The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 264 Meeting with the Blue Diamond Dragon

Hearing this, the other members once again set their sights on Blue Diamond Long Gaya.

Gaya nodded and said:

Then please wait a moment, God, and I will ask Skar Shining Moon Chain of Destiny to bring Rand Saphis Oakburn.

After that, her figure disappeared.

But a moment later, it appeared again.

However, compared with before, the expression on the dragon's face seemed to have changed:

I'm sorry... Lord Tiklas, Rand Sapphith Oakburn has disappeared at this time, and I have no way to find him.

Can't find it? This is impossible.

Doesn’t Starlonska, Yaoyue, and Chain of Destiny have the power to see through the fate of all creatures in the plane of Io? With your spells, you should be able to find it even in other timelines.

A strong man showed a little surprise and said.

Having said that, I really can't find any treasure on Rand that could hide his fate and traces.

Gaya said again.

A treasure that hides its traces and conceals its destiny... It is possible, but the greater probability is that the dragon may have been killed? Some people also raised doubts.

The other members were silent after hearing this.

This possibility is really not small.

After all, only when members of the organization reach the galaxy level will they receive such elite attention and focus on training.

Before that, the number of dead members was unknown.

In that case, there's nothing we can do about it. Let's break up the party this time.

Finally, Tiklas spoke.

The figures of all members gradually disappeared.

In the entire silent void, only Tiklas' figure remained.

He remained silent for a moment, and his huge star-like body slowly shrank until he was about two meters away before disappearing.

when it appears again.

It has arrived in another dimension, near a planet.

On this planet.

There are dragon-men with dragon wings or some novel creatures everywhere.

They were flying freely in the sky, doing their own thing.

He didn't even notice the extra Tiklas in the distant starry sky.

Tiklas slowly opened her eyes.

If someone were opposite him at this moment, he would see an extremely astonishing scene.

In those small eyes, there seemed to be countless stars in the universe, constantly arising and dying, time and space disappearing, and the universe changing.

Soon, the sight of an uninhabited planet even appeared.

On this uninhabited planet.

A four-winged dragon was communicating with a group of white coats, transporting pieces of dragon scales from the space door and integrating them into several bodies.

That's him... Rand Safis Oakburn, he will reappear in this world every ten years... It seems that there is something different, and it is worth meeting me.

Tiklas thought.

Then disappeared in place.

Soon, He appeared near the desolate planet that appeared in his eyes before, and waited silently until several years later.

The scene I saw before happened again.

After Rand obtained the modified dragon scales he needed from a group of dragons from the Dragon Court, he quickly left. From the beginning to the end, he did not notice Tiklas, who was silently observing him from a distance.

Until peace is restored here.

Tiklas' figure appeared again, staring at the figure that Rand left just now, with a happy expression:

Sure enough, this dragon's body is very special. I can feel its immense vitality and physical strength.

It's just an acquired creature. It's really rare that the vitality in the body is enough to compare with an innate spirit like me.

There must be a big secret in him.

However, there is no rush.

This guy is a little cautious, but he only lets his clone appear from the beginning to the end.

This must be because of insufficient strength.

I'll just wait for a while, wait until the time is ripe, and then pick this fruit... Hehehe... I'm really looking forward to it! With such good results, the potential should be higher than Gaya.

After saying that, Tiklas disappeared again.

However, He did not go to other planes.

Instead, he has been hiding in the Antoli plane, waiting for Rand to appear.

He observed that Rand would return to this plane probably every ten years or so.

And every time it returns, it is a separate body, and it is not the same body.

This strange phenomenon finally made Tiklas more curious.

After hundreds of years.

He was no longer satisfied with observing from afar.

He even quietly followed the clone and crossed the long river of time to other timelines.

He looked at Rand's clone, hiding in some remote place, doing nothing.

More confused.

What is this dragon doing?

Shouldn't we work hard to improve our strength? Why are you so lazy and don't practice some exercises?

Didn't it mean that he had exchanged a lot of skills among the Court Breakers before?

No...this is not normal...

There should be too many parts, leaving only one part for training. Perhaps this part wants to attract potential enemies? Is it some bait?

Maybe... this guy has noticed something?

What a sensitive guy.

However, even so, I can find all your fragments one by one, and finally catch them all!

Tiklas sneered.

The figure disappeared again.


Thousands of years have passed again.

During these thousands of years, Tiklas has been observing Rand's clones, constantly traveling to the main timeline, and gradually mastered the timeline and locations of hundreds of Rand's clones, leaving behind imprint.

But even so, it seems that it is still extremely far away from finding all Rand's clones.

Those separate bodies seem to have no end.

No rush... no rush... I'm just cultivating the fruit now, so that it will be sweeter in the future. Tiklas persuaded herself.

He can feel it.

Even though Rand's body, strength, and intensity have remained about the same.

But the potential energy in the body is getting stronger and stronger, and the attraction to Him is getting stronger and stronger.

Several times, Tikras almost lost control and wanted to capture Rand's body and enjoy it.

But they still relied on their strong willpower to suppress it.

He wants to find Rand's true body, or more separate bodies.

In this way, thousands of years have passed.

finally found you!

A voice suddenly appeared, attracting Rand's attention who was collecting the transformed dragon scales.

He turned and looked over.

I saw a giant dragon that was all blue and bright.

This giant dragon looked so familiar that Rand couldn't help but say:

You are Blue Diamond Dragon Gaya?

You really know me, no wonder, after all, I have been in contact with Athens before. Blue Diamond Longjiaya said.

Athens... I remembered, the goddess I met in a certain plane before... did she find you again?

That's right, he found his father Arceus through his blood connection, contacted me, and is currently working under me.

If you want to see Him, I can take you to see her.

It's not necessary, but...when I talk about her, I think of some bad things I encountered in that plane before.

I don’t know how the false gods like Oris, Miles, and Poseidon are doing now.

Rand's eyes were dark.

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