in person?"

"Just call me directly, don't meet me!"

He felt a lot of pressure just sitting with Xiao Jiang.

It seemed that breathing became a little difficult.

Xiao Jiang looked at him and smiled lightly:"Don't be nervous, I won't eat you."

"I came to you this time for only one thing. The direct-sale store is about to open. In order to prevent any accidents, I need you to bring some people to watch over it."

"It's just a small matter, please rest assured, Young Master Xiao!"Guo Weicai thought it was a big deal, but it turned out to be just a small matter, and he was relieved.

About three minutes later, a younger brother suddenly came in hurriedly.

"Oh no, big brother, something bad has happened!"

Guo Weicai heard the younger brother's words, his face instantly fell, and he said angrily:"Damn it, if you have something to say, just say it, why are you making a fuss!"

"Just now Xu...Xu Zimo sent someone to tell me that Young Master Xiao has been killed by him, and asked you to go over quickly!"

After saying that, when the younger brother slowly raised his head, his face turned pale in an instant.

The whole person collapsed on the ground, pointing at Xiao Jiang with his right hand, and said in fear:"Xiao...Young Master Xiao, it turns out that you...are not dead!"

"Bold!" After hearing these words, Guo Weicai was so scared that he stood up instantly, kicked the man to the ground, and said angrily:"Mr. Xiao, you are very capable, how could you be killed by a villain like Xu Zimo?!"

After saying that, he looked at Xiao Jiang with lingering fear, and apologized:"Mr. Xiao, he didn't mean it, please don't mind!" As soon as the words fell.

Cold sweat was already on his forehead.

Xiao Jiang looked at him with interest, and asked with a smile:"If I really die, will you really choose to betray me?"


Guo Weicai knelt on the ground and begged for mercy:"No, no, no, I will definitely follow Mr. Xiao's lead, and I will never have any second thoughts"

"I'm just talking, you don't have to take it seriously."Xiao Jiang smiled gently.

Guo Wei was relieved, and he felt his scalp tingling. He felt that being with Xiao Jiang was more thrilling than being with Xu Zimo.

���Xiao Jiang will not interfere with his many businesses, nor will he restrict him. Relatively speaking, it is better than staying with Xu Zimo.

"It seems that Xu Zimo already thinks that I was killed by the Dark Blood Organization."

""Master Xiao, do you want me to teach Xu Zimo a lesson again?" Guo Weicai immediately opened his mouth and said willingly.

Xiao Jiang heard Guo Weicai's words and shook his head slightly:"No, since they all think I'm dead, it's a good opportunity to eliminate those people who are fickle!"

Guo Weicai heard Xiao Jiang's words and felt lucky: Fortunately, Master Xiao came to me early in the morning, otherwise, I would probably be liquidated.

In the future, I'd better follow Master Xiao honestly and don't think too much.

"Guo Weicai, please stand up."

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