Chapter 236 Sakyamuni, the Great Buddha! !

In ancient India, the endless Buddha’s light was shrouded, colorful flowers fell in the sky, and golden lotus springed from the ground.

Pieces of golden Buddha light enveloped the entire ancient India, and countless Buddhist disciples worshipped enthusiastically.

Especially the Sakyamuni clan is extremely enthusiastic, countless people kneel down and worship.



Countless believers worshipped enthusiastically, with a look of excitement. Countless people kneeled in the Buddha’s light and worshiped like fanatics.


In the sky, billions of golden lights shrouded and sprinkled on the earth.

Suddenly, endless light emerged from the temples, and the Buddha statues recovered one by one, as if they had come alive.

On the clouds in the sky, there are a lot of Buddha’s light shrouded in greatness, and a huge spiritual mountain slowly emerges, ten steps one temple, three steps one spiritual platform.

Lingjiu Mountain peaks, there are ancient temples of Buddhist temples, young women under the green pine forest on the mountain, scattered scholars among the green cypresses, rare treasures, delicacies.

There is a hall on the top of the peak with a letter to the Great Leiyin Temple.

There are also eight Bodhisattva, four great Vajra, five hundred Arhats, three thousand Jiezhe, eleven great glories, and eighteen Kalan in the temple.


“My Buddha is merciful, and save all sentient beings. Dharma will be spread to the east again.”

With the sound of the Buddha’s horn, on the Great Hall, a stalwart, majestic, Sacred Great Buddha stood there, radiating endless light from the Buddha, illuminating the ten countries of Buddha.

At this moment, the entire ancient India was boiling.

“West Heaven Buddha Kingdom?”

Liu Qing narrowed his eyes, staring at the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom that appeared with scorching eyes, and his eyes fell on the stalwart Buddha.

In an instant, a pair of golden eyes looked over.


The eyes of the two touched, the void exploded, and a terrible scene of will confrontation could be produced from a long distance.

Liu Qing’s pupils shrank and felt a deep threat. The Great Buddha was a deep threat to him.


On the sun, Da Ri Clone suddenly woke up, looked down from the sun, and his eyes fell on the Great Buddha of the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom.

This is Sakyamuni, the true Buddha of the Sakyamuni clan.

“Dahi Tathagata truth?”

Da Ri Clone’s eyes flickered, Buddha’s light bursts, and a round of Da Ri suddenly burst into a strong light behind it.

In the western sky, the big Buddha seemed to feel something, suddenly raised his head and looked at the void sun, as if he had sensed something.

“I am not a Buddha, cut!”

Dahi Clone snorted coldly, and suddenly a powerful breath broke out, turning into a sharp blade and standing on the body.

With a clang, the Buddha’s light was cut to pieces.

A pure breath of the sun permeated out, as if incarnate in a real sun, completely cutting off a trace of Karma in the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom.

A trace of Tathagata Truth Karma is disconnected.


In the west, a cold snort came out, and the Buddha’s light was vast, and a huge golden Buddha’s hand pierced through the sky and grabbed the sun.

“I’ll come to you for a while.”

The Dahi clone’s expression was solemn, and the sun was ups and downs in the back of his head. Suddenly, circles of light gathered on his body.


With one palm pressed, the endless sun and fire gathered, turned into a huge palm, and quickly patted it down.

The two big hands slammed together in space.


Along with a roar, a strong light burst out from the void, just like the second round of scorching sun rising above Nine Heavens, the light dazzling.

After a long time, the light dissipated.

In the space, the two big hands both collapsed and dissipated, and the powerful breath swept through the space, shattering a large amount of space junk.

Including several satellites were directly shaken into powder.

This strike is evenly divided.


The next moment, there was a sound of Buddha in the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom. Suddenly, a big Buddha leaped into the sky, swelling continuously in the void, and turned into a huge Buddha.

The golden body of law!

Liu Qing narrowed his eyes and stared at the huge giant Buddha, feeling a powerful threat.

On the sun, Da Ri Clone has a solemn face, and a deep golden light of Da Ri is shrouded all over, and infinite energy is gushing out from the sun below.

“The law of heaven and earth, the primordial spirit!”

