The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 250 Getting rich again and the next goal

Wha...what? The empire failed?

Impossible! Absolutely impossible! The empire is undefeated! These guys must have sneaked here to shake our faith!

You bastards! Don't talk nonsense here. Do you think we will believe it?

Many wizards yelled.

He looked a little crazy and angry.

The worst one actually launched a direct attack on the giant dragon in the sky.

Magnificent spells flew straight towards him.

The little female dragon showed a ferocious smile:

You idiot! You can't accept the reality of your failure?

very good! It seems necessary to teach you a lesson!

After saying that, she held up the dragon soul in her claws to block the attack, and then attacked the wizard below.

Not polite at all.

Although I came here this time mainly because I wanted to conquer these witches as soon as possible.

But there are too many shamans, and if this group is not willing, then just replace them with another group.

Hundreds of millions or more than a billion people died, it doesn't matter at all...


Fiona seems to have underestimated the witches' Emperor Star.

When the spell falls.

The entire Emperor Star exploded with huge energy, resisting all Fiona's attacks one by one.

This made Fiona feel a little embarrassed on her face, and she just wanted to order the subordinates around her to attack.

Rand snorted coldly:

Can't accept the reality? Still want to resist? Then I will let you accept the reality and let you know what kind of enemy you idiots are facing.

After that, he slowly descended.

During this period, the body temperature just suppressed is completely released.

The high temperature of more than 100,000 to 200,000 degrees immediately distorted everything around it.

The thick fog seemed to fill the whole world in an instant.

The protective barrier in the Emperor Star held Rand tightly against the outside, enduring the high temperature he naturally radiated, and was constantly trembling.

Come on! Attack me. Only in this way will you understand what despair is!

Rand said coldly.

The words resounded throughout the Emperor Star.

Let all the wizards listen.

The wizards all became displeased because of this.

This giant dragon dares to underestimate us! They were extremely angry.

However, this dragon is really strong. The most important thing is, isn't Rand Safith Oakburn trapped in a black hole... Why does he appear here?

That dragon is super strong. It takes nine titled wizards to penetrate the black hole.

The wizards were a little confused for a while.

The dragon looking at the sky.

Standing on a defensive barrier thousands of meters high.

Its majestic body, which is dozens of kilometers high, is only missing the clouds.

Pieces of white clouds surrounded the dragon's limbs.

Each of the witches seemed smaller than ants, and the pressure in their hearts increased dramatically.

Don't be fooled by him, it may be some kind of brilliant transformation technique!

Finally, a shaman shouted like this.

However, they still accepted the dragon's provocation.

Let them attack?

very good! This is the first time they have heard of such a strange request!

No matter what, this group of witches immediately launched an attack.

They are not the group of powerful wizards in the army, and their strength is limited.

The strongest ones are just entering the epic for the first time.

Most are nothing more than legends.

Piles of spells tried to attack Rand through the defensive barrier, but they couldn't even get through the high temperature around him and were directly distorted and dissolved.


After all, they still have the weapons left in the Emperor Star.

The most powerful of these weapons are even powerful enough to exert destructive power at the level of a titled wizard, or even more.

However, this requires a lot of time to gather energy.

However, it can also perform some attacks close to this level.

Purple lightning and black light cannons, dozens of meters thick, penetrated the high temperature emitted by Rand and attacked his body.

“Even if these attacks cannot kill this dragon, they should still cause him to suffer some damage.

We just need to hold this dragon back and wait for the empire to come back with help!

Many wizards think this way.

He also stared at Rand closely.

However, that's about it.

Rand suddenly opened his mouth.


hold head high!!!

The dragon roared, and the terrifying sound waves spread.

As a result, the surrounding space actually shattered.

And those powerful spells that attacked, under the dull eyes of a group of wizards, collapsed and disappeared without a trace... it over? A powerful spell that is close to the level of a titled wizard, a spell that is almost 12th or 3rd level...actually, it just disappeared with just one roar?

Many wizards keep talking to themselves as if they were in a dream.

