The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 146: Savior Training Program

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Originally, Snape had no interest in Dumbledore's boring savior training game.

With his complicated feelings for Harry, at best, he can guarantee that he won't die by fate, so that he won't bother to cultivate his rival's son.

But when Dumbledore informed Snape that Voldemort had come back and even possessed Quirrell, he began to waver.

At this moment, Dumbledore offered his assassin. During this period, Snape was free to toss Harry at will, as long as he could guide Harry to discover and stop "Snape," he would not Investigated.

So Snape agreed without hesitation.

The smug smile in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Snape was sincere, because he could torture Harry Potter so hard.

During the next period of time, Harry found that Snape became more and more strict with himself, not only in the Potions class, but also in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. The homework of him, Ron, and Neville was already third. Was beaten back and did it again.

Hermione was also punished by adding some additional schoolwork for helping the three with their homework, but she herself enjoyed it.

On the other hand, Harry and the others, just like they discussed before, although the main energy is still on review, in normal times, they still consciously pay attention to Snape's movements.

Then they found that although Snape still looked like a dead face all day long, he could clearly feel that the corner of his mouth was in a very good mood, and he had a feeling of pride in the spring breeze.

And this is not just an illusion of Harry and the others...

"Professor, have you encountered any good things recently?"

In a potions class, Malfoy asked with a disgusting smile on his face.

Snape glanced at the students on Gryffindor with a smile but a smile. He stretched his voice and replied harshly, "Yes, because it's going to be a holiday, I can finally get rid of some idiots, isn't it? Isn't it something to be happy about?"

The Slytherin students all co-operated with a "sneer" smirk.

"Meow?" Feish, who was pulling the potion materials in the cauldron, raised his head and asked Seamus next to him suspiciously: "It's exploding, why are they laughing at the brain gate?"

Seamus had a cold face and didn't know how to answer Fisch. Because of his inexplicable explosive talent, his chances of getting a problem in the Potions class were only after Neville, so he must be the fool Snape said. .

Fortunately, Snape didn’t continue this topic either. His main focus was on Harry Potter. The rest of Gryffindor would just take a few words. There is no need to waste too much time on those irrelevant. Personnel.

So next, Harry fell into the deep water again.


"Snape must have known the way to pass Lu Wei!"

After the potions class was over, Harry and the three got together again. "Even Malfoy can see it. He's been in a very good mood recently."

Harry didn't believe Snape's excuse in class.

And Ron and Hermione obviously had the same thoughts as him.

"But... how did he know? Hagrid couldn't tell anyone about Lu Wei's method."

Hermione frowned, puzzled.

"Dragon egg!" Harry suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and his mouth quickly analyzed, "The man who lost the dragon egg to Hagrid! Don’t you think it’s weird? Hagrid most hopes to raise a fire dragon, and then take it one by one. The stranger with the dragon egg appeared in front of him. Isn't this a coincidence?"

"Actually, it doesn't matter how Snape knew it, what we should consider is how to stop him!"

Ron's thoughts were more direct. He had seen Snape displeased a long time ago, and now that he had a chance to bring him down, Ron was actually more excited than worried.

So he eagerly said: "If Snape's goal is the Sorcerer's Stone, then he must have done it before the end of the semester, so we just have to keep an eye on him and notify Dumbledore in time, and he is done!"

Even Hermione feels that this is a good method. When they have no definite evidence, the most effective way is to catch the current situation. The only risk is...

"But, if Snape finds out that we are staring at him, will he be surprised?"

"How about... let's ask Feish for help?"

Harry asked cautiously, tentatively, and then he met Hermione's cannibalistic gaze.

"Uh... well, I'm just talking about it."

"By the way! We don't actually need to stare at Snape at all!"

After thinking about it for a while, Harry slapped his thigh sharply.

"If he now knows how to pass Lu Wei, why hasn't he acted yet?"

"Of course it's because Dumbledore is still watching."

Ron didn't understand Harry's thoughts, and replied inexplicably.

"So we just have to stare at Dumbledore!" Harry analyzed with Ron excitedly: "Snape wants to steal the Philosopher's Stone, so he must lead Dumbledore away. When will Dumbledore leave the school? Now, then he is going to do it."

"So..." Ron suddenly realized, and then asked a new question, "But Dumbledore has been led away, how can we notify him then?"

Hermione on the side couldn't help rolling her eyes. "Is Hedwig a decoration? And there are so many professors in the school. Just tell them to stop Snape and wait for Dumbledore to come back. ."

After that, the three of them went to the hunting lodge and confirmed to Hagrid that he did accidentally defeat Lu Wei and told the mysterious man who lost to him.

Sure enough, there is no hope for Hagrid's tone...

The three of Harry were helpless, and they could only pin their hopes on Dumbledore now.


"I'm going to take an exam!"? (●ΦωΦ●)?

Early in the morning, Harry and the others were awakened by Feish's excited voice.

"Why are you so happy?"

Ron poked his head out of the drapery and watched with a puzzled look at Fisch, who was rarely up early, jumping up and down in the dormitory.

"Because you can have a vacation after the exam, meow!"? (●`?′●)?

For Fisch, who doesn't care about his grades, he is now full of vacation life where he doesn't need to read and do homework later.

The carefree state of Fisch made Harry very envious. In the past few days, he had to prepare for the exam and care about Dumbledore's whereabouts, and he was a little exhausted.

What he didn't want to face was that after the holiday, he had to return to the uncle's house that he hated.

The Hogwarts test lasts for a week. Except for the last subject, the history of magic, all other subjects are tests that require answering questions and practical operations.

And Harry was still worrying about the Philosopher's Stone while taking the exam, which caused him to be a little confused during the exam.

But when Professor Bins asked them to put down the quill and roll up the parchment for the answer, Harry still cheered with the other classmates.

They didn't have any schoolwork for the next week, so they could have fun.

"It looks like Snape should have given up."

After finishing the exam, Ron stretched his waist and said with a relaxed look: "It's a pity, I still want to send him to Azkaban."

"Azkaban? Where is that?"

Although Harry didn't think Snape would give up so easily, he couldn't help asking curiously after hearing a brand new term

"It was a wizard prison used by the Ministry of Magic to imprison prisoners. It is said to be very scary. Many wizards would rather die than be caught."

The two chatted together one after another, forcibly ignoring Hermione's voice reviewing the content of the exam.

With the end of the exam, Harry, who had always been worried, finally relaxed, because as long as a few days later, when the school was off, Snape would never get the Sorcerer's Stone.

With such a relaxed mood, he and everyone came to the auditorium to have dinner, and then he was horrified to find...

Dumbledore was missing from the head teacher's desk.


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?

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