With a burst of shouts, Da Ri Jin’s momentum rose steadily, suddenly breaking the limit and stepping into a whole new level.

Fa Xiangjing, it’s done!

The great sun exploded, and a huge golden figure slowly emerged, flying out of the sun and swelling continuously, turning into a ten-thousand-foot figure in the blink of an eye.

That is the golden body of the big day, relying on a big day behind it, looking from the front, the two rounds of the sun overlap each other, and the momentum is rising steadily for a while.


Two huge phantoms stand in the outer space, facing each other far away, one stands in the outer space of the earth, and below is the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom.

And the other one stands outside the sun, behind which is the violent sun, absorbing the powerful glare of the sun, the big day is burning with real fire.

At this moment, on the earth, countless people exclaimed, staring blankly at the scene that suddenly appeared on the void.

“Oh my God!”

“Look, there are two big Buddhas in the sky.”


“Damn, it’s really the Buddha.”

“How come it looks like there are two Buddhas.”

“I heard that there was a Buddha country who came to the world on Asan.”

“Depending on the situation, the two Buddhas are going to fight?”

“Brothers, is the other Buddha from China?”

For a time, countless people all over the world looked up and watched the terrifying scene emerging from space.

Two horrible giant Buddhas are standing in the sky, exuding powerful golden Buddha light.

The Buddha wheel flashes in the back of one person’s head, and the sun rises and falls in the back of one’s head, and the breath collides, and no one can win anyone.

“So you are just a clone?”

The big Buddha’s face showed a different color, and suddenly he saw the situation of Dahi’s clone.

But Dahi Clone sneered and replied: “You are not a Clone. It seems that you have a lot of power in the West Heaven Buddha Kingdom in the world.”

“Amitābha, you are predestined with the Buddha, you take refuge in the Buddha country, and you are allowed to become the Buddha.”

The Great Buddha said indifferently, that he actually wanted Dahi Clone to convert to the Kingdom of Buddhism.

“Buddha, you are tall. Daddy is a human being, not a Buddha.”

The Dahi clone burst out suddenly, and slammed the big Buddha with a palm.


The two giant Buddhas faced each other in space, the golden light was shining, and the endless rays of light shattered. The Buddha’s light and the big day collided with each other.

“Buddha in the palm of your hand!”

The big Buddha was angry, opened his palm, and a Buddha country appeared in his palm, and the real strong god-tier was revealed.

Dahi Clone looked solemn, his hands were put together, and a round of rumbling vibrations of Dahi behind bloomed with endless great sunlight.

“The great sun will destroy the world!”

If you have a Buddhist kingdom, I will come to annihilate the world with a sun.

Swaying the scorching sun across the sky, it continued to expand, absorbing the endless power of the sun and turning it into a small sun that hit the Buddha country heavily.

The sun went down and the stars were dim.


When the two collided, the Buddha country shook, the endless Buddha light exploded, and the terrible power of the sun’s fall brought destruction.

A big sun hits down and explodes instantly.

Almost instantly, the Buddha Kingdom in his palm was directly torn apart, the huge bergamot was in a dilapidated state, and Ka Ka collapsed and collapsed.

The Buddha retreated, his complexion a little gloomy, looking down at his palm, he was actually blown off his palm by Da Ri, and drips of golden Buddha’s blood flowed out.

“You, great!”

The Great Buddha looked at the Da Ri clone indifferently, his breath rising steadily.

He wants to use the most powerful means to suppress the alien giant Buddha in front of him, and to transform him over.


A Daoist shadow suddenly appeared in space.


I only heard people snorting coldly, and when they came up, they hit the Buddha with a punch.

That powerful punch exploded, and with a bang, the Buddha’s body exploded and was knocked down from space by a powerful force.

The big Buddha fell, and his body kept shrinking. The golden body was blown out by a punch and recovered to a size of ten meters. It fell from the sky, hitting a temple like a meteor.


With a loud noise, accompanied by a mushroom cloud exploding into the sky, a powerful shock wave razed everything within a radius of ten kilometers to the ground.

The whole world is quiet, and countless people have lost their voices.

The Buddha was actually beaten down.

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