The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 265 Reunion with the False Gods

They should be living pretty well now. After all, they are a group of believers in gods. In terms of power, in the infinite universe, it is not bad. It is difficult to find those above the star level.

In recent years, that plane has expanded a bit, making them even more powerful.

However, if it's you, you should be able to destroy them easily.

If you hadn't appeared, I would have almost forgotten about them.

Hmm...thinking about it, we can almost eliminate those guys.

I, Rand, have always wanted to take revenge and complain, so I should be content with letting them live until now!

Rand narrowed his eyes slightly.

In that case, I'll go with you first. Blue Diamond Dragon nodded.

By the way...why did you come to me? Rand then remembered and asked.

God Tiklas, the founder of the Garden Breakers, wants to see you, but there is no rush. Let's go and fulfill your wish first.

Meet me? Wait tens of thousands of years before we talk.

Rand didn't give any face and refused directly.

Blue Diamond Dragon Jaya was stunned for a moment and said without caring: Forget it if you don't want to. I believe that God Tiklas won't care about these trivial matters. Let's go to that plane together.

As the two dragons spoke, their figures disappeared into a portal and disappeared.

And a certain figure that had been hiding not far away followed him immediately with a flash of eyes.

another world.

The pale blue star has long since disappeared.

Only the bright moonlight shines on the earth.

Huge tents were erected on the grassland, and a group of little giants three to four to five meters tall were singing, dancing and singing happily on the fires.

There are also a group of people eating meat, drinking and chatting.

Although this world has been in contact with other worlds for more than tens of thousands of years.

But many local residents still retain their original style.

They boasted about their bravery and knowledge on the battlefield when they participated in the expeditionary force and served God, and they chatted happily.

Without even noticing, the sky slowly opened.

It wasn't until the crack blocked the moonlight and the people underground fell into complete darkness that they realized.

They looked up to the sky.

When they saw the portal, everyone immediately became alert.

One of the captains even picked up a metal spear and shouted:

Everyone, be alert! People from another world are attacking!

Show me your courage and show your bravery! Then use the power the gods have given us! Fight back all the idiots from the other world!

Roar! !

At the end of the sentence, the captain roared and hit the shield with a metal spear, making a bang.

Others also followed suit, and together they burst out with an extremely astonishing momentum.

There were only a few hundred people, but they exploded into the force of thousands of troops.

Their eyes were fixed on the sky.

Until a sharp object slowly poked out from it.

These people haven't seen it yet.

They roared in unison and threw the spears in their hands with all their strength!


A spear streaked through the void, shot out several kilometers, and hit the sharp object that had just been discovered in the sky portal!

Bang bang bang!

A series of roars sounded.

The captain shouted: Stupid enemy! Feel the great power given to us by the gods!

Ho ho ho ho!

The people nearby roared again.

Are these guys a group of orangutans? It's been so many years, but they haven't learned the proper etiquette and vigilance? How can they attack an unknown enemy so casually?

A deep voice came from the portal.

These people have always been very courageous and are not afraid of enemies other than gods... I remember that when I first came to this plane, I suffered a lot of attacks.

Another thick, slightly crisp sound sounded.

The portal also disappeared.

Finally, the two outsiders were revealed.

Two dragons no more than ten meters long.

One head is bright and dazzling, with four wings.

The other one is all blue and bright, like a cut blue diamond, extremely beautiful.

It was Rand and Blue Diamond Longgaya.

Rand glanced at the people on the ground, looked at their slightly horrified eyes, and flicked his fingers.

Then there was a bright burst of light.

A fireball like a nuclear bomb exploded from the ground, sweeping away a group of people amid their screams.

Watching the thick smoke rising into the sky.

Rand nodded slightly and thought to himself

Although it is only a separate body, this body also retains the power of a small world.

It couldn't be easier to eliminate a group of scum that are less than legendary.

It is estimated that it will not be a problem to deal with the sixth and seventh levels of epic.

But dealing with those false gods would probably be a bit difficult.

Rand had a thought.

Immediately, more than a dozen figures identical to Rand's body appeared in the space, all merging into one.

Finally, it turned into a giant dragon that was about a hundred meters long.

The energy index in Rand's body also surged at this moment, and the atmosphere around him began to distort crazily.

The blue diamond dragon on the side narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded slightly.

He secretly thought that Rand, the dragon, was indeed cautious and powerful.

How much of his total power is now gathered together?

And what about Rand?

After gathering some of the clones, he looked towards the sky.

In the starry sky, he saw several planets of different colors, with a group of small giants also living on them, and at the same time, he could faintly see huge divine power.

Those false gods should be here.

He stretched out his paw and gently closed it.

Several planets dozens or millions of kilometers away were suddenly sucked in by huge gravity and flew towards Rand's current planet!


Starry sky.

Several planets are shaking.

A group of believers of the gods could not help but show panic and shouted:

What's going on? What happened here?

Does any enemy dare to invade the sacred territory of God? How bold!

Everyone! Get armed! Come with me to kill these bastards who dare to invade the realm of God!

They all screamed nervously and angrily.

In the center of the original planet, there was a flash of light in the huge and gorgeous temples.

Several figures came into the planet's atmosphere and stared into the distance.

Just for a moment.

They passed through the root power that caused all the visions and saw Rand and the Blue Diamond Dragon.

The blue diamond dragon at this moment was almost shrouded in mist under their gaze.

Only Rand's figure was clearly visible.

It was this glance that reminded them of their experiences tens of thousands of years ago.

The experience of being teased by the 'weak' Rand suddenly came to mind.

Make them furious in an instant.

It's him! It's that damn dragon! He actually dares to appear in front of me! That's fine! I will never let him escape this time! I must send him to hell! No! I must extract his soul! And then tortured forever!

I want him to know! The great God of War (Moon God, Poseidon) is not so easy to mess with!

They roared angrily, and were about to leave the god planet where they lived, and descended on the planet where Rand was currently located.

But it's okay if it doesn't move.

Get moving.

But it was a shocking discovery.

The entire divine star was actually imprisoned in space by a huge force!

They tried to break it, but found that their own strength was actually small compared with this power...

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