Chapter 234 Killing


The Death dragon’s breath came, and the sky was distorted.

Countless people lost their voices, looking at the mighty dragon’s breath, they all felt a burst of soul suffocation.

They couldn’t imagine facing the horror of such terrible dragons.

However, the sword immortal clone did not change its face, or even moved.


Hearing a sword chant, Jian Xian cloned his fingers, the clouds burst, and countless Sword Qi swept across.

Seeing his sword pointed a little, the sky full of Sword Qi converged into a long river and hit the dragon’s breath.

The two forces collided with each other and exploded continuously in the void. The rumbling sound shook the sky and the earth, and the entire upper city shook slightly.

Sword Qi, dragon’s breath, collide and dissipate.


The Jian River came from the sky, swept across the dragon’s breath, and went straight to the devil dragon.


The magic dragon snorted coldly, the dragon’s breath was broken but he didn’t care, but instead patted it with a paw.

Just hearing the sound of “boom”, Jianhe was shot apart by the magic dragon.

The power of terror shocked everyone.


“Gosh, what a terrifying dragon.”

“too strong.”

“Can the sword fairy senior win?”

At the scene, countless reporters were panicked and filmed the battle scenes on the void with trepidation.

If the aftermath of the powerful battle hadn’t been eliminated directly by Liu Qing, some people might have been shaken to death on the spot.

However, for first-hand information, a large number of reporters spared their lives and risked their lives to film first-hand information on the scene.

On the Internet, countless people exclaimed.

Looking at the fierce dragon, they all sweated for the sword fairy.

“You said, can the sword fairy win?”

“Upstairs, shut up you.”

“Yes, what nonsense, Crow’s mouth.”

“Sword Fairy will definitely win, must win, must win.”

“Yes, daddy is going up town, and the sword fairy must win.”

“Damn, I’m not afraid of your jokes, I’m scared to pee.”

Countless people watched the live broadcast and were frightened by the fierceness of the magic dragon.

Some people even said that they were scared to pee, but no one made fun, because the scene before them really shocked everyone.

The devil dragon was so fierce and mighty, everyone was worried about whether the sword fairy could resist it.


I saw that the magic dragon roared, and the huge tail flicked, and death came from the sky, turning into a death torrent that flooded the sky.

The black and gloomy torrent, like a long river of Death, runs through the sky and the earth.

Countless people suffocated, feeling as if they were about to die on the spot.

“The strength is not weak.”

On the void cloud layer, Liu Qing silently observed the magic dragon, surprised that this magic dragon was powerful, a bit more powerful than the alien monster that had just been killed.

However, despite being strong, he still doesn’t look enough in the face of Liu Qing. After all, he doesn’t say that Cultivation Base is at the perfect level of Realm.

In other words, the sword fairy clone method is not weak, and a mere magic dragon at the peak of the transformation stage is not a problem at all.


Suddenly, a sword chant came, and the Sword intent soared into the sky.

The sword box behind the sword immortal clone opened, and a monstrous Sword intent emerged from it, red light filled the sky, and a fierce Sword intent penetrated the sky.

I saw a mouthful of scarlet Sword Embryo soaring into the sky and falling into Jianxian’s hands.

Starting with Sword Embryo, an extremely terrifying Sword intent erupted from the sword fairy clone, stirring the situation and forming a terrible whirlpool.

Sword intent is clank, the world is vast, and everyone feels cold and bitter all over, as if they are cut apart.

“Xiantian Sword Embryo?” The dragon’s eyes widened, feeling the threat from Sword Embryo, and he was shocked.

It saw that Bufan of Sword Embryo was actually a mouthful of Xiantian Sword Embryo. This was the birth of Xiantian, not a Sword Embryo made by Houtian.

Xiantian Sword Embryo contains a terrifying and hostile atmosphere, and is a fierce soldier.


Without even thinking about it, the Devil Dragon opened his big mouth and spit out a gloomy Dragon Pearl. A terrible Death breath enveloped the void, and everything was silent.

Endless pressure enveloped the void, and it was dark.

“go to hell!”

The magic dragon roared, and Death Dragon Pearl gathered a mighty force and slammed into the sword fairy clone.

Facing the powerful blow of the magic dragon, the sword fairy avatar held the Sword Embryo and gently lifted it up, a Sword intent gathered, and the ferocious aura spread out.


The sword fairy avatar lightly swung a sword and slashed towards the torrent of Death.

