The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 269 Great Terror


Although sound cannot be transmitted in the starry sky.

But countless fires continued to erupt.

These are all the consequences of being touched by the expanding body of Rand.

Those huge planets and meteorites are like fragile works of art, ready to explode if touched!

This terrifying scene made the two-headed people on the nearby planet look horrified.

They screamed for their gods, hoping that gods would save them, but when they saw their gods, they ran away faster than anyone else!

There was endless fear on those two furry faces.

Even if He is God, the scenes in front of him have already exceeded the limits of His knowledge!

First, a guy as big as a star appeared, trying to capture the mastermind behind becoming a god. The leaked aura almost caused the entire plane to collapse.

But immediately, the mastermind's body continued to expand in the blink of an eye.

In just a moment, in terms of size, it far surpassed the guy as huge as a star, and it was still expanding.

What's going on in this world? Why has it become so strange?

Haven't I already become a god? Shouldn’t I be a noble being in all infinite planes?

Why...doesn't it feel any different from an ant?

Do you think that the changes in your body will give you power beyond me? No matter how big you become, I will let you know how powerful a galaxy-level life is!

The size of life, in front of the Milky Way, is just the tiniest dust. Even if it is ten times larger than a star, what if it is a hundred times larger?

Tiklas still looked calm.

However, his body retreated quickly. At this time, he had no intention of attacking immediately. Instead, he looked at Rand with interest.


Rand did not respond to Tiklas, but instead let out a comfortable moan, and his body stretched slightly as it expanded.

There is a feeling of breaking free from a prison and being yourself again.

When the huge dragon wings spread out, they actually pushed the stars in the original galaxy aside.

At this time, the stars were as small as mice compared to Rand's body...

Is this the power I was supposed to have? It feels... really good... but this is far from the end...

Rand groaned.

His body was still expanding, and soon it surpassed the entire star system, and its body length exceeded 9 billion kilometers!

Then beyond the second star system...the third...the tenth...

Weird! Monster! In the infinite plane, actually...does this kind of monster still exist? Just the body alone can crush the entire plane!

The two-headed god was trembling all over at the edge of the plane barrier.

His body had long been shrouded by the dragon's wings. He wanted to continue escaping, but there was no way out...

No matter where he is hiding in the plane, the dragon can easily reach out its claws and catch him at this moment!

Even Tiklas' expression has changed slightly!

but! This is not over yet!

Rand is still expanding!

Soon, there was a sound from Peng.

The entire barrier finally couldn't bear it anymore and shattered.

Turned into countless black fragments.

After the barrier breaks down.

It's another starry sky in the universe.

This cosmic starry sky.

Belongs to another plane.

However, this plane seems to be extremely small, only as big as a solar system.

A group of apes living on the planet also discovered something was wrong, and they all screamed in surprise!

But in the end, it was difficult for them to escape the fate of the planet exploding the moment they encountered the dragon...

Bang bang bang~

Planets are shattering, stars are exploding, and dimensional barriers are constantly rupturing.

Nothing can stop Rand's expansion!

Countless dimensional barriers were broken through, stars perished, and tens of millions of lives died!

I don’t know how long it has been.

When Rand's body stopped expanding.

Compared with Rand, Tiklas' figure, which is about the size of a star, is already negligible...

Countless galaxies circle around the dragon's limbs and wings.

Rand himself didn't even know how long he was.

Maybe thousands of light years! ? Or tens of thousands of light years?

He seemed to be the center of the entire starry sky.


The dragon exhaled softly.

In an instant, an extremely violent cosmic hurricane blew up in the entire starry sky.

A series of galaxies were flying randomly, colliding with other galaxies, and then completely destroying the gravity of the galaxies, causing a series of explosions!

These explosions, which are comparable to supernovae, bloom around the dragon, like fireworks lighting up in a city. Although they are small, they are still dazzling.

A black hole may even form as a result.

Rand was not nervous at all about this black hole.

The dragon's claws just stretched out, grabbing the black hole and the dozens of nearby star fields in its claws, and softening them together.

Make the black hole bigger and put it in your mouth!

he! Actually feeding on a black hole!

I've wanted to taste a black hole for a long time, and now I finally got my wish. The taste is better than I expected. The energy material contained in it is so rich...

The dragon slowly opened his mouth and sighed softly.

Then he glanced aside, looking at Tiklas who was almost invisible, and grinned:

You're actually still here? I thought you were going to run away. You're so brave.

You're just a little bigger, you think you can defeat me? I'll let you know what a galaxy-level life form is!

Tiklas said coldly.

Say it.

Stretch your arms.

Everything in the surrounding star field was shrinking rapidly, and then it was compressed into a star field in the palm of your hand and thrown towards the dragon!

This trick is somewhat similar to Gaya's. Did you learn it after devouring Him?

The dragon spoke slowly.

Still compressed galaxies fall on you and then explode.

Endless bursts of brilliance.

That energy was enough to destroy hundreds or thousands of star fields and destroy the surrounding dimensional barriers again.

Terrifying roars and vibrations are constantly echoing in the starry sky.

Seeing this attack, there was no trace of smile on Tiklas's face, but her expression became more solemn.

Because He sees it clearly.

Rand Safis Oakburn's dragon did not suffer any damage at all when faced with such a level of attack!

His scales didn't even have a single scratch on their surface!

Too weak! Really too weak!'s not that you are too weak...but that I am too strong...

Rand whispered during the explosion.

Looking at Tiklas's face, there was a hint of ridicule and a touch of disappointment:

Is this all your attack can do?

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