Guo Weicai heard Xiao Jiang's words, slowly stood up from the ground and asked:"Mr. Xiao, is there anything you need?"

""If you follow the instructions on this prescription and apply it once a day, your right hand that was blown off will grow back!"

Xiao Jiang casually threw the prescription to Guo Weicai.

Guo Weicai quickly caught the prescription with his left hand, looked at it, his eyes full of excitement, and quickly said gratefully:"Thank you, Mr. Xiao!"

His right hand was blown off, which has always been a concern for him. In order not to expose it.

He even spent a lot of money to get a pair of prostheses, and then put on gloves. Although it was very inconvenient, at least the other party could not see it.

When he learned that Xiao Jiang could actually restore his right hand, he was so happy in his heart, and he was full of endless gratitude. His loyalty to Xiao Jiang also began to soar.

Xiao Jiang didn't care about a mere prescription. After saying a few simple words, he turned around and left the bar.

Guo Weicai looked at Xiao Jiang's back, and quickly retracted his gaze. Looking at the frightened younger brother, he warned:"You should just pretend that you didn't see what happened today."

"You can't reveal the news that Young Master Xiao is alive. If you dare to reveal it, you should know my methods!"

Upon hearing this, the younger brother was so frightened that his face turned pale and his heart and gall bladder were broken. He quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed, saying:"Brother, don't worry, I will keep my mouth shut!"

"This would be the best. Go and buy me all the herbs needed for this prescription!"


The younger brother nodded, carefully took the prescription, turned around and left.


Three days passed in a flash. The news of Xiao Jiang's death spread all over Nanzhou Province.

Lu Deyuan and Lu Liang, the grandfather and grandson who had just come from Jingdu Province to Jiangling City, Nanzhou Province to visit Zhao Yuanlong, heard the news as soon as they arrived at Zhao's house.

Zhao Yuanlong sighed helplessly, his eyes full of regret:"Alas, Xiao Shao is a genius, why was he killed in such a bomb?"

"This Xu Zimo is really abominable!"

Lu Liang immediately said:"Impossible, absolutely impossible, this must be false news released by Xu Zimo!"

"Xiao Liang, why are you so sure that this is fake news?"

"Because with Young Master Xiao's abilities, there is absolutely no way he would be killed in the explosion!"


Lu Liang's words aroused Zhao Yuanlong's interest.

Seeing this situation, and thinking that Zhao Yuanlong was his grandfather's best friend, it would be bad to continue hiding it.

So, he told Zhao Yuanlong about what happened when he and his sister met Xiao Jiang in Gushan.

When Zhao Yuanlong heard the news, he took a breath of cold air and almost fell down. He subconsciously said:"Flying into the sky and hiding in the ground, flying through mountains, and changing the weather with a wave of his hand!"

"This is an immortal. Xiao Liang, why didn't you tell me such important news earlier?"

He finally understood why the Lu family was willing to completely break off relations with the Xu family for Xiao Jiang. If you want to make friends with an immortal, it's as easy as eating and drinking water to live a hundred years. When

Lu Liang heard what Zhao Yuanlong said, he smiled bitterly and said,"Grandpa Zhao, Young Master Xiao doesn't want to reveal his identity, and I dare not tell anyone else!"

"You must not tell anyone else and don't show it in front of Mr. Xiao!"

"Otherwise, if Young Master Xiao blames me, I will be completely finished."

Zhao Yuanlong nodded slightly:"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this matter."

In his heart, he had already thought that no matter what, he must bring Xiao Jiang and the Zhao family closer.

That's an immortal, if you miss him, you really miss him.

After the atmosphere fell into silence for a few minutes

"Old Lu, should we tell other people in Nanzhou Province that Young Master Xiao is still alive?"

Zhao Yuanlong asked curiously. He was worried that some weak-minded guys would take the opportunity to betray Xiao Jiang and let Nanzhou Province, which Xiao Jiang had finally controlled, slip out of his control again.

Lu Deyuan shook his head slightly and explained:"Young Master Xiao must be deliberately concealing the news that he is still alive in order to test these guys."

"We just need to stand aside and watch what happens, and don't take any action!"

""Okay, I'll listen to you this time!" Zhao Yuanlong nodded slightly, and stopped talking, drinking hot tea silently.

At this moment, Jiang Jitong hurried back from Anning City. As soon as he returned to the living room of the Jiang family villa, he saw Jiang Feng with a sad face.

Jiang Feng looked at Jiang Jitong and forced a smile.

"Ji Tong, you're back!"

"I heard that Mr. Xiao was killed in the explosion?"


Jiang Jitong looked at his father and nodded. He took a few steps back, his face slightly pale, and asked,"Dad, what are you going to do next?"

"I heard that Zhong Yiran has won over many other big men in the city to form a chamber of commerce, and is preparing to turn to the Xu family. I also plan to take the Jiang family and join the chamber of commerce!"

Jiang Feng knew that if Xiao Jiang died, he wanted to survive in Nanzhou Province. Perhaps he could only join that chamber of commerce.

There would be a glimmer of hope!

When Jiang Jitong heard this, he hurriedly persuaded:"Dad, you are old and confused. We are the first people to join Young Master Xiao."

"We even helped Young Master Xiao to overthrow the Su family. Do you think the Xu family will trust us?"

"What should I do then?"

"Wait and see what happens, then find a suitable opportunity to cooperate with the Lu family of Kyoto Province. As long as Old Lu helps, the Xu family can't do anything to us."

When Jiang Jitong came to Jiangling City, he had already thought of a countermeasure.

He only needed to get his father's consent.

"Alas~" Jiang Feng shook his head helplessly and said:"Okay, let's do it according to your method!"


Jiang Jitong nodded, his eyes were very solemn.

Yuxin Skin Care Co., Ltd.

Su Ruxin was sitting in her office. She was the first to hear about the news that Xiao Jiang was killed in a bomb in Pan City, Yanglin Province. She sat on the chair with no strength, her heart aching like a knife, and her eyes gradually became red.

"Impossible, how could Xiao Jiang die?……"

She kept muttering these words.

Suddenly, she thought of Li Yaxian who was still in Pan City, Yanglin Province.

If Xiao Jiang had an accident, Li Yaxian would definitely tell her the news.

Thinking of this, Su Ruxin gradually felt a glimmer of hope in her heart.

She quickly took out her cell phone and called Li Yaxian.

After more than ten seconds, the call was connected, and she couldn't wait to ask:"Yaxian, I want to ask you something very important!"

"Important thing? What is it?"

"Xiao Jiang, was he killed in the explosion?!"

After saying this, Su Ruxin concentrated on waiting for Li Yaxian's reply.

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