Chapter 593 The Secret Queen

After Liu Qing and others left.

Dark night nebula, in the magic hall.

The Queen of Dark Night was sitting on the throne, a powerful demonic energy exuding all over her body.

Surprisingly, a group of shivering people were kneeling in front of her.

No, it’s a bunch of demons to be precise.

And it is not an ordinary demon, but a group of demon emperors.

Yes, there was a large group of Demon Kings kneeling in front of the Empress of Dark Night, not one or two, but a large group.

At least 30 demon emperors knelt there, all trembling, not daring to lift their heads.

“Are they gone?”

After a long time, the Queen of Dark Night spoke quietly.

The group of Demon Emperors below shuddered together, cold sweat on the forehead of the Demon Emperor in front.

“Back, back to Her Majesty the Queen, all are gone.”

The demon emperor, with three heads and six arms, five big and three thick, looks very vicious, but he knelt there and shivered.

He was a powerful Demon King, why is he kneeling in front of the Queen of Dark Night now?

“Where are the old guys of the Demon Race, are they still reluctant to surrender?”

The Queen of Dark Night’s eyes flickered, extremely cold, as if she was a different person from before.

If Liu Qing is stunned here, the Queen of Dark Night is not alone at all.

And her aura was more than a hundred times stronger than when she was fighting against Emperor Yong Ye before, she was not alone at all.

“Queen, those who are immortal still refuse to let go, they are now imprisoned in the demon prison.”

“My Empress, or just destroy those old things.”

The Demon Emperor cautiously asked for instructions.


As soon as the voice fell, a powerful demon aura was severely suppressed, and the demon emperor was completely lying on the ground, and the sound of cracking bones came.

The Empress of the Dark Night stared at him indifferently, saying every word: “This emperor does not need to wait for your fingertips to do things, and there will be another next time…”


A killing word caused the surrounding temperature to drop sharply, and the endless ice enveloped the dozens of Demon Kings present, all of them trembled, and they were terrified to death.

Especially the demon emperor who escaped from death, was almost paralyzed, his bones were in severe pain, but he did not dare to make a sound.

It’s scared, the Queen of the Night is too terrible.

“A group of old immortals, it seems that the emperor will personally strip out their blood origin, draw out the devil bones, and burn the devil soul.”

“From now on, the future demons have only one voice, and that is the voice of the emperor.”

The Queen of Dark Night slowly got up after speaking, a powerful devilish energy swept all directions, enveloped the entire dark nebula, and countless demons shivered.

No one knew that the Demon Race had already fallen under her control, and all the Demon Emperors actually surrendered to her feet.

The entire demons have long been unified, no longer falling apart.

As for the powerful demons of the older generation, some tyrannical demons did not surrender, but were locked in the demon prison and could not escape.

Even Liu Qing had taken a glance. I didn’t expect this Queen of the Dark Night to be so powerful. Could it be that she had hidden it before, or what?

Even the emperor Yong Ye, who was the deity, hadn’t noticed that the Queen of Dark Night was wrong, it was incredible.

“The ancient demons have appeared one after another. This emperor has only one request, whether it is the ancient demons or the ancient demons, even the ancient demons.”

“As long as it is the demons, either surrender or destroy.”

After the Queen of Dark Night finished speaking, a pair of terrifying magic wings burst out from behind, and the whole temperament changed drastically, like an invincible demon lord.

If Liu Qing was here, she would definitely be able to detect that there was an aura of a demon fetus in her body.

This breath is exactly Zhou Mengmeng’s demon fetus aura, it seems that she is also a demon fetus?

How can it be?

There can be no two demon fetuses in the world, why does she have the breath of a demon fetus in her body?

It turned out that the Queen of Dark Night got rid of the shackles with the help of a dead demonic fetus, and she shed everything she used to achieve her current self.

This is why she rescued Zhou Mengmeng and accepted her as a disciple, all because both belonged to the demonic fetus.

No one could predict how terrifying the magic fetus was.

“If the order is passed down, the demon clan will attack the ancient demon realm.”

With an order, the powerful queen finally showed her own fangs.

She dealt with her own problems, and finally showed her own powerful posture after getting rid of the shackles of Emperor Yong Ye.

This is the real her, the previous ones are just disguised.


The demons boiled up and down, and a wave of killing vibrated the Galaxy Cluster.



On the other side, Liu Qing, who was rushing back to the solar system, suddenly seemed to feel something, and stopped suddenly.

He turned around in surprise and looked in the direction of the Great Demon Realm, as if he had noticed something.


Emperor Yong Ye frowned slightly, and he also noticed a slight strangeness.

Only Zhou Mengmeng was very carefree and didn’t care at all.

“Dad, what’s the matter?”

She asked curiously.

Liu Qing shook his head and did not speak, but instead looked at Emperor Yong Ye.

“Have you sensed it?” he asked softly.

Emperor Yong Ye nodded solemnly, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

She thought for a while and said, “I felt it, it seems to be her, but how could it be possible?”

“Perhaps, we were all deceived by her.”

Liu Qing thought for a while and said his own guess.

“Who deceived you?” Zhou Mengmeng was a little confused and curious: “Could it be that the queen master deceived us?”

“Maybe it’s an illusion, but it doesn’t matter anymore.”

Liu Qing shook his head without explaining.

Of course, this is definitely not an illusion, he believes that own induction is right.

Only then did he perceive a strange breath, and it was extremely powerful, and even a familiar feeling.

Just like Zhou Mengmeng in front of me.

Could it be that she is another magic fetus?

A thought flashed in Liu Qing’s mind, and she might have guessed the answer.

He looked at Zhou Mengmeng thoughtfully. As a magic fetus, he had a unique breath, didn’t it mean that he was unique.

“Forget it, what’s the matter with her?”

In the end, he shook his head and cast aside these distracting thoughts, and stopped thinking about it.

No matter what the other party is, it has nothing to do with him now.

Emperor Yong Ye has recovered half of his own true spirit, which can then be completely repaired, and will be fully restored in the near future.

Therefore, it is no longer restricted and squeezed out by this universe, and there will be no obstacles or problems in returning to the peak of the past.

“She should have deceived me.”

Emperor Yong Ye shook his head and sighed.

She didn’t pursue anything about this, after all, as a clone of own, and gaining freedom, then she would ignore it.

“This Universe, I’m afraid it will be messed up.”

Whether it was Liu Qing or Emperor Yong Ye, they sensed that Universe was about to fall into a turmoil.

Both of them have their own thoughts.

Especially Liu Qing thinks more. The Universe Chaos is bound to be a catastrophe, but it is also a brand new reshuffle, which contains danger and opportunity.

“Chaos, just to my liking.”

Liu Qing suddenly laughed. Isn’t this what she was expecting?

Only after the chaos can we seek a glimmer of life.

“It seems that I have to go back and make good plans for the next step.”

As he said, Liu Qing raised his eyes and looked at the vast Universe starry sky. Numerous light clusters were looming, and various powerful auras appeared one after another.

“Have you noticed that there are countless auras flowing in one direction in the depths of the void.”

Emperor Yong Ye suddenly pointed to the vast deep sky and said this.

Liu Qing’s expression moved, and he nodded slightly: “I sensed that it was a threat from the deep space of the Universe. Void monsters and deep space races are all heading towards the earth.”

“It seems that the earth will become the fuse of the turmoil in this Universe next.”

He said with a sneer, murderous.

“Then let me light a fire and burn the entire universe.”

After Liu Qing finished speaking, he looked firm, and tore open the starry sky with one hand, leading Zhou Mengmeng and Emperor Yongye into it.

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