The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 148: Through trapdoor

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The three cautiously bypassed the ghost and Mrs. Loris wandering in the castle, and came to the end of the corridor on the fourth floor.

The wooden door was closed properly, and Hermione drew out her wand and whispered a spell to it—

"Alaho Cave opens."

The lock on the wooden door flicked slightly, slowly opening a gap.

"Quickly go in."

Hermione urged quietly, and the three of them opened the door and walked in, closing the door with their backhands.

As they walked into the wooden door, Lu Wei's bark sounded immediately.

As Fisch said, although Lu Wei could not see Harry and the others in the invisibility cloak, all of its three noses were sniffing frantically towards them.

"Quick! Music!"

Ron lowered his voice to remind, Harry quickly took out the flute Hagrid had given him, stuffed it into his mouth and blew it.

Without waiting for Harry to think about what tune to play, when the sound of Ye Xiao's flute sounded, Lu Wei's six eyelids began to fall, and his body became shaky.

After a while, Lu Wei couldn't resist his drowsiness, and fell to the floor with a plop, his three heads snoring neatly.

"It's so simple..."

Hermione grinned as she listened to Harry's weird, untuned flute sound, faintly feeling that these levels arranged by Dumbledore were a bit tricky.

She lifted the invisibility cloak, bypassed the sleeping big dog, came to the trapdoor, pulled the upper tab to open it.

"It's the same as Fisch said, it's bottomless."

Ron poked his head and looked into the dark hole.

"Just as I said before, let me jump down first..."

Ron looked back at Harry who was still playing the flute and Hermione who was nervous on his side, and took a deep breath.

Just when he made up his mind to jump down, Hermione suddenly reminded: "Take out your wand, and remember to use the fire curse as soon as you go down, otherwise you won't have time to take out the wand when the devil's net wraps around you. Up."

"I know, I know."

Ron waved his hand impatiently, but took out his wand as he said. He nodded at Hermione and Harry again with a serious expression, and then jumped off.

After a few seconds, Hermione saw a faint fire light from below, and Ron's voice came from the hole.

"No problem! It's a soft landing! You can get off now!"

So Hermione and Harry jumped one after another, and easily got rid of the entanglement of the devil net.

"Fortunately, Feishu told us in advance, otherwise it would be a big trouble."

The last Harry who jumped off could not help but sigh softly after Hermione had helped him push back the tendrils of the Devil's Net.

At this time, Hermione felt that something was wrong. She didn't think that this kind of thing that a freshman could push back with a little preparation could stop a dark wizard like Snape.

In the herbal medicine class, Professor Sprout’s evaluation of was clear to her. Although it was a bit troublesome, it was not a difficult plant for most wizards, as long as you stay calm.

So, is the Philosopher's Stone hidden in it?

Hermione couldn't help but wonder.

In fact, such thoughts have been vaguely existed since Hermione heard about Feishe's experience, but she had not been able to experience these levels personally before, and knew that Feishe’s focus was often different from that of ordinary people, so It is not easy to make an accurate evaluation.

but now……

Hermione smacked her lips, and she began to suspect that this place was just a cover to deceive Snape, and that the real Philosopher's Stone might have been hidden elsewhere by Dumbledore.

"What are you in a daze, Hermione?"

At this time, Ron suddenly stepped forward to interrupt Hermione's meditation, "We have to hurry up and get the Philosopher's Stone before Snape, but there is no extra time to waste here!"

Hermione hesitated for a moment, and did not express her suspicion. After all, they just came down, and there are still several levels that have not been seen. They should wait until they have read it before making a conclusion.

So she was silent, followed Harry and Ron, and came to the first room.

Countless keys with wings flew up and down in the sky, making soft rustling and clanging sounds.

"This is so beautiful, should it be a spell from Flitwick or Professor McGonagall?"

Ron raised his head, looked at the shiny keys flying all over the sky, and exclaimed softly.

"Now is not the time to sigh!"

Harri first walked to the heavy wooden door that was locked.

"Alaho Cave is open!"

He cast an Unlocking Charm on the wooden door without hesitation, but there was no response.

"Damn it, it looks like we must find the right one among these keys!"

Hermione was taken aback for a moment. If the unlocking spell didn't work on this door, why didn't the door in the corridor be sealed in the same way?

Moreover, the anti-Arahho cave spell is not a rare spell, as mentioned in the textbook of the spell class.

There were more and more loopholes, which led to deeper and deeper suspicions in Hermione's heart.

"But there are hundreds of keys over there!"

Ron and Harry, who didn't notice the difference, were still discussing a solution.

After checking the lock on the door carefully, Ron said, "What we are looking for is a big antique key... it may be silver, shaped like a door handle."

After looking around, Harry excitedly pointed to the row of flying broomsticks placed in the corner, "Look! Flying broomsticks! We can rely on them to catch the key to this door!"

Hermione became even more silent looking at the flying broomsticks that were generously placed there.

"Huh... it seems that your little trick has been seen by the know-it-all lady, and only idiots like Porter and Weasley would think that this kind of joke level can stop an adult wizard."

Hidden to the side, Snape sneered and looked at Dumbledore with his slanted eyes.

Dumbledore sighed and explained: "Because these levels not only want Harry to exercise, I also want to remind Quirinas to see if he can repent. It's a pity that he and His master has been blinded by the Philosopher's Stone."

While explaining, Dumbledore also fought back with a needle hidden inside, letting Snape know that Voldemort, whom he had been loyal to, could not see the flaw.


Snape, who heard Dumbledore's subtext, curbed his mocking expression, and stopped speaking with a gloomy face.

It wasn't that he had nothing to say, but he knew that if he continued arguing with Dumbledore, he would be dragged into the doctrine of love, faith, and the like.

"Potter and Weasley were just worried that the Sorcerer's Stone would fall into the wrong hands and didn't have time to think about it," Professor McGonagall argued for her student, and she honestly failed to hear Dumbledore's subtext. , "Hermione has always been a smart kid."

Snape, who had been identified by Harry as the "bad guy", twitched his mouth, but still did not speak.

The argument between recklessness and courage was already a cliche for Slytherin and Gryffindor, and he was not interested in discussing it with Professor McGonagall again.

"Minerva," Feish, who came to watch the excitement together, tugged Professor McGonagall's sleeve, "Scartou, why don't they just open the door?"

Professor McGonagall glanced at his cat cubs speechlessly, Harry and the others had somehow moved their heads to find the correct solution. If Fei Xu came to break through the level, he would simply rely on recklessness.

"This door can't be removed now," Dumbledore stroked his beard cheerfully. "After you removed it last time, I used a spell to strengthen the door."

"Meow! Bad old man, how did you know that I opened this door?!" ∑(●ΦДΦ●)

"Huh? When did Phish, you little **** sneak in?!"

The two McGonagall voices sounded almost at the same Professor McGonagall felt a little strange just now, and Harry and the others were a little too well prepared, and they seemed to have already understood the levels here. ...

Was it because of Phish? !

Fisch met Professor McGonagall’s compelling gaze and blinked...

"Hey~" (●?●)


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?

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