The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 263 Meeting of the Courtbreakers

And Rand's other branches also began to develop rapidly again.

At a faster speed, other timelines are developed.

It’s different from hundreds of years ago.

When Rand's own strength has reached a certain level and his power has developed to a certain extent, the speed of division will become faster and faster.

Different forces have similar technology trees and material support, but they have also begun to develop different paths.

This is to make the development of forces more diversified to deal with more situations and enemies.

in this case.

One hundred years from now.

Rand's branches expanded to more than 500.

Another hundred years.

Expanded to more than a thousand...The expansion speed is getting faster and faster...

In this way, another five hundred years have passed.

Rand's original timeline.

Some unknown space.

More than twenty figures gathered around.

Among these figures, there are dragons, phoenixes, people, and some strange figures that have never been seen before.

They stood in the void, staring at each other.

On the main seat.

In other words, it is the central position of everyone, and everyone's eyes are focused on one person.

This person is a humanoid creature.

He is as tall as a star, has flowing blond hair, and carries a nimbus that exudes golden brilliance.

This figure, with its exposed upper body showing strong muscles and tight eyes, revealed strong divinity all over its body. Just seeing it made people feel like they were worshiping.

The shrinking star fields rotate around the divine wheel behind this figure.

His eyes were closed tightly, and after a while he slowly spoke:

Everyone, we meet again.

Hahahaha~ The previous time was five thousand years ago. Time flies so fast. The moment I open or close my eyes, it's the meeting period that happens once every five thousand years.

A strong man with a human appearance, no more than a few meters tall, and a full beard laughed loudly.

His whole body was wrapped in streaks of black thunder, and the piercing thunder occasionally sounded like a thousand birds, shooting the surrounding void lightning out of chaotic holes.

It's very gratifying to see that everyone is in peace. Another old man with white hair and beard stroked his beard and said with a smile.

Next to this old man, there was also an extraordinary sight, with countless roaring shadows of mythical beasts surrounding him.

Is there any movement in the Supreme Court of God recently? someone else asked.

The words over there are still the same, five thousand years is too short, what can happen.

However, in the past five thousand years, many of our members have died, and nearly half of them have been captured by the Supreme Court.

Those damn bastards! As the supreme god, they don't even have the responsibilities of a god! It would be great if they were all like God Tiklas. One person sighed while scolding.

Finally, he looked with reverence at the figure with a body as big as a star and a golden halo on his back.


A galactic level powerhouse.

He is also the Supreme Creator God of [Breaking the Courtyard].

While he is powerful, he also has a compassionate heart. He often shares some of his rare treasures and cultivation experiences with potential juniors in the organization, and is deeply loved by the members of the organization.

Existences like God Tiklas are only a minority after all. It is our honor to meet and meet such a God.

Yeah...Fortunately, the organization has an existence like God Tiklas, otherwise our future is really unimaginable.

A group of powerful beings who are at least at the galaxy level, and like ordinary things, they are constantly complimenting them.

Tiklas closed her eyes and just smiled.

No show of emotion.

It took a while for the compliments to fade away.

Tiklas then said:

It makes me happy to meet you again after five thousand years, and to be able to meet you all again.

But there are no new elite members added, which makes me a little regretful.

God Tiklas! Don't say that. In the past five thousand years, the organization has not gained nothing.

I heard about it more than a thousand years ago.

The organization has another newcomer with great potential, and I heard that his potential is not inferior to that of Gaya.

What's even more surprising is that the other party actually comes from the plane of Io!

The old man with white beard stroked his beard and smiled.

These words actually made Tiklas show a hint of surprise. She closed her eyes and turned towards a dragon that was covered in blue diamonds and radiated brilliance even in the starry sky.

Seeing this, others also turned their attention to the dragon.

Io plane? There are so many talents.

The level of care that that God has for creation simply exceeds our imagination.

“Indeed, there are so many talented characters coming out of the Io plane.

Not to mention Gaya.

Other dragon creatures, with their various potentials and talents, are really enviable to us.

Several others praised him one after another, with a look of envy on their faces.

Although the life forms present were much stronger than the other dragons they mentioned except Gaya.

But they still envied the powerful talents of these dragons.

The pseudo-infinite power of the Plutonium Dragon, the magical omnipotence of the Blue Diamond Dragon.

The power of time of the Time Dragon, the fate of the Stardust Dragon is revealed.

Each one is gifted with magical powers and is extremely powerful.

And among them?

Many people do not have this kind of talent. Most of them rely on millions, or even tens of millions of years of hard work to achieve such achievements.

“There’s definitely potential.

His name was Rand Safis Oakburn.

I heard it from a follower of a certain plane.

After that, Andric Levis Silver Hourglass and Ska Yaoyue Chain of Destiny invited him to join the organization.

After these two thousand years of hard work, it might have reached the galaxy level now.

If Tiklas happened to mention it, just call him over and have a formal meeting.

This is also the first time I met him.

The blue diamond dragon, whose body was shining with brilliance and unusually bright, said.

Galaxy level? unlikely?


I heard it before, before joining the organization.

That dragon had killed Damidik's Baile Gang Empire forces.

I heard that the dragon has an unimaginable physical talent. Its own flesh and blood has the effect of allowing ordinary creatures to break through the physical limits.

More than a thousand years ago, they used to exchange necessary treasures with members.

These powerful beings are constantly communicating with you and me.

In fact, they have a more efficient way of communication.

Remember everything and pass information to each other.

But they won't do that.

Just because in this way, it is equivalent to exposing everything about yourself to other beings without any defense...

If the other party is interested in spying...

“I see, what a great new member.

I can't wait to meet him.

Tiklas smiled, showing a hint of expectation.

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