The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 249 Black Hole Transformation and Harvest

Well, except for the Witch King.

Because this guy has already run away.

A group of wizards, pulled by the strong gravity, turned their heads and looked back in shock. They were all dumbfounded!

Where did the black hole come from? Why did a black hole suddenly appear in a place like this! This is impossible! What happened just now!

It's over! It's over! It's all over now! Facing a black hole, we have no chance of escape!

Where's that dragon! Where's that dragon just now? Where did he go?

Help! Help! Your Majesty the Witch King! Your Majesty! Use your incomparable minds and strength and think of a solution!

The Empire! It's over!

A group of wizards screamed again and again, their faces full of fear and incomprehension.

They really couldn't understand why it felt like countless years had passed after only ten seconds of turning around and running away.

Even a black hole appears?

This is the ultimate terror in the entire universe and starry sky!

As long as you are dragged into it, you will definitely die...

No, it can't be said that death is certain. After all, that dragon just escaped from the black hole.

Maybe... they can too?

The despairing hearts of the wizards just now felt a glimmer of hope.

Dozens and hundreds of millions of troops and wizards who were dragged into it roared and unleashed all their magic power.

Try to fight it.

But it's a pity.

All the energy, when it is first ignited, will be directly torn away by the black hole.


This is a more advanced realm, decomposition.

The effect is very similar to Rand's Final Territory, but even more terrifying.

All their own energy is not responding to themselves.

This reminded many wizards of how they felt when they were still mortals, how powerless they felt.

At the same time, the fighting spirit they had just ignited instantly collapsed.

Impossible! It's impossible! Facing a black hole, it's impossible for us to escape from it!

The ultimate celestial body of the universe cannot be competed by human power! Even the titled wizards who are comparable to gods are far inferior!

Ahhhhh!! It's over! Everyone is over! The empire is over!

The Bailegang Empire, which has stood on the Antoli plane for countless years, actually... is about to be completely destroyed today! We are sinners!

Groups of wizards exploded in mentality and kept roaring.

Unfortunately, no one could hear the words they shouted, nor could they use magic to convey them.

All this is like a mime.

They could only watch helplessly as they were like dust, being slowly pulled by gravity and sucked into the black hole.

That is the countdown to their final lives.


Many people suddenly became rational and couldn't help but think about it in these last moments.

At the same time, they also came up with such an idea.

The dragon named Rand Safis Oakburn, their archenemy, escaped from the black hole.

And they actually want to fight this kind of existence beyond their capabilities?

Are they out of their minds?

Ah... maybe my brain is indeed broken. I feel like my brain has been abnormal all my life.

Why do you view everything in the empire so supremely? When did you become so fearless?

That dragon had shown unrivaled power before, killing them wantonly.

They actually naively thought that they could have a chance to kill each other by relying on simulated gamma ray bursts?

Innocent! too naive!

That dragon can escape from the black hole. No one can know how terrifying the trump card it has is!

Farewell...Bailegang Empire.

Farewell, my family and relatives.

The wizards thought to themselves, just when they wanted to close their eyes.

In the starry sky, a dazzling light flashed again.

This is... a mimetic gamma ray burst!

Someone from the empire actually activated this ultimate spell again!

Moreover, it is heading towards the black hole!

Can they be saved?

Some wizards have some hope in their hearts.

However, this hope was immediately extinguished again.

This extremely loud gamma ray burst, after entering the black hole field, also quickly decomposed and twisted, and completely dissipated when it reached the core.

What are you thinking about? You actually put your hopes on such a boring thing.

Really, is your brain broken again?

The wizards finally closed their eyes completely.

The huge changes that occurred on the main battlefield were witnessed by many lives fighting nearby.

For a time, the expressions were different.

We... saw it right, right? There is a black hole there?

What on earth is going on? Why on earth would such a change happen there!

Boss Rand! Boss Rand is still there! Isn't it over now?

Your Majesty the Witch King! Most of your highnesses are also there! There are also tens or hundreds of billions of our compatriots! Damn it! What on earth is going on with all this!

Many people screamed.

Naturally, there are also dragons from the Dragon King's Court who are worried about Rand.

Even those king beasts secretly rejoiced!

Although I don’t know why this black hole appears.

But I have to say, it came just in time!

Whether it's the Witch King or a titled wizard! And that dragon should die!

These calls are loud.

Fiona, as the head coach of the Dragon King's Court in a regional battlefield, naturally listened.

He immediately sneered and said:

What nonsense are you idiots talking about? Rand escaped from the black hole before. Even if he is sucked in again this time, he will never die!

To die! It would just be stupid! It's just a wizard who dares to go against us!

The roar of the little female dragon could be heard in the distance.

Everyone present changed their expressions again.

Everyone in the Dragon Royal Court was overjoyed:

Yes! Boss Rand, how can you be afraid of just a black hole! The only ones who are going to die are those wizards!

Hahaha! Long live Boss Rand! Boss Rand is invincible!

As for the group of wizards, they all felt as if they were mourning for their heirs. All of a sudden, even their desire to fight was greatly reduced. They were beaten severely by the beasts of the Dragon King's Court.

How could this happen... If this is really the case, wouldn't we have completely failed?

The wizards were a little confused for a moment.

Many people have their eyes fixed on the black hole of the main battlefield.

Watching helplessly, the black hole sucked in tens of billions of failed Bailegang Empires one by one, and then continued to expand.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

The soldiers of the Bailegang Empire, numbering in the tens and hundreds of billions, completely disappeared.

An even more terrifying scene happened.

The black hole in the center slowly disappeared.

The pitch-black substance fell off layer by layer.

Finally, his true face is revealed.

It was a giant dragon with a body length of more than a hundred kilometers, four wings, and scales as bright as stars, named Rand Safis Oakburn!

