The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 267 Fearless

What happened next is unknown to Rand.

His separate body completely lost contact when it entered Tiklas' body.

This shocked him.

Immediately transfer all the fragments of each timeline.

As for why he did this, the reason is naturally very simple. For a God-like existence like Tiklas, Rand doesn't think that after devouring his body, he can't extract memories from part of his consciousness!

This made him feel very crisis.

At the same time, he immediately spent 1 talent point again to strengthen his concealment ability.

Facts have proved that Rand was absolutely right to do so.

After hiding for a while, he asked many clones to go to the original location, only to find that the place had become a ruin, and even many of the forces he had developed in it had been moved away!

Rand had reason to suspect that Tiklas did all this!

Fortunately, Rand is thoughtful.

Even if it is a separate body, those that are easily exposed, he will delete the memory about the system before taking action to ensure his own safety.


He can also rise up to resist, summon all the clones from all timelines, and fight Tiklas.

But at this moment, he had no idea of ​​his own strength.

There is a huge gap between the Galaxy level and the Galaxy level.

Even Rand, who is so confident at this moment, has no confidence to kill the opponent instantly...

That’s right! It’s an instant kill!

In Rand's view, he may be stronger than the opponent at the moment, but if he cannot kill the opponent instantly, the opponent will completely lose the ability to resist.

Then it must be detrimental to oneself.

God knows how many strong people are behind that guy?

The bullshit [Garden Breaker] is simply a joke. Rand needs to re-examine some of the information he got from it.

The so-called cosmic level above the Milky Way level may be just a lie!

And are there others above the cosmic level?

Rand remained skeptical.

Therefore, he will not fight the enemy easily.

Since he has been surviving for more than ten thousand years, he doesn't care if he continues to survive for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years.

Unless absolutely necessary, Rand would not have the slightest thought of fighting the enemy desperately, especially if he did not understand the opponent!

And when Rand got up.

Everything related to Rand in the main timeline will suffer.

Antoli plane.

On a huge planet.

The entire surface became bare, as if everything had been wiped out by a mysterious force. There were no traces of flowers, plants, trees, or living creatures at all.

Above the clouds.

Several huge dragons, their wings and limbs were tightly bound together, stared angrily at a figure with a golden wheel on its back and its upper body exposed.

These dragons are naturally Fiona and other dragons, and this figure is Tiklas.

You damn bastard! Do you know who we are? I am the great Red Dragon Queen! Fiona Safis Oakbourne!

How dare you attack the great [Dragon King's Court]? asshole! Do you know who my eldest brother is?

Rand Sapphith Oakburn's mightiest dragon! Dragon among dragons! Offended me! Just wait for my big brother to crush you to death! Damn paramecium!

The other female dragons on one side, as well as the black dragon Ed, were a little silent at this time, just looking at this figure, showing their thoughts.

But this figure smiled slightly:

If you are not Rand Safis Oakburn's brother, sister, relatives and friends, I really have no interest in coming to you!

Contact Rand Safis Oakburn now! If I want you to live! Come see me immediately!

Tiklas didn't show any anger when she was insulted, she just spoke calmly.

You damn bastard! You want to see my elder brother Rand so much? It seems you are here to die! Idiot! My elder brother could easily blow up stars more than 10,000 years ago! You actually want to go against him? ?

You insect, it would be easier for him to crush you to death than to crush an ant to death, I...

Fiona was still chattering and cursing.

There is no hint of cowardice at all.

But the other dragons around him felt that something was wrong.


Ka La La La ~

There was a harsh sound of bone cracking.

Fiona's body was captured by an invisible force, and then twisted, making bursts of bone cracking sounds all over her body.


She groaned slightly in pain.

If you don't want to suffer, you'd better shut up and do what I ask!

After listening to Fiona's chatter, Tiklas couldn't help but take action.

He was now anxious all the time.

After absorbing Rand's memory.

He discovered that the source of Rand's power was extremely strange.

This dragon has never systematically practiced any skills at all, and all its growth is so natural.

But this is obviously impossible.

And in all questions about growing up, there are serious memory lapses and gaps.

What does this mean?

This dragon must have an astonishing secret.

As long as he gets this secret, maybe he can go one step further and reach the cosmic level?

We don't know where Rand is either.

Ed on the other side couldn't help but say, looking at the other person's eyes, he added again:

“Of course, there is no way to contact him.

For Rand, we are too weak, little more than a liability.

Just like you, would you tell a group of little bugs your whereabouts? Will you deliberately leave your contact information?

Although I had expected it before coming here, I still feel very unhappy after hearing this answer!

Tiklas finished speaking.

The bodies of several dragons restrained by Him began to slowly disappear.

Seeing this, Ed panicked and shouted:

Wait! Don't kill me! We are still useful! Why do you say that both Fiona and I are relatives of Rand...

Shut up! Ed, you loser! Are you so afraid of death? Humph! Isn't it just death? What's the big deal!

This dragon has lived for more than 10,000 years, which can be regarded as a long life!

After being the Dragon King for so many years, you actually begged for mercy from a bastard? Where is the pride of being a dragon?

Wait! Damn bastard! Soon, you will reach the same result as me, and I...hehehehe...Rand will definitely resurrect me! He is omnipotent!

Fiona looked at Ed's unsatisfactory look and cursed before disappearing. At the same time, she had a fascination-like confidence in Rand.

The moment the words fell, they completely disappeared.

At that time, Fiona still had a sneer on her face.

Resurrection? You still have such innocent thoughts?

Your body and soul have been completely wiped out by me, and you still want to be resurrected?

Even if Calculation is a cosmic powerhouse, he will never be able to do such a thing!

snort! Ignorant fool!

Tiklas said disdainfully.

I thought again.

As expected, Rand in this timeline cannot be found...

Perhaps, he can only go to other timelines.

But the question arises again, does Rand in other timelines still have the treasures in this timeline?

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