With a click, the sky curtain split.

A fierce sword light cut through the void, instantly splitting the Death torrent, slashing on the gray Dragon Pearl, and splitting in half in less than a second.

“No…” the dragon yelled in horror, his breath plummeted.

Dragon Pearl was cut in half, and the dragon’s breath rioted.


That sword glow was unstoppable, slashed from the devil dragon, and gloomy blood sprayed into the sky.

The void fell into a dead silence, and only a horrible sword light scratched the Shattering Void cloud layer, cutting open all the way, and finally slashed on a mountain in the west.

With a bang, the mountain range on the Western Continent was instantly razed to the ground.

The power of a sword is so terrifying!

In the upper city, a huge gap was opened in the void cloud layer, as if the sky was cut open, and it even made people feel that the atmosphere was pierced by a sword.

Countless people stared blankly at the scene in front of them, the magic dragon was cut in half by a sword.

The huge body was horizontally in the air and did not fall down. Instead, it was swallowed directly by the brutal Sword Embryo and swallowed into the sword.


The body of the magic dragon was swallowed, and waves of dragons erupted from the crimson Sword Embryo.


Sword Embryo vibrated and uttered a sword groan. A ghost of the dragon was struggling and wailing on it, but it was quickly crushed and swallowed by the Sword intent.

The whole dragon was actually swallowed by a mouthful of Sword Embryo. If it hadn’t been seen in person, no one would believe it.


“so horrible!”

“The sword fairy is mighty!”

“Wow, so handsome.”

“Unfortunately, Sword Fairy Shushan is really amazing!”

“Brothers, climb the ladder and enter Shushan.”

Countless netizens cheered frantically and were so excited that they didn’t know how to describe it.

With the sword immortal clone slaying the mighty dragon, it immediately ignited the enthusiasm of countless people.

In the upper city, countless people ran out of the street and cheered constantly, watching the dark clouds gradually disappearing and the sun was shining down.

A catastrophe was solved in this way.

It’s not easy for them to survive.

Many people sighed in their hearts, feeling like they were left behind, and almost thought they were going to burp.

Before the magic dragon appeared, the people who were fierce and powerful, who wanted to swallow the entire city in one bite, frightened many people at that time.

Now that it’s alright, Jian Xian killed the Devil Dragon, and naturally greeted countless people’s cheers.

The large numbers of soldiers guarding here were relieved, and all of them relaxed a lot.

“Sword Fairy!”


Black Tortoise, White Tiger, the two special team captains of Longyuan Pavilion were shocked and witnessed this amazing battle with their own eyes.

In fact, there are not many bells and whistles. As soon as the sword fairy comes on stage, he breaks the dragon’s breath, and then sacrifices a fierce Sword Embryo to slay the dragon.

This seemed even more shocking, equivalent to killing the terrifying dragon in a second.


At this time, Sword Embryo flew back in front of the sword fairy, turned around and returned to the sword box.

This fierce Sword Embryo has been subdued and refined, and once it is nurtured and formed in the future, it must be a peerless fierce soldier.


Jian Xian’s avatar shook, and came to the dark space crack to observe carefully.

His brows frowned slightly, and he felt a chaotic Death breath from within, which was evil, ominous, and decayed, which made people very uncomfortable.

“Let the avatar of the curse go in and explore, there is a danger hidden in it, so let’s seal it first.”

The deity of Liu Qing came quietly, no one saw him.

After speaking, a Daoist shadow flew out of his body, and it quickly dipped into the crack, and entered the world of unknown chaos and ominousness.


The sword fairy avatar nodded, and joined forces with the deity, and the two worked together to suppress this space crack, and then Liu Qing personally repaired the space crack here.

This is equivalent to sealing this place, or even repairing it, after all, both of them felt a trace of horror and threat from it.


The two worked together and the crack was repaired.

“Go back first. I have a hunch that a bigger mutation is about to come. You will collect more disciples as soon as possible to grow Shushan.”

Liu Qing said with a serious face.

“Don’t worry, deity, leave it to me.”

After speaking, the sword fairy avatar turned and drove Sword Ray away.

Liu Qing looked at the countless people cheering below his eyes, did not stop, stepped out, and the people had disappeared in the air and disappeared.

This incident was like a fuse, and countless unknown cracks appeared all over the world in the following time.

Creatures from a foreign land began to invade the world.

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