The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 268 It’s time to end

this is a problem.

But there was no room for Tiklas to think about it.

He immediately used his immense power to cross the timeline and travel to other planes.

The ability to cross timelines is, generally speaking, extremely rare and rare.

However, for these creation gods, Galaxy-level existences, they seem sparse and normal, which would be strange.

Tiklas came to another timeline and went straight to the plane of Io.

When He descended, the entire plane trembled.

Such a big event alarmed the gods in the star world, all the demons in the abyss, and the demons in hell, but no one dared to jump out.

He just stared blankly at this sudden appearance.

Break the barrier of Io continent.

Then they found a little player in their eyes, a weird dragon.

Tiklas swallowed up the confused Rand in this plane and absorbed all his memories.

But the results were unsatisfactory.

He still didn't get anything he wanted.

All memories about improving strength are blank!

Tiklas was not satisfied with this, and even traveled through many timelines in succession, but still could not find the answer he wanted, and finally had no choice but to let it go.

But in his heart, he had some bad premonitions about this.

Is he worried about the dragon?

Is it really possible for that dragon to defeat and kill him? No! it's out of the question! Acquired creatures, just acquired creatures!

He shook his head and cleared away these distracting thoughts.

At this moment, Rand in other timelines.

But her heart palpitated, and she suddenly thought of Fiona and Ed.

“These two guys should have encountered something unexpected.

A guy like Tikras, who can create a back garden like [Garden Breaker] is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.

He should not let go of the opportunity to interrogate Fiona and Ed...even if the possibility of getting the result He wants is infinitely close to zero...

Rand sighed in his heart.

The two dragons have been following him for a long time, and they have had their share of merit and hard work.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he died because of him.

Although the two dragons also enjoyed a lot of life that they would not otherwise have enjoyed because of his existence.

Having survived for more than 10,000 years, its life span exceeds the limits of ordinary dragons.

But after all, he had some regrets.

Of course, it's just some regrets.

Because Rand does not believe that death or even the complete erasure of the soul is absolutely impossible to resurrect.

Everything that cannot be done is just because the strength is too weak!

As long as you are strong enough, you should be omnipotent!

He collected himself.

Follow the original plan to spread the method of becoming a god.

After that, everything slowly went as he expected, and creatures from many planes chose to become gods.

In this way, time keeps passing.

Decades, hundreds of years, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years...

The world has undergone tremendous changes.

All timelines are developing smoothly.


Some medium-sized plane.

Beyond the planet.

A hairy two-headed man with an angry face.

He exploded with all his divine power of faith, turned into a boundless storm of thunder and fire, and blasted toward a dragon shadow in front of him with enough power to destroy the planet!

However, these terrifying attacks were all annihilated by an unknown force halfway through.

See this.

The anger on the two-headed man's face gradually turned into grief and despair.

He couldn't help roaring:

Are you the one behind the scenes? Teach us the art of becoming a god! And then come to hunt us! Damn bastard!

You make such a fool of God! Such a fool to the consciousness of the world! Aren't you afraid of retribution?

I curse you! Curse you to be like me in the future! I curse you to die badly!

If the curse could have taken effect, I might have died tens of millions of times.

Long Ying said calmly, not showing any signs of annoyance.

He just slowly opened his mouth and sucked the two-headed man in, ready to devour it.

But just at this moment.

A figure carrying a golden wheel appeared.

Don't wait for Longying's reaction.

The figure actually took out a bronze mirror and looked at the dragon.

In an instant, the giant dragon that was originally only about a hundred meters began to expand.

Finally I found you! Rand Safis Oakburn! You really troubled me! It took more than half a million years!

For your secret, I specially went to the original universe and found this [Returning Mirror]. As long as it is illuminated, all living things will show their original posture.

In order to find you, I traveled through the infinite timeline again!

Now! Finally I got what I wanted!

Your separate parts in other timelines will now be brought together!

I will never give you a chance to escape from me again! absolute!

The figure said calmly.

Dragon Shadow, no, it should be said to be Rand, then noticed the existence in front of him, it was Tiklas.

He showed his original appearance and was as big as a star.

The energy in his body made the entire medium-sized plane tremble.

The barriers at the end of the plane were shaking and cracking under the power of its energy!

The original two-headed human god was also out of Rand's control at this moment, and he was so horrified that he wanted to run away.

However, the entire space was blocked at this moment, and he could not escape at all, so he had to flee as far away as possible.

And the planet beneath him.

Those creatures that were still a little confused couldn't help but look up to the sky.

Looking at the giant god who was as close as a star, his mind went blank.

What is all this? who I am? where am I? Why do such huge monsters appear? Are we going to die? Or are we still in a dream?

Where is our patron saint?

Each of these two-headed creatures was extremely confused.

Thank you for your hard work...

Rand, who was constantly expanding, said calmly.

He didn't show any urgency because he was found or even forced to gather all his parts.

Instead, he looked indifferent:'s too late...

As he spoke, there was a regret in his expression that Tiklas could not understand.

What is this dragon regretting?

Is he about to die?

Or something else?

As long as you hand over your secret, I swear by my godhead, I can let you live. Tiklas said.

Let me live? Interesting words... To be honest, even I can't imagine how strong I am now...

More than half a million years...I am also a little tired, and it is time to end.

You are lucky to have the opportunity to meet me at this moment! The true power you possess!

Rand remained calm and no longer as violent as before.

Over half a million years and countless separate bodies, he has experienced too much, and his mind has been polished as smooth as a stubborn stone.

There isn't even much hatred towards Tiklas.

Because...he is too strong now!

A few words of time.

Rand's body is expanding faster and faster! faster and faster!

His body size soon exceeded ten thousand kilometers! Then it continues to expand at a speed of thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, kilometers per second...

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