Others' hearts were beating wildly, and the ominous premonition in their hearts became more and more obvious.

Hmph hum~ Very good, that's the expression.

Although he had already seen it once on the faces of the previous group of wizards, seeing it again made Long feel happy.

Do you realize your own smallness and vulnerability?

In front of the real dragon among dragons, you are just like those ants climbing on the ground, weak and pitiful.

Even if there are trillions, ten thousand trillions, or ten thousand capitals, there is no difference in front of the real dragon among dragons.

Your existence is just to become my slaves.

Now, kneel down to me. Your ant-like lives can still exist in this world.

The giant dragon roared again, its voice rumbled, and the dragon's face was full of arrogance.

What...what should I do?

Don't be afraid! This dragon is threatening us! We have the defense of the Emperor Star, at least we can delay it for a long time, and then the Empire will come back to rescue us.

A group of witches murmured.

He did not continue to attack, but instead focused all his energy on the defensive barrier.

Of course, because of this, they did not take any action and remained standing.

It seems that you have chosen death.

But that’s okay.

There are already enough prisoners from before.

Your death can also turn into the nutrients I need. You can play your role both alive and dead.

By chance, I just thought of a very interesting game.

Just enjoy it.

After the dragon finished speaking, its huge dragon body slowly rose.

Finally, with all the troops, they began to retreat.

The shamans who saw this look were relieved.

At the same time he couldn't help but laugh and said:

Look! I knew this dragon was scaring us! I don't know what method was used, but it actually deceived the wizards of the Frontline Empire and wanted to surprise the Emperor Star!

snort! Now it is discovered that the defense of the Emperor Star cannot be broken, and he is ready to escape!

What the hell! Does he think we are afraid of him? As subjects of the Bailegang Empire, we have never seen anything! Bah!

A group of wizards sneered.

However, some people immediately reported the information to the front line.

Then, they were ready to wait for the arrival of imperial reinforcements.

Other witches.

Just as relaxed and casual as the first time.

However, this situation did not last long.

They discovered something was wrong again!

Why does it feel like it's getting a lot hotter in the Emperor Star? Actually, the automatic defense barrier was opened again?

How is this going?

Many wizards were curious and couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Immediately, many witches couldn't help but frown: There are no enemies! It's really strange.

Wait... Why do I feel like something is wrong? Is the star in the sky getting bigger?

Getting bigger? Are you kidding me? How can it become bigger?

No! It seems, it does seem to be getting closer!

While the group of witches were talking, they seemed to realize that something was wrong.

The approach of the stars was not because they were dazzled, but because it was a real reality.

Why! Why do stars keep coming here!

No! We must not let it get any closer, otherwise we will all be in danger!

Attack! Attack quickly! Destroy it!

Is it possible? This star is a blue giant. It is much larger than ordinary stars. If we want to destroy a star of this level, we have to prepare too much energy. It cannot be done in just a few days. Arrived.

What should we do? Are we just going to watch this star fall?

The wizards were panicked.

That's when.

The stars are approaching faster and faster, faster and faster.

It seems that there is something behind the star that is constantly pushing the star, bringing it closer.

Damn it! This is not the way to go! We must leave the Emperor Star first!

It's not good! It's not good! The entire space field of the Emperor Star is blocked!

It was the good thing those damn dragons did just now!

Quick! Break out!

The witches roared and actually broke away from the defensive barrier on their own, heading in all directions.

But when they were about to leave the Emperor Star.

Fiona, however, led a group of dragon-blooded creatures to block them and taught these witches a lesson.

This frightened the witches.

It can only return to the atmosphere again.

But this also made them completely lose the possibility of escape.

Seeing that the distance between the star and the Emperor Star is less than tens of thousands of kilometers.

All the wizards on the Emperor Star sat on the ground in fear.

It felt like the whole world had turned bright red.

Stars hung high overhead.

There was a real sense of the sky falling.

The star's approaching speed seems to have slowed down a lot compared to before.

But it is still moving forward slowly but extremely powerfully.

Fiona and the dragon blood creatures fled away at this moment.

Next to the star.

