Chapter 235

In the west, a vast green light shrouded, and flowers and trees within a radius of hundreds of kilometers suddenly grew wildly.

Endless green enveloped this area.


Suddenly, a powerful breath erupted.

I saw a light curtain shrouded, and the void split open a space door, vaguely seeing a vast green world inside.

A towering tree is looming, with a towering crown, dense branches and leaves, and huge branches intertwined to form a huge city.

The main trunk is huge, like a skyscraper, the entire tree is thousands of meters high, and the crown of the tree covers a radius of ten miles.

A breath of pure life permeated, and the whole world was like a virgin forest, lush and exuding amazing vitality.


Before the entrance, a group of beautiful elves came out.

“Thousands of years.”

“Our elves are guided by the moon goddess and descend into this world again.”

“Other races have also arrived, and a new round of magical warfare is about to begin.”

These are actually a family of western elves, emerging from a secret realm of elves, and once again descended on the world of earth.


Suddenly, on the other side of the West.

In Vatican City, a holy light burst into the sky, causing a huge movement.

“The Bright Clan is here.”

On the side of the elves, a beautiful elven headed by a serious face, looking at the holy light soaring to the sky, vaguely saw the phantoms of angels dancing.

“The light is coming, and the darkness is not far away.”

As the elf’s voice just fell, on the other side, an infinite dark light enveloped the void, piercing through the sky and the earth, forming a huge dark vortex.

There are shocks of varying degrees across the globe, and countless people are shocked, watching the sudden changes.

“Buy it!”

“What did I see!”

“It’s an angel!”

“God, has God come?”

“Great, angel, I saw an angel.”

In the West, countless people are enthusiastic. Looking at the holy beam of light, countless angels are flying, and the Sacred is huge and shocking.

This made the chaotic Western world suddenly find the backbone.

The presence of angels in the dust represents the arrival of the gods.

This has brought a strong confidence to the West, and finally a god has come to the West.

This has made countless believers extremely enthusiastic.

On the other side, the dark side facing the light also came, and a huge Devil came from the space torn apart from the void.

That stalwart and terrifying body exudes a dark aura, a pair of Devil wings cover the sky and the sun, and the powerful aura suffocates countless humans.

“Go, plunge all mankind into darkness, the great Dark Lord is coming soon.”

“Destroy the light and let eternal night cover the earth.”

Devil roared, countless large and small Devil army rushed out from the gap in the space, mighty and endless.

The countless humans in this area were polluted and corroded by the dark atmosphere that swept on the spot, and instantly turned into dark people.


At the same time, in the Alps, a roar of rage spread across the void, shaking in all directions.

A terrible breath erupted, the mountain shook, and one after another terrifying giant stepped out of the secret realm.

Boom, boom, boom!

The earth shook, and the sky was filled with a red glow, with giants supporting the sky.

“Titan, Titan!”

Dozens of terrifying giants roared together, shaking the sky, swearing that their clan would return.

That was the Titans, a powerful ancient race on Earth, belonging to a giant civilization.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the Void, and the sun burst out with a strong brilliance, and countless people were stabbed to open their eyes.

“Has the Sun God Race awakened?”

On the earth, dozens of hundreds of Titan giants looked up at the sun in the void, as if they had seen the changes above.

The elves, the light, and the dark, all raised their heads to look at the sun in the sky.

At this moment, there is a strong spatial fluctuation above the sun, and the spatial ripples are rippling, as if something wants to come out.


Suddenly, a cold snort came, and Da Ri clone suddenly slapped it in the sun.

There was a loud bang, the golden light was shining, and the densely dense and supreme golden Sanskrit enveloped the area, locked it firmly there, and blocked everything.

“Come out, you guys want to fart.”

Dahi clone disdainfully smiled, directly suppressed and sealed the exit, and sat there personally directly suppressed the exit.

No way, he doesn’t want the secret realm here to come out so quickly, with great changes, which will have a huge impact on him.

The Dahi clone wanted to continue cultivating on the sun, and it had reached the last step, almost condensing the real Dahi Dharma.

If you let them come out, wouldn’t it interfere with yourself or even destroy his breakthrough?

So just ban exports first.

The sun returned to calm.

At this time, a large number of unknown creatures suddenly appeared on the earth and the western continent, and powerful species in various myths and legends appeared.

Angels descended, Devil came to dust, elves appeared, and Titans appeared, causing a huge turmoil.

The originally excited Western humans suddenly discovered that the appearance of these races actually began to gather Western humans and rob humans to form a huge force.

Human beings are not rivals at all. The Western human forces, which were originally chaotic and fragmented, were suddenly disintegrated.

Human beings have become the subjects of light, darkness, and various god races, or they have become slaves.

For a time, the Western Continent was caught in chaos.


There are pyramids glowing, suddenly bursting out endless rays of light, corresponding to each other with the sun, leading to the sun’s brilliance.

For a time, the aperture spreads one after another.

There was a terrible breath permeating, countless people exclaimed, looking at the sudden change of the pyramid, it seemed that there was a spirit of spirit permeating inside.

China, Kunlun, Yuxu Peak.

Liu Qing stood proudly in the void, looking at the west, and seeing powerful auras erupting.

“The ancient races of the West have all appeared, the Greek gods, the light gods, the dark gods, the elves, the orcs, the Titans…”


Looking at the chaotic situation in the West, Liu Qing looked thoughtful.

He didn’t care about the situation in the West at all, but instead let him see that the Western Continent was undergoing drastic changes.

With the emergence of a large number of secret realms and the birth of some ancient races, the western continent began to expand.

And there are all kinds of unknown creatures emerging, not to mention Western humans dumbfounded, even the East is shocked when watching the Western changes appearing on the Internet.


“That’s a Titan, isn’t it?”

“So big…(ΩДΩ)!!!”

“Brother, what are you talking about?”

“Wow, the elves are so beautiful, who took the pictures?”

“Natural elf beauty, who has surpassed countless stars.”

“Stop talking, the angel of the West has appeared, and Devil has also come out.”

“Where are our eastern gods?”

China’s Internet is full of excitement, with countless people discussing changes in the West in shock.

Many people are still worried that the appearance of the Western gods will have a huge impact and harm on Eastern China.

After all, the West is not dead.

China Longyuan Pavilion, high-level emergency meeting.

There was silence in the meeting room.

“Everyone, have you seen the changes in the West.”

Elder Da Ge took the lead to speak.

He looked serious and said: “The ancient races and gods of the West have all come, and it is good and bad for us.”

“The advantage is that the West is now in chaos, but the disadvantage is that the threat is even greater.”

After a speech, everyone was silent.

Everyone felt a little bit of pressure. There was no way. Western gods and some ancient races appeared, and the impact on the humans in Eastern China was huge.

But an idea came to everyone’s heart.

Now that all the Western gods and races have appeared, will the myth of Eastern China appear?

At this time, to the west of China, a huge Buddha light suddenly enveloped countless temples.

With bursts of Buddha’s light, it is vaguely visible that a Buddha country is slowly unfolding.


Above Kunlun, Liu Qing’s expression moved, and he looked there suspiciously, and saw a Buddha kingdom slowly unfolding, and endless Buddha light enveloped him.

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