The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 147: Only us can stop Snape!

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"Professor McGonagall!"

After dinner, Harry, who hadn't eaten a few bites at all, hurriedly found Professor McGonagall, while Ron and Hermione helped to stare at Snape and the corridor on the fourth floor.

Professor McGonagall, who was about to go back to correct the test paper, stopped, "Potter? What can I do for you?"

"Professor McGonagall..." Harry, who was running over, breathed a sigh of relief, and asked anxiously, "Where is Professor Dumbledore?"

"Dumbledore..." Professor McGonagall's mouth twitched slightly. "He received a letter in the afternoon and he has gone to London."

Harry just felt his breathing stagnate, and the worst happened!

He didn't take much care of it. He looked around warily, then said to Professor McGonagall hurriedly: "I suspect Snape is going to steal the Philosopher's Stone! Professor Dumbledore was deliberately led away by him!"

However, Professor McGonagall on the opposite side was calm.

The corners of her mouth curled downwards, and she said in a harsh tone: "It is very rude to call the professor's name directly, Potter."

Harry is about to faint... Is it time to talk about this? !

"I don't know where you heard about the Sorcerer's Stone, but it is safe now. No one can steal it," Professor McGonagall continued in a harsh tone: "And Professor Snape is responsible for protecting magic. One of Shi's people, he can't..."

Professor McGonagall seemed to have thought of something, her expression suddenly became a little weird, and then she turned abruptly and said: "Anyway, this is not something you should worry about."

"But, Professor..."

Harry still didn't give up, trying to explain his analysis to Professor McGonagall, trying to persuade her.

Unfortunately, Professor McGonagall didn’t want to continue wasting time with Harry. She waved her hand and said, “Nothing, but if you really have nothing to do, you can go to Wood and them to practice Quidditch, as long as you win next week. With Ravenclaw, the champion is ours."

"I have work to do," said Professor McGonagall and planned to leave, but before leaving, she reminded Harry, "Don't be blinded by prejudice. Sometimes, the truth of things is not as you imagined. Like that."

Unfortunately, Harry Potter didn't listen. He thought Professor McGonagall was just misunderstanding that he was framing Snape.

Harry didn't try to find other professors. Since even his dean didn't trust him, most other professors would think he was making troubles unreasonably.

So Harry ran to the fourth floor without hesitation.

"Harry, how is it?"

Ron, who was staring in the corridor on the right, saw Harry, and immediately greeted him.

"No, Professor McGonagall thinks I am biased against Snape and refuses to believe me."

Harry shook his head with a heavy face, but before he and Ron could discuss what to do next, they saw Hermione also running over in panic.

"Aren't you staring at Snape?"

Ron lowered his voice and asked.

"I was spotted by Snape. In order not to alert him, I had to leave first." Hermione waved upsetly. "I know what Snape intends to do with the Philosopher's Stone!"

"For immortality and countless money, what else is it for?"

Both Harry and Ron looked inexplicable, not knowing what she was talking about at this moment.

"No!" Hermione said solemnly to the two of them: "I heard it while following Snape just now. He was very excited and muttered'Resurrection' Master' and'Dark Lord' in a low voice. word."

"You mean... he stole the Philosopher's Stone to revive the Dark Lord!"

Ron was so surprised that he almost forgot to lower his voice, but fortunately he reacted in time. He looked around sneakily, and continued to lower his voice and asked, "Are you true?!"

"What good can I do to deceive you?!" Hermione asked, very annoyed.

"Sorry, I'm just too surprised..." After Ron apologized, his emotions became even higher, "In this way, we will stop Snape even more!"

"But the question is how to stop him!" Hermione bit her lip and suddenly reacted, "By the way, Harry, didn't you go to inform Professor McGonagall?"

"She wouldn't believe me, thinking I was biased against Snape," Harry, who had been silent since Hermione's arrival, began, his tone becoming very firm, "I will try to get the Sorcerer's Stone first. ."

"You are crazy!" Ron exclaimed.

However, Harry ignored him, turned and ran upstairs.

"Wait, Harry! Where are you going?"

Hermione stopped him quickly.

"Go get the invisibility cloak," Harry said with a firm expression. "We are the only one who can stop Snape now, and the only way to stop him is to get the Philosopher's Stone first!"

Then he gave an impassioned speech, roughly saying that if the Dark Lord is resurrected, there will be no peace in the wizarding world, and whether they will be dropped out of school will not matter at that time.

"You're right, Harry..." Hermione pursed her lips and was silent for a while, but was finally convinced by Harry.

She sighed and began to advise Harry, "But don't worry about this. If Snape doesn't want to be stunned, he will wait until everyone is asleep before stealing the Philosopher's Stone, so we still have time to prepare... For example, the music that puts that big dog to sleep."

"Besides, can your invisibility cloak cover all three of us?" Ron also interjected in due course.

"We... the three of us?"

"Oh, don't be silly, do you think we will let you act alone?" Ron curled his lips and expressed dissatisfaction with Harry's distrustful attitude.

"Anyway, let's leave here first. What happened to Fei Xu? Devil net, Feitian key..."

Hermione dragged the two of them and walked quickly to the dormitory, recalling what Fisch had said to them.

"And wizard chess!"

"Then he was smoked back by the smelly troll."

Harry and Ron added.

The three of them hurriedly returned to the dormitory. In the common room, a group of people were having fun.

"Hey, Harry, come and play with our latest and improved Magic Monopoly!"

Fred, one of the twins, beckoned to the three of them: "Help me and George see where there is still room for improvement."

George and Fred saw that the tycoon of the Muggle world was welcomed by many wizards, and immediately seized the opportunity to develop a magic tycoon who was more in line with the status of a wizard.

However, this type of game is not perfect for a while. The twins have been collecting opinions from everyone in Gryffindor for this period of time, and now it is their sixth revision.

"Sorry, we have other things to be busy."

If it's normal, Harry is of course very interested in participating in the trial, but now, he can only smile and refuse the invitation of the twins.

"Where is Fisch?"

Harry, who took the invisibility cloak in the dormitory, also wanted to borrow a music box from Feish, but didn't see him after looking around.

In fact, Harry still wanted to get Fisch to go through the level together. After all, he had a successful experience, but after assessing his chances of surviving under Hermione, he reluctantly gave up.

"Oh, he seemed to have been caught in trouble last month. In order not to affect his review, Professor McGonagall postponed the confinement until after the exam." The answer was Seamus, who was helping the twins to test the Monopoly, and he spread his hands. The expression regretfully said: "Now he should be in Professor McGonagall's office."

"That's fine, when Snape goes to steal the Philosopher's Stone at night, he won't run into the night traveler Feish."

Hermione whispered in Harry's ear, making him confirm once again that if he called Fisch, he would be worried about his life without waiting for Snape to take action.

There is no music Harry can only bring the flute given to him by Hagrid on Christmas. If the flute that sounds like an owl is barking is useless, he can only imitate Phish. Like when I was drunk, sing the Christmas carol I learned from Dumbledore.

After taking the invisibility cloak and flute, Harry and the others immediately left the dormitory again, and then did not rush to the fourth floor, because it was not the curfew time, and there were still many students walking around in the school.

They first found a remote corner, put on the invisibility cloak, and waited quietly. Only Hermione was quietly chanting the curses that might be used in each level and how to deal with it at that time.

Until the curfew came, the students outside all returned to their dormitories, and the three of them slowly moved towards the fourth floor.


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