Rand's missing figure reappeared.

He showed an extremely evil smile and said:

Hahahaha~ Do you like this great gift?

Feel the warmth of the stars!

Say it.

His dragon claws seemed to hold the entire star, and he shook it hard.

A mention of stellar speed.

Falling hard towards the Emperor Star.

Ahhhhh! Damn it! This dragon, actually, actually pushed the stars over!

This monster!

We're doomed now!

The witches made desperate calls and fled towards the sky.


The edge of the star has completely broken through the atmosphere.

Then continue to approach quickly!

Until, the star collided fiercely with the defensive barrier!

Boom! ! ! !

Terrifying energy explosions continue to surge from the edges of the two.

There were bursts of explosions.


The entire defensive barrier was broken.

The star comes into contact with the ground, dissolves everything, and explodes!

The Emperor Star explodes!

Endless white light exploded.

Swallowed all the witches!

Boom! ! !

The starry sky was shaking at this moment, slowly pushing the stars away.

And near the explosion of both.

The terrifying impact spread everywhere.

Groups of witches all died in despair!

Rand endured the close-range planet explosion, but he let out a loud laugh.


Farther away, Fiona and the other Dragonites were well prepared. They either hid far away or used powerful force to defend themselves, but they were able to withstand the planet's explosion.

At least it ensured that he would not die or be seriously injured.

The evil dragons and dragon-blooded creatures standing nearby also laughed happily:

A bunch of idiots! They actually want to resist Boss Rand!

What a stupid thing!

Hahaha! Don't say that. They actually did a pretty good job. At least they allowed us to enjoy a grand fireworks, right?

The collision of stars and planets, the music composed by despair and wailing, is rarely seen in ordinary times.

Hahaha! That's right!

A group of dragon blood creatures mocked viciously.

He didn't even care about the planet explosion just now, which resulted in countless casualties.

After a long time.

They followed Rand to the next planet to persuade him to surrender.

It is said that they are trying to persuade them to surrender, but in fact they are just going to inform them and intimidate them.

If you are willing, just accept it.

If they didn't want to, they were all beaten to death on the spot.

After all, if these witches die, they can increase his kills, and if they are alive, they can increase his power.

For him, everything is acceptable.

His entire Dragon Royal Court is doing this kind of thing.

Just accept and kill the remnants of the Baile Gang Empire.

It took Rand almost more than five years.

A total of more than 10,000 planes have been accepted.

It has a population of more than 6,000.

There are also countless treasures that originally belonged to the Baile Gang Empire.

It can be said that Rand became rich again.

[Kill] Unlocked level 15.

[Wealth] has unlocked levels 15, 16, and 17.

[Force] has unlocked levels 16 and 17.

A total of 138 potential points were obtained.

Among them, levels 16 and 17 gain 23 and 26 potential points respectively.

Because of this, Rand's physical growth reached 744 points.

This gave Rand two talent points at once.

He is rich again!

This time, as before, Rand did not use it arbitrarily, but waited for trouble later to make plans.

Of course, during these five years.

Rand also discovered another change in himself.

That is, the appetite has increased a lot!

Only five years!

He has eaten almost twenty planets as big as the earth...

He felt that he would be feeding on stars soon.

As for the king beasts that Hindley called to help before, Rand also generously gave some of his blood to them, and did not embarrass these guys afterwards.

Although Taland has done many evil things and is an out-and-out evil dragon, he still has some basic credibility.

Of course, the most important thing is that Rand feels that these guys are no threat to him.

Just like humans, would they care about gains and losses with ants on the roadside?


Hindley's sister was also led by Hindley to show up in front of him shortly afterwards.

For Hindley's sake, Rand also gave her his blood and asked him to work in the Dragon King's Court.

Everything in the Antoli plane ends at this moment.

Then, it should be the Io plane!

When he thought of the Io plane, his heart couldn't help but feel a little agitated.

There is a feeling of returning home in fine clothes.

Likewise, revenge against the Morning Sun was also brewing in his heart.

I was too tired last night, so I rested first and will make up for it now.

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