As the sniper bullet was about to penetrate Xiao Jiang's head, a silver needle suddenly flew out, splitting the sniper bullet in two, passing through Xiao Jiang's shoulders and shooting through the large LCD TV.

The TV began to emit electricity and a few wisps of white smoke appeared.

The sniper hiding on the rooftop of a high-rise building a thousand meters away saw this scene and his pupils shrank.

"What's going on? This bullet is made of titanium alloy, which is extremely hard and can easily penetrate even military bulletproof glass."

"Why, when it was close to Xiao Jiang's head, it inexplicably broke into two halves?"

He couldn't think any more. If a bullet failed to hit Xiao Jiang, it meant that his position had been completely exposed.

He quickly disassembled the sniper rifle, put it into a guitar wooden box, and quickly left the high-rise building.

And, just when he arrived at the first floor.

Right in front of the gate, on the bench.

The man saw a familiar figure, his pupils trembled, and he stepped back a few steps.

"Xiao Jiang!!!"

"You are not in the hotel, why are you here a thousand meters away?!" He was still in the hotel in the last second, and appeared here in the next second.

Even Superman can't be so fast!

Xiao Jiang stood up slowly, with his hands behind his back:"Why not? Don't look at me with your ant-like eyes!"

The man was also a strong professional killer, with an extremely fast reaction speed. He took out a smoke bomb from his pocket, pulled the safety, and quickly threw it to the ground.

The smoke bomb made a"hissing" sound, and a large amount of smoke came out instantly, covering Xiao Jiang's sight.

The man also took the opportunity to escape quickly, not daring to delay for a moment.

He even felt that the sniper rifle was a bit slow, so he threw it directly into the nearby green belt with the guitar wooden box.

Xiao Jiang waved his right hand lightly, and a breeze came, blowing away the smoke instantly.

He looked in the direction of his escape, narrowed his eyes slightly, and murmured:"I want to see what kind of trap you [Dark Blood Organization] have set for me."

While speaking, he followed the direction the man ran away.

It seemed to be very slow, but in fact it was extremely fast. Even if a normal sports car stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, it might not be able to catch up with his speed.

The man looked back a few times after running a few hundred meters, and he could see Xiao Jiang almost every time.

If he hadn't seen the changes in the surrounding buildings, he would have thought that he didn't run at all.

However, Xiao Jiang chased so leisurely that even a man with such a strong psychological quality began to feel endless pressure and fear.

It was like a mouse being chased by a cat.

After about ten minutes, the man turned around and finally entered a shopping mall that had just closed.

He stopped in the middle of the first floor, panting, turned his head and looked at Xiao Jiang who was walking towards him. The sweat on his forehead was not hot sweat, but cold sweat.

"Oh? That's it, why don't you just keep running away?"

"Because you have already fallen into the trap, why should I run away."

As he spoke, countless killers appeared on the second floor, each of them holding a rifle or a grenade.

Xiao Jiang looked around, looking at such a grand scene, the corners of his mouth slightly raised:"It seems that your organization still attaches great importance to me, and actually arranged so many people!"

"However, do you really think that you can take my life with just these guns and ammunition?" The man heard Xiao Jiang's words and sneered:"Of course it's impossible. We are your strength. If we only rely on these guns and ammunition, we will definitely not be able to kill you."

"For this, I have prepared a great gift for you!"

As he said this, he and the killers suddenly put on military gas masks.

The next second.

A button suddenly appeared in the man's right hand. After pressing it gently. The smoke detector originally used for firefighting no longer sprayed out clean water, but a large amount of sevoflurane, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and other series of highly toxic chemical gases.

No wonder these guys wore gas masks.

From beginning to end, they almost never thought of using guns and ammunition to kill Xiao Jiang.

Instead, they planned to use these highly toxic chemical gases.

Even if Xiao Jiang could not be completely killed, sevoflurane has a super strong anesthetic coma effect. Ordinary people will be completely unconscious in just three or four seconds after inhaling a little.

What's more, it was such a large dose.

They just waited for Xiao Jiang to fall into a coma, and then they could take action and wipe him out.

However, one or two minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Jiang didn't react at all, still standing there straight, as if nothing had happened

"How is it possible? If an ordinary person inhales these highly toxic chemical gases, they will die instantly within half a minute at most. How is it possible that you are fine?"

"Yes, you must be holding on!"

The man couldn't help but step back a few steps, looking at Xiao Jiang in horror.

They spent a lot of effort to inject all the gases into the smoke detector.

He would rather believe that Xiao Jiang was holding on than believe that Xiao Jiang would be safe and sound.

If these highly toxic gases have no effect on Xiao Jiang, is he really still a human being?

Xiao Jiang smiled contemptuously, and in the blink of an eye he teleported in front of the man. He pinched his neck with his right hand and said disappointedly:"I thought you were so clever, but it turns out you are just like this!"

His body has long surpassed that of humans. To him, these highly toxic gases are no different from ordinary air. At most they just smell a little bad.

"Cough cough cough……"The man held Xiao Jiang's right hand tightly with both hands, his face flushed. He was wearing a gas mask, so the air he was getting was already scarce, and now he was being strangled.

He really felt like he was about to die.

"You can't kill me. If you kill me, you will never be able to leave this place!"

As he said this, he raised his right hand.���To the guys on the second floor

"You should be able to smell it. This mall is filled with carbon monoxide. As long as they drop the bomb, there will be a huge explosion!"

"By then, neither you nor I will be able to leave alive!"

This is also their last resort, to trigger a huge explosion and blow Xiao Jiang to ashes!

Xiao Jiang listened to his words and said disdainfully:"Even if I let you go, you will let them throw the grenade."

Those guys have already pulled the safety, and once released, the grenade will explode in an instant. When the man heard Xiao Jiang's words, a flash of panic flashed in his pupils.

How could he not panic when his plan was seen through.

They had already prepared an escape route, and as long as they threw the grenade, they would quickly leave this place through the escape passage.

The grenade detonated a large amount of carbon monoxide, and this shopping mall would be blown into ruins, and Xiao Jiang would surely be killed.

The panic in the man's eyes gradually dissipated, and he made up his mind, grabbed Xiao Jiang's right hand tightly with both hands, and roared almost like a roar:"Everyone, throw the grenade immediately!"

"Don't worry about me!"

He was planning to die together with Xiao Jiang!

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