Chapter 594 Chaos Ferocious Thing

Earth, outside the solar system.

A behemoth is staring at it, staring at the entire solar system like the sun.

Upon closer inspection, this huge thing turned out to be a creature.

The huge body, compared to the solar system, didn’t do much, three thousand tentacles were constantly waving in the gloomy starry sky.

It was like a big octopus full of tentacles, with a faint blue sheen, and two eyes staring at the earth like stars.

There was a trace of fear in its eyes, and a trace of enthusiasm and desire, as if it were eager to try.

But it did not act for a long time and did not dare to move rashly.

This huge starry sky creature has a terrifying aura. Why doesn’t it dare to move while staring at the earth? What are they afraid of?

“Origin, can swallowing him get rid of the ultimate horror?”

This huge creature is weighing, thinking about something.

There was fear, fear, hesitation, fierceness and fanaticism in its eyes, like a combination of contradictions.

This is a fierce beast in the starry sky chaos.

However, at this moment in the solar system, there is not a single creature aware of its existence.

Even the various gods and demons who occupied other parts of the solar system, without exception, did not notice its arrival and appearance.

There is a layer of chaotic magnetic field on the body of this behemoth, which covers everything and is completely undetected by any creatures.

Outside the silent solar system, what exactly does this huge chaotic creature want to do.

“No, there is a big horror in the origin, even beyond the big fear on the ultimate ancient road.”

After hesitating for a long time, this chaotic monster finally did not dare to act rashly.

Even if it can swallow the entire solar system in one bite, it still doesn’t dare to move rashly, and an inexplicable fear breeds in its heart.

Seeing the delicacy right in front of him, but not daring to swallow it, it looked very anxious.

“No matter, I can’t get close yet…”

In the end, this terrible thing took a deep look at the earth, revealing a trace of fear, and quietly disappeared in the starry universe.

The chaos and mist filled, and in a blink of an eye this behemoth disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

When it disappears.

There are waves of ripples around the solar system again.


Soon, a series of terrifying figures appeared one after another.

Each of these powerful creatures is extremely terrifying.

But they looked at the direction where the chaotic monster disappeared and showed a look of fear, and their hearts were lingering.

“too frightening.”

A headless creature said tremblingly.

Not far away, a giant like Star was a little scared and said, “Isn’t that the terrifying lord on the Chaos Void, why does it come here?”

“I don’t know.”

“It is very likely to be directed at the origin.”

“But it seems to be scared away.”

Of these powerful beings, the weakest one is a powerful creature of the Immortal level.

There are even a few more powerful auras, faintly exuding a hint of eternal aura, but still feel extremely afraid of the chaotic monster just now.

That is the truly terrifying existence, and even they must be in awe of three points.

“Fortunately, it is gone, otherwise we will be really miserable.”

The star-like giant wiped a cold sweat, feeling lingering in his heart.

“Sure enough, it’s not that simple here.”

“The secret of the immortal comes from the origin.”

“What is hidden there?”

“Why did you destroy the immortal, and still can’t solve the mystery of the origin.”

“What is the connection between the secret of origin and the ultimate fear?”

These powerful creatures communicated with each other, looking at the earth in the solar system with a touch of deep thought, with conscious fear and awe hidden in their eyes.

They are very powerful, but they don’t dare to set foot in the solar system, as if here is a forbidden zone.

At this point, they did not dare to step into it.

Other gods, monsters, and other alien races, void monsters, etc., broke in without hesitation.

Because there is an inexplicable horror here.

There are three great horrors in the universe, and the earth in front of you is one of them.

This is called the origin, as if the origin of everything.

The second is the Ultimate Ancient Road, which is the second largest horror in the universe.

As for the third greatest horror, it exists in the Chaos Void, where the universe belongs to the wilderness, chaos, disorder, and full of unknowns.

“Shall we enter?”

At this moment, the headless creature spoke faintly.

Hearing that the other creatures shuddered, they retreated one after another, and none of them dared to set foot in the solar system’s range.

This is an invisible shock, as for why no one knows.

Because none of the Immortal-class creatures that stepped into it were able to come out alive, and mysteriously disappeared as soon as they entered.

Origin, what secrets are hidden in the end, no one can figure out.

This is why the earth ushered in countless races and even gods and demons in the universe, just to explore the mystery of the origin.

“Let’s go, just pay attention here all the time.”

Soon, these strong men disappeared one by one.

Calm was restored outside the solar system.

It’s just that these powerful creatures didn’t notice it at all, and Liu Qing saw it all clearly.

Including the terrifying creature before, was also seen by Liu Qing.

It was precisely because of seeing the behemoth that it didn’t appear rashly.


When all these creatures were gone, Liu Qing secretly took a breath of cold air in the middle of the starry sky.

Beside him, Emperor Yong Ye and Zhou Mengmeng were already dumbfounded.

If it hadn’t been for Liu Qing to hide with the Chaos Three Thousand Dao Patterns, she might not have escaped the detection of that terrifying Chaos monster.

“What a scary thing.”

Zhou Mengmeng’s face was pale, and when he glanced at the terrifying monster, there was a terrible feeling that the body and soul would burst, and the demon fetus vibrated violently.

One can imagine how scary it is to take things.

“What the hell is that?” She asked Liu Qing with a horrified face.

Regarding this question, Liu Qing faintly felt that he could not say, otherwise he would be detected by that thing and locked himself directly, which is not a good thing.

“It should be a big evil thing from the Chaos Void Sea.”

Emperor Yong Ye reminded with a solemn expression.

She obviously knows something and can only raise it cryptically.

Liu Qing took a deep breath, and then slowly said, “Yes, it’s the big evil thing from the depths of the Chaos Void Sea. I didn’t expect to actually stare at the earth?”

“Why on earth is it staring at the earth?”

“And the group of powerful creatures just now, the weakest being Immortal-class existences, they are actually eyeing the earth of the solar system.”

Speaking of this, Liu Qing looked at the solar system and set his eyes on the earth.

He sighed faintly: “It seems that there are secrets that I don’t know are still hidden on the earth, and I always feel that there is a big horror hidden in it.”

“I am not a creature of your universe, so I don’t know the secrets.”

Emperor Yong Ye frowned and felt something wrong.

She recalled for a while and suddenly said, “However, there was such a rumor in the glorious period of the fairy clan.”

“Oh, what rumors?” Liu Qing immediately became interested.

Just listen to her whispering: “It is rumored that the immortal clan comes from the origin, and the origin hides the secret of transcending the ultimate fear.”

“Origin, fairy clan, ultimate fear?”

Liu Qing noticed these words, and a glimmer of light flashed under his eyes.

He vaguely caught something, but not quite sure.

“No matter what secrets are hidden, I will uncover them one by one one day.”

After thinking for a long time, Liu Qing finally let go of the countless thoughts in her mind and stopped thinking about it.

No matter what the earth has secrets, he can’t stop his plan.

The first fire in the next Universe chaos will be lit from the earth.

“it’s time.”

Liu Qing’s expression was certain, and suddenly he waved his hand and shot rays of light that flew into the void and disappeared.

At the same time, the sun, on the earth, the avatars belonging to Liu Qing opened their eyes one by one, and a powerful aura permeated.

A great change is coming.

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