Chapter 595

The sun, above the demon court.

Donghuang suddenly opened his eyes, two beams of light tore through the void, like two suns shining brightly.

“The deity?”

Donghuang muttered to himself: “Are you going to take action, then go to war.”

“According to the emperor’s order, conquer the gods and demons on Mars.”


The sun is boiling, and the Golden Crow screams forever, flying into the air with billions of flames.

Accompanied by a terrifying army of monster races rushing out, sweeping the starry sky like a torrent, smashing towards Mars.

At this time, the other side.

In the depths of the underworld, Jiuyou slowly walked out of Samsara.

“The deity returns, it’s about to begin.”

He looked faintly, looking out of the underworld, as if he had seen something.

“However, in the deepest part of this underworld, there seems to be something about to break out of the original The Underworld?”

Jiuyou’s eyes were sharp, and he stepped on Samsara, looking down under the bottomless underground palace.

There is a terrible breath that is permeating there, as if it is about to break through the ground.

Several investigations have found nothing, and it is not clear what it is.

Originally thought it was an immortal sealed in the underworld, but now it does not seem to be the case, but there is something terrible in it.

“The ten directions of Yamas listen to orders, conquer all the ghosts and gods of the four directions, and all those who dissatisfied.”


Following Jiuyou’s order, Yan Luoqi of the ten palaces of the underworld rushed out and turned into ten terrifying King of Hells standing on the underworld, exuding an aura of terror.

Immediately afterwards, densely packed ghost soldiers gathered under the leadership of the major ghost generals. The wind swept across the earth and the sky was darkened.

Many ghosts and gods raging outside panicked one by one, feeling the terrifying pressure from the underworld.

At the same time, Shushan, all Shushan disciples gathered together, all exuding bitter Sword intent.


A sword chant came.

“The Shushan disciple listened to the order, joined the world, and guarded the right way in the world.”

“Anyone who disturbs the world, kill!”

An indifferent voice came from the sword palace, the head of Shushan, the contemporary sword fairy issued an order.


Hundreds of thousands of Shushan disciples shouted together, all of them sacrificed Flying Sword, turning into a Sword Ray and shattering Void and scattered towards all parts of China.

This is to maintain the righteousness of the world and guard the world.

When Liu Qing came back, he directly conveyed the order.

One avatar after another began to implement the next step of the plan to clean up the external threats on the earth and completely control the entire earth.

More than that, the solar system must be cleaned up again.

Of course, only the demon court forces led by the Eastern Emperor on the sun went to Mars to attack the foreign gods and demons there.

In addition, we need to use the earth as the core to clean up the threats on the earth.


At the top of Kunlun, the heavens on one side are hazy, and the fairy light is shrouded, leaving endless reveries for the world.

But no one knew that there were only a few immortals in the empty heavens, and strictly speaking, there was only one true immortal.

That is Xuan Nv.

“See the Lord.”

Seeing Liu Qing’s arrival, Xuannv, ancient trolls, and ancient fierce gods waited for a ceremony.

Liu Qing nodded, standing above the heavenly gate and looking down at the earth below, countless demons were rampant, monsters from the void, and even the major races above the stars.

These are the root causes of chaos and must be eradicated.

“How has the Ascended Platform changed recently?”

Liu Qing asked.

Xuannv respectfully replied: “Master, the ascending platform has not changed, but there are already Loose Immortals in the human world trying to attack Realm, leading to Heavenly Tribulation.”

“Very well, you are in charge of Thunder Tribulation. Remember to master the Transcends Tribulation of the first batch of immortals.”

Liu Qing nodded slightly to remind.

“Yes, Lord.”

Xuan Nu bowed her head to lead her orders.

She is now in charge of the thunder robbery rewards and punishments in the heavens, Loose Immortals, cultivator, and Transcends Tribulation Immortal Ascension all need to go through the thunder robbery in the heavens before they can take them to the sky from the ascension platform.

“Lord, recently the West has frequently had some strong will to explore here, wanting to spy on the secrets of Heaven Court.”

Xuannv suddenly mentioned this news.

“Oh?” Liu Qing said in astonishment: “Someone on the Western Continent dared to peep into Heaven Court. It seems that those Protoss can’t sit still.”

“Lord, please see.”

