The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 266 An unexpected surprise

This is impossible!

We are gods! How can that bastard surpass God!

A group of gods trembled.

Even if it explodes with all its strength, it still looks small and cannot break the blockade outside the planet.

I could only watch helplessly as several stars where gods lived collided with Rand's planet!

Until they collide!

Boom! !

An earth-shattering explosion sounded.

Endless light and heat burst out, spreading into the distance.

Everyone living on the planet was turned into ashes!


The two dragons and several gods are still immortal.

At the center of the explosion.

But compared to the two dragons, the gods looked much more embarrassed.

The whole body is shimmering with light, and the body is stained by dust. are Rand Safis Oakburn? But why have you become so strong? This is impossible! We are gods! Why are you stronger than gods? And so strong many?

Oris, the God of War, said with eyes almost bursting.

You win! Dragon... now tell me, what do you want? Even if you let me become your subordinate, I will not have any complaints.

Moon Goddess Mills' face was still cold, but his voice was slightly trembling.

The other gods looked downcast like defeated cocks.

They have never experienced this feeling since their birth.

You false gods are too weak... Such powerless resistance is really unfulfilling.

Sigh... The reason is that I am too strong.

The dragon seeks revenge on the ants, which is really boring.

Conquering you is of little use.

In this case, it is really interesting to try something new.

Rand's eyes stared at these gods, flickering slightly, then suddenly opened the dragon's mouth and took a sudden breath.

A huge suction force emerged.

Several gods flew directly towards the dragon's mouth!

Damn it! What do you want to do? actually want to eat God? Aren't you afraid of backlash?

Shut up! Say what you have to say! We are willing to do anything for you! All the treasures will be given to you! Shut up!

These false gods suddenly became impatient and shouted repeatedly.

Rand paid no attention to this.

It just sucked them all in.

During this process, the divine bodies of these gods shrank one by one under Rand's great power. When they finally fell into his mouth, they were as big as mortals and were swallowed by him.



Rand closed his eyes, as if wanting to taste the god.

To be honest, he is over 10,000 years old and has devoured quite a few creatures, but this is the first time for a god to eat it, and the taste is unexpectedly good!

Each one was a god, the meat was surprisingly tender, and there was a taste that left him with endless aftertaste.

Just when I wanted to reminisce.

The system sound actually sounded again.

[Faith] I, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ, Ⅵ, Ⅶ, Ⅷ, Ⅸ.

You have absorbed the power of faith that belongs to God. These powers are completely absorbed by you and transformed into potential.

You gained 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 potential points.

Physical growth: 3467!

No ho!

When Rand heard the system prompts, he couldn't help but make a weird sound.

This made the Blue Diamond Dragon, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but ask:

what happened?

Unexpected surprise, the taste of these gods is surprisingly delicious... The creation gods of [Supreme Divine Court] like to devour powerful creatures so much, maybe because their meat is more delicious.

Well, it's really delicious!

Rand spoke up.

At the same time, in my mind, I have already begun to make calculations.

This time, it was just an unintentional act of revenge, but another big secret was discovered.

The swallowing and absorption of [Faith] can allow him to continue to accelerate his growth.

However, if he wanted more power of faith, Rand had no interest in becoming a dragon god.

But he thought, maybe he could cultivate more gods? And then devour it?

At the same time, spread the method of becoming a god to all planes and all timelines, allowing more lives to become gods, and then harvest and devour them one by one!

Attention! good!

Okay! Revenge has been avenged. Do you have anything else to do with me?

Rand glanced at the blue diamond dragon and asked.

“I want to communicate with you and discuss the future path.

I can tell that your total strength should be much stronger than it is now, maybe not below mine.

I'm curious about the reason why you became stronger.

Of course, I won’t let you suffer.

Gaya said so.


Rand was about to refuse.

I suddenly lost control of my body.

Gaya, who was in front of him, was suddenly startled and looked behind her suddenly.

At some point, there was a figure with a bare upper body and a golden halo on his back.

God Tiklas, why are you here?

Blue Diamond Long Gaya showed a look of surprise when she saw the visitor.

I can't bear it! I can't bear it anymore! Damn it! You! How can you be so delicious! My body, my cells, my soul, everything about me is extremely hungry! Rand! ·Saphis Oakburn! You are mine! I will eat you!

Tiklas groaned with a confused breath.

Rand's body flew directly over uncontrollably.

At this time, Rand couldn't even control his own body to die!

His soul in this body cannot self-destruct! You can only watch helplessly as it falls into the other person's mouth!

On the other hand, Gaya seemed to realize that something was wrong! He actually wanted to run away without saying a word.

However, Tiklas just turned her head slightly and glared. Everything about the Blue Diamond Dragon lost control and flew towards Tiklas. The gap between the galaxy-level Gaya and the galaxy-level Tiklas was so big that it was difficult to imagine. To the point of imagination!

Gaya? Where do you want to go? Do you want to go back and tell everyone in [Gardenbreaker] everything about this place? Tiklas asked in a low voice. also...from the [Supreme Divine Court]?...[The Court Breaker] it just your breeding farm?

Intermittent words came from the mouth of Blue Diamond Long Gaya, and it could be seen that he had tried his best at this moment.

You idiots! A group of acquired beings actually want to resist the innate beings?

I just told a lie casually, and you believed it?

How stupid.

However, you are all great! At least a few very delicious fruits appeared.

Just like this one right now!

After Tiklas said that, he looked at the Rand clone that had come to him with fervor, and swallowed it in one gulp without ceremony!

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