Chapter 233


Void vibrated, and a gloomy air current swept out.

The entire upper city was plunged into darkness, and the gloomy air current swept across the sky, covering the sky and the sun, so that countless people could not see the empty sun.

“what happened?”

“what’s going on.”

“Why is it dark?”

In the upper city, countless people panicked, looking at the dark sky, the sun’s rays were blocked by a gloomy sky.

The whole city plunged into darkness, causing a huge panic.

Guarding a legion under the crack of space, the two special forces looked solemn and felt an ominous breath.


With an order, everyone evacuated this area one after another.


The black mist surging, the gray air current swept in, everywhere, buildings, trees, without exception, all turned into rotten dust.

This terrible gray mist carries the power of decay, which can make the buildings, trees, flowers and plants decay one by one into a pair of ashes.

The terrible scene shocked everyone, and the blocked personnel had to retreat.


Hearing a crisp sound from the top of the head, the space cracks suddenly shook, breaking apart inch by inch like a mirror.

The next moment, a huge rotting dragon head slowly emerged from the broken space, a pair of black dragon horns, gray dragon scales, rotting flesh and blood, and lantern-like eyes revealing a dark and decadent aura.

“Roar…” A long chant sounded through the clouds.

Countless people in the upper city were shaken in their souls and their bodies were heavy. Many people fainted on the spot.

Many people looked up and saw in horror that a rotten dragon head emerged from the shattered space, exuding an aura of chaos.

This breath contains terrible powers such as Death, evil, ominous, etc., which makes people dizzy and even upset.

“A low-level life world.”

The decayed dragon head suddenly opened its mouth and vomited.

It said with a hint of excitement: “This king has smelled countless vivid auras. As long as it swallows the bright red creatures of the entire world, this king will definitely be able to break through to a higher level.”

That terrifying voice spread throughout the upper city, radiating, making everything tremble, and both humans and upgraded creatures felt deep fear.

A shadow of Death loomed over my heart, anxious.

“Oh my God, what is this?”


“Rotten black dragon?”

Up to the city, countless people were stunned, and they were deeply restrained by the huge rotting dragon head. They only felt cold and unstoppable fear.

“It’s over.”

A young man yelled in horror.

“Come on.”

“Which great immortal is coming to kill this terrifying black dragon.”

“Hey, help, a terrifying black dragon appeared in the upper city, seeking help from a powerful immortal cultivator.”

Many people directly ask for help online, hoping that someone who is strong will come to the rescue.

They are afraid, but there is still a glimmer of hope and hope in their hearts.

After all, China also has powerful immortal cultivators, and the mysterious sword immortal of Shu Mountain that appeared some time ago is one of them.

Therefore, although the people in the upper city were panicked, there were many people who expected the strong to come out and slay the evil dragon.

“Brothers, a terrible and decayed black dragon suddenly came to the upper city, just above my house, swollen, what to do, wait online, very anxious.”

A message accompanied by a video quickly exploded on the Internet.

There is no way, the affairs of the upper city are raging on the Internet, and countless reporters have been waiting here for a live broadcast.

The major news media reported the situation here, and live broadcast live with great fear and pressure. Countless people across China are watching the terrifying black dragon appearing here.

“Where is the sword fairy of Shushan?”

“Come on slaying the dragon!”


“It’s over.”

“This dragon is not annoying at first sight, brothers and sisters in the city, come on, you can do it.”

“Come on, where is the dragon slaying warrior?”

On the Internet, countless people are shocked, but many online games are shocked and frightened while not forgetting to be naughty.

These people are speechless.

However, the uptown crisis has made countless people nervous, watching the live news reported by major media on the Internet, all of them are extremely nervous.

A black dragon that doesn’t look like a good thing is definitely an evil thing.

After all, a decayed black dragon must be an evil guy, and it just wants to eat the living creatures of the whole world.


The huge black dragon hovered in the air, with the breath of Death in its eyes, revealing a bloodthirsty murderous intent.

It is high above, covered with a cloud of gray haze, exuding the breath of Death, just like a king who dominates Death.

The black dragon’s eyes greedily stared at the creatures of the whole world.

“You humble ants, become the blood eater for this king’s promotion.”

The decayed black dragon suddenly opened its big mouth and took a sharp breath at the upper city.


A terrifying gray vortex formed in the dragon’s mouth, exuding a powerful suction, and countless people felt that their bodies were flying uncontrollably.


The upper city was in chaos, a large number of people struggled in horror, and their bodies were sucked into the air.

Boom, boom…

Many houses exploded on the spot, and the people hiding in them were sucked into the air, and they were sucked into the dragon’s mouth and eaten.

Even with the countless rushes on the scene, the soldiers and guards have no ability to block under the powerful suction of the black dragon.

That’s it!

At this moment, countless people in Shangcheng and even the whole China had an idea.


Suddenly, a sound of golden and iron strikes came, and a sword light crossed the void, cutting off the powerful suction force, and everyone fell back.

Fortunately, it is not high enough to be sucked into the air, otherwise it will fall into a meatloaf directly.

After the disaster, everyone in the rest of their lives looked in horror, and saw that the whirlpool in the black dragon’s mouth had no idea why it was crushed by a ray of light.


The black dragon roared furiously, and suddenly turned his head, a pair of long eyes stared straight ahead, and a tiny figure flew over the clouds.

“Ant, did you just destroy this king?”

The decaying Dragon King flew into a rage, roared and shook the sky, shaking away the void clouds.

It was shrouded in clusters of terrible black-gray clouds, tumbling and surging, and the huge dragon body was a thousand feet long, standing in the void giving people endless oppression.

“A big boss has appeared.”

“It’s great, finally there is a big cultivator who comes to the rescue.”

“Let me just say, there are countless high-ranking people hidden in China, it is impossible to watch the black dragon make chaos.”

“Look, the boss is on the stage.”

“It’s the Sword Fairy of Shushan!”

On the Internet, countless netizens were discussing with excitement. In the live broadcast, a Daoist shadow fell from the sky.

The person here is Liu Qing’s sword fairy clone.

He didn’t come over, but let the sword immortal clone come to deal with it. After all, a great advertising opportunity just made the world understand the sword immortal’s power more clearly.

Sword Immortal clone came from Shushan and saw that the black dragon was about to swallow the entire upper city, naturally a Sword Qi broke.

“This black dragon is actually rotten and not dead?”

Liu Qing’s body was hidden in the void, and he looked at the black dragon in front of him in surprise, and suddenly thought of a possibility. It was dead, but the corpse was obviously resurrected.

And he still walked the way of Death and became a decaying dragon.

“Human, go to die!”

The Devil Dragon felt the slightest threat brought by the Sword Immortal clone, and roared directly without saying a word, with a big mouth, spouting a death dragon breath.

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