Xuannv waved her hand gently, and a light curtain appeared in front of her.

The screen showed that there were a few angels coming from time to time, actually exploring the heavens, as if they wanted to occupy this brand new heaven.

The current heaven has formed a connection with the earth and the earth, one sky, one earth, and the underground palaces to form The Three Realms.

With the continuous improvement and growth of The Three Realms, the Spiritual Qi on the earth has become more and more dense, and even a more mysterious transformation has occurred.

In the void around the earth, there is an unknown magnetic field and energy, and even an unknown dark aura shrouds close to the earth, as if to swallow it up.

In fact, Liu Qing noticed the strangeness from the moment he came back, but didn’t care.

What he has to do now is to eradicate and clean up all kinds of threats on the earth.

“How many Loose Immortals are there currently?”

Liu Qing looked at Xuannv and asked.

I saw Xuanyu took out a jade book and opened it: “Master, according to the investigation of the human world, there are currently 8,670 people in Loose Immortals.”

“Well, let go of Heavenly Tribulation and let their Transcends Tribulation soar.”

Liu Qing’s eyes reveal brilliantly and gave instructions for the next step.

It’s time, Heaven Court needs the first batch of fairies to fill it.

Although these immortals cannot all be used as own subordinates and hole cards, they can enrich the heavens.

The true force of Heaven Court originated from the ancient human races in the mountain and sea realm that Liu Qing mastered.

These only need good training to fill the Heaven Court and become their strongest military support.


“Dad, is this Heaven Court?”

“Where does the fairy live?”

“Dad, you are Heavenly Emperor?”

Zhou Mengmeng, who had been holding back for a long time, finally jumped up excitedly, looking here and there, with countless stars shining in his eyes.

Liu Qing was full of black lines and almost forgot this little girl.

“Mengmeng, you go to Shushan, your mother is there.”

He looked at Zhou Mengmeng who was as excited as a curious baby and said.

When she heard it, she quickly refused: “No, I haven’t seen enough. This is Heaven Court, the place where immortals exist in the legend.”

“Don’t make trouble, go back quickly…” Liu Qing was trying to get her away.


Suddenly, Liu Qing let out a startled suspicion, and his expression moved.

“You stay here first, I’ll go to the underworld.”

After speaking, he didn’t wait for a few people to react, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

Only the mysterious girl and the excited Zhou Mengmeng were running around in Heaven Court, completely forgetting the others.

At this time, Liu Qing came to the underworld.

“what happened?”

He asked directly when he came.

In the underground palace, Jiuyou frowned, staring at the deepest part of the underground palace.

He had just sent the Ten Temple Yama to clean up the ghosts and gods in the Quartet, but he did not go out because the fluctuations under the underworld became more and more intense.

“My deity, you came just right.”

Jiu You took a deep breath, his expression suddenly becoming solemn.

He pointed to the deep hollow below and said: “There should have been eighteen layers of The Underworld under the underworld, but somehow The Underworld disappeared, maybe broken, or taken away.”

“But under The Underworld, there is a palpitating breath sprouting.”

His words caught Liu Qing’s attention.

“You said Bud, is there something to come out?”

Liu Qing asked in surprise.

Jiuyou nodded solemnly: “Yes, I feel that a crisis is about to come to the whole world, not only here, the whole earth may be deeply involved.”

“I have a foreboding that disaster is coming.”

“My deity, you may have something to change this time.”

The narration and reminder of Jiuyou Yiwuyishi.

Liu Qing was silent, staring at the deepest part of the dark underworld, feeling the inexplicable throbbing and crisis.


Before he had time to think, a loud noise suddenly came from deep underground.

With an extremely terrifying and evil aura erupting, the entire underworld suddenly trembled.

“Not good!”

The expressions of Liu Qing and Jiuyou suddenly changed.

At the same time, a strange dark breath suddenly emerged from the interior of the earth, the sky, the ocean, and the land, which continued to spread, devouring the earth and all things.

Outside the earth, a darkness shrouded, dense and strange rift valleys quietly appeared, there was a terrible black gas gushing out, and evil auras permeated.

Almost at the same time, all races and creatures in the entire earth and even the solar system felt an inexplicable fear.


The sun suddenly dimmed.

In this scene, the face of Donghuang who was on his way to conquer Mars changed drastically.

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