That dragon... can actually turn into a black hole?

What kind of monster is this?

I can't understand! I can't understand!

All the beings were dumbfounded. For a moment, they forgot to continue attacking each other and stayed there in a daze.

Those wizards had no intention of resisting. Facing this kind of monster, they felt that everything was in vain.

Some even threw their weapons and raised their hands, shouting surrender.

And the center position at this moment.

A large amount of thick smoke came out from Rand's body.

He let out a small breath.

But he was in a happy mood.

【Black Hole】.

It was Rand's biggest gain in the six hundred years since he was driven into the black hole.

Because he has been in a black hole, his body's cells are constantly devouring the black hole's material. There is already too much of this material left in his body.

He knows a lot about this substance.


He can consume a huge amount of energy and transform his body into a black hole in a short period of time.

The energy and intensity of black holes are naturally inferior to those of real black holes.

But the performance of black holes is generally possessed by similar black holes.

It can be said to be extremely powerful.

Of course, just because he can turn into a black hole doesn't mean that he can now enter and exit a real black hole at will.

However, using this technique is also very expensive.

Almost 50% to 60% of Rand's previous energy was consumed.

Every minute and every second of [Black Hole Transformation] consumes a huge amount of energy.

Only an energy monster like him can afford it.

And those lives and substances that he continuously absorbs and swallows are responsible for providing subsequent energy supply.

This allowed him to find a short time to annihilate tens of millions of armies in one fell swoop.

Hehehehe~ Hahahaha~ Go against me! This is the result of going against me! Stupid things!

Rand laughed heartily on the spot and roared.

A pair of dragon eyes scanned the distant starry sky.

Tens of billions of kilometers away, he could see from a distance that the wizards were as dejected as defeated roosters and had completely lost their fighting spirit.

They fled and were captured by captives.

The battle finally ended at this moment.


The void around Rand shook slightly.

Several portals opened quickly.

Fiona and several dragons appeared beside him.

The female blue dragon Doris took the lead, pounced directly on Rand, hugged Rand's dragon thigh, and drooled:

Rand! You're so strong! Hurry! Mate with me! I can't wait any longer!


Fiona flew over second and glanced at the female dragon with great dissatisfaction.

It felt like this female dragon had taken her place.

This thigh has been held by her before.

Now he is actually being robbed first.

If it weren't for seeing how much He sacrificed to become a god, I would really want to rip off His head!

Fiona cursed in her heart and said with a smile:

Rand, I knew you were invincible! Anyone who offends us will face final defeat! The Twilight of the Gods and the Bailegang Empire are just nothing but bubbles!

Rand, I was indeed right. The Bailegang Empire has finally been wiped out.

These are the words of the iridescent dragon.

He glanced at the group of female dragons, then glanced again, and then a group of king beasts came and said:

Did you find this?

“I felt that the troops were not enough before, so I came here.

I promise these king beasts that I will give them the blood that allows them to break through their limits.

The iridescent dragon responded.

Although it feels like it doesn't matter if we have them or not, but it doesn't matter if we give them some blood.

Rand was in a good mood at the moment and said casually.

These words made these king beasts very angry.

However, they did not dare to lose their temper in front of Rand, who had just shown his ferocity, so they could only endure it and smile awkwardly but politely.

Are you interested in becoming my subordinates?

he asked again.

Naturally, many king beasts shook their heads.

Rand stopped focusing on them.

To Rand at this moment, these are just 'small roles'.

He has more important things.

Count the gains from this battle!

This battle.

Unlock his [Kills] from 9 to 14.

Added a full 79 points of physical growth.

Came to 606 points.

It was a big harvest, but of course, his harvest was more than that!

Baile Gang Empire.

Emperor Star.

On the extremely prosperous planet.

Everything here remains the same.

A group of non-combat witches flew in the sky, wandered around the streets, ate, and played games.

On top of the Magic Tower, some lecturers were teaching the new students of the Wizard Academy.

They seemed no different than usual.

This is also true.

Although the alarm of the annihilation crisis was sounded not long ago.

But this does not affect the daily routine of most witches.

Because they are not the ones fighting outside.

At the same time, it is also their absolute trust in the strength of their own army and wizards!

The Bailegang Empire has been standing on the Antoli plane for millions of years, and has experienced too much during this period.

There are the battles between humans and beasts in ancient times, the Battle of the Galaxy, the war with the Burning Legion from another plane, and the war with the plane of Io.

Which one is not a world-ending crisis?

But they still persisted until now, and their strength and power became stronger and stronger.

Will the Bailegang Empire fail? Will they be defeated by other forces?

This kind of idea does not exist in the minds of more than 99% of the shamans of the Bailegang Empire.


That's why they are so calm and unhurried.


The sky cracked.

A huge figure enveloped them and stared at them with indifferent eyes.

Your Majesty the Witch King, what kind of monster is this?

He seems to be the target of our campaign, right? The dragon named Rand Safis Oakburn?

Oh my god! How could he come here? How could the soldiers and armies of the empire let him come here?

Many shamans couldn't help but scream, showing panic, and became confused.

But there are some witches who have realized that something is wrong.

After a while.

Another pile of portals appeared.

Monsters emerged from it.

Despicable wizards!

You have failed!

From today on, all true dragons are your masters!

And next to me is Rand Saphis Oakburn, the great dragon among dragons, my eldest brother!

He is the God of all of you!

Cannot be disobeyed! unstoppable!

Everyone must obey his orders!

And you are all our slaves and property!

Fiona next to Rand yelled at the wizards on the ground, looking arrogant and contemptuous.

Thanks to [reader 1534503284549381] for the 5,000-coin reward, thank you!

Unexpectedly, at this time, there are still people giving rewards, which is an unexpected surprise.

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