He entered the jade shop and did not see cinnabar, but saw a bracelet made of cinnabar.

Cinnabar has the effects of calming the mind, calming the nerves and detoxifying, and treating insomnia and dreaminess, so naturally some people would choose to wear it, but only for a short period of time.

The shop owner saw Xiao Jiang set his eyes on the cinnabar bracelet and asked with a smile:"My guest, do you want this cinnabar bracelet?"

"The vision is really good. This cinnabar bracelet has been diluted and can be worn for a long time. Its effect has not been reduced at all."

"I see you are a new face, if you like it, I can give you a cheap price, how about it?"

Xiao Jiang listened to the shop owner's words and looked at the cinnabar bracelet.

It was indeed mixed with other substances. Even if it was crushed and refined, it could not be used to draw talismans.

He shook his head slightly and said,"I don't want your cinnabar bracelet."

"Don't want it?" The shop owner looked at Xiao Jiang's clothes, and estimated that his total amount was only two or three hundred.

In his shop, except for this cinnabar bracelet which was the cheapest, other jade jewelry cost tens of thousands.

Since he couldn't even afford the cinnabar bracelet, what else could he buy?

Thinking of this, his face instantly fell, and he said coldly:"Customer, if you don't want to buy anything, please leave.""

"Stop disturbing me, I'm doing business!"

Xiao Jiang frowned when he heard these words.

Originally, he wanted to ask the shop owner if he had any cinnabar raw stones, and he planned to buy them all.

Now it seems that there is no need for this.

He was too lazy to waste words with this person, and was about to turn around and leave.

An old man wearing a white vest and with slightly dark skin came in carrying a basket of cinnabar raw stones.

He looked at the shop owner and asked carefully:"Boss, do you really not need this cinnabar raw stone?"

"Get lost, how many times do I have to tell you this? I don’t want it!"

The shop owner was quite impatient and continued,"Last time I asked you to polish a piece of cinnabar raw stone into a bracelet, but I haven’t sold it yet."

"It’s good that I didn’t ask you for compensation!"

""Alas~" The old man shook his head helplessly and was about to turn around and leave.

Xiao Jiang called him and asked,"Uncle, how much do you sell this cinnabar raw stone for?"

"10 yuan per gram. If you want more, I can give you 5 yuan per gram!" The old man also asked tentatively.

Nowadays, most stores don't want cinnabar, so he naturally didn't dare to ask for too much!

Xiao Jiang looked at these cinnabar stones, which were blood red, as bright red as blood.

There were only a few impurities, and the quality was so good that it was beyond words. According to the normal market price, one gram would cost at least 35 yuan.

"I want all of them. I'll buy them at 35 yuan per gram. I'll take as many as you have. How do you think?"

"this this this……"The old man was so excited when he heard Xiao Jiang's words that he couldn't speak.

He didn't expect to meet a big customer today, and he even bought it at 35 yuan per gram. He couldn't even think about it.

"Look at how many kilograms it is, so I can give you the money!"

When the old man heard Xiao Jiang's words, he nodded quickly, took out an electronic scale, and began to weigh the cinnabar stones.

"Six jin, three kilograms, one hundred and five thousand yuan!"

"Why not, just forget about the five thousand?

The old man actually felt a little guilty. He felt that the one hundred thousand was too hot to handle and was embarrassed to accept it.

Xiao Jiang didn't care. He directly withdrew one hundred and five thousand yuan from a nearby bank, put it in a black plastic bag, and handed it to the old man.

"One hundred and five thousand yuan in total, you can count it yourself!"

"No, no, no, I believe in your character."The old man smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into slits.

The shop owner looked at Xiao Jiang and gave out 100,000 in one go. He was full of regret in his heart.

There were also cinnabar raw stones in his shop. If he hadn't said those words just now, these more than 100,000 would all be his.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he regretted, it would be of no use.

Xiao Jiang accepted the cinnabar raw stones and said,"If there are more in the future, go directly to Guo Weicai, and I will tell him!"

After all, he will need to refine talismans in the future, so naturally he needs a stable source of supply.

"Guo Weicai?!"The old man and the shop owner took a deep breath when they heard this name.

Anyone from Pan City would know Guo Weicai.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly ordinary person in front of them actually knew Guo Weicai.

The old man was even more in awe of Xiao Jiang, and quickly said:"Don't worry, I will send a batch of cinnabar raw stones to you at the end of almost every month."

"The quality is guaranteed to be the same as today's."

Xiao Jiang nodded slightly:"That's settled."

He was holding the cinnabar raw stone and was about to turn around and leave.

The shop owner suddenly came up to him with a flattering look on his face and asked with a smile:"Young master, I also have cinnabar raw stones in my shop. The quality is definitely not bad, and I only want 20 yuan per gram. How about it?"

He was not only attracted by Xiao Jiang's money, but also by Guo Weicai's connection.

As long as he got in touch with this connection, he would be able to walk sideways in Pan City in the future!

However, Xiao Jiang was too lazy to pay attention to him. He carried the cinnabar raw stone, bypassed him, and gradually disappeared in the crowd.

The shop owner looked at Xiao Jiang's back as he left, his face extremely embarrassed, but he couldn't say anything.

He had to return to his shop silently.


After returning to his residence, Xiao Jiang began to simply refine the cinnabar stone, grind it into powder, and draw it on yellow paper with a brush. He worked on it until the next afternoon, and he did not rest for a moment, always concentrating on drawing the talisman.

""Huh~" Xiao Jiang exhaled lightly and looked at the more than 30 completed talismans, which contained both attack and defense.

"It took me a lot of energy and spiritual energy, but my cultivation is still too low. If it were higher, I wouldn't have wasted so much time to make such a small amount!"

It took him a whole night and a whole morning to make more than 30 talismans, so he was naturally not very satisfied.

The next second, he put all the more than 30 talismans into his pocket, stretched his body, and looked at the sunset outside the window.

"I didn't expect it to be so late. It seems I have to wait until tomorrow to send another amulet to Li Yaxian."

While speaking, he suddenly frowned and came to the balcony. When he looked down, he found the guys in charge of surveillance.

At this time, he couldn't see any of them.

This murderous aura, it seems that the guys from the [Dark Blood Organization] are already planning to take action!

I want to see what means these guys are going to use to kill me after monitoring me for so long.

Xiao Jiang did not feel fear, but sneered with disdain.

For the strong, all means can be cut off with one sword!

If one sword doesn't work, then another sword!

He quickly retracted his gaze and turned back to the living room. Just when he was sitting on the sofa.


From a distance, a sniper bullet instantly broke through the glass and rushed straight to the back of Xiao Jiang's head.

It can be said that it was very unexpected.

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