The Dragon of the Apocalypse

Chapter 248 Collapse

The only attack from the Bailegang Empire that made Rand somewhat fearful was the mimetic gamma ray burst.

This kind of attack is the most terrifying except for black holes.

Although Rand has escaped from the black hole.

But that's also a trick.

In his opinion, the most powerful thing about a black hole is its seal and its special ability to be almost indestructible.

The instantaneous lethality of a single round was incomparable to the damage done to him by a mimetic gamma ray burst.

Of course, if it was a normal gamma ray burst, he would not be afraid.

The key point is that although this gamma ray burst is just a simulation, it is an improved version emitted with the help of a huge star.

The power is only stronger than the genuine one...

Just one shot can drain 10% of his energy to repair his body.

Compared with the siege by the trillions of Bailegang Empire wizards, he was even more afraid.

All the attacks of this group of wizards, including the powerful combined spells, can actually cause slight damage to him.

His defense is not invincible.

But the damage is too low.

His own super recovery ability is enough to completely offset the damage he suffered.

The recovery of magic power is faster than the consumption.

Under normal circumstances, he can be regarded as having 'infinite' energy, even perpetual motion.

However, in a fierce battle, this kind of 'infinity' and perpetual motion is not true after all. There will always be situations where the limit is exceeded and the balance is broken, causing him to be 'injured' in the true sense.

This is also the current only support of the Bailegang Empire.

Seeing that the Gamma Troop responsible for using simulated gamma ray bursts was actually blocked by groups of dragon-type creatures that suddenly appeared.

The wizards of the Baile Gang Empire can be said to be extremely anxious.

From the main battlefield, more than a dozen titled wizards and more troops were sent to support.

This allows the Gamma Force to escape, go to more distant star fields, search for huge stars, and continue to use simulated gamma ray bursts to attack Rand.


As a result, they faced a problem again.

Too many titled wizards were divided, which greatly reduced the top combat power that could face Rand and had some ability.

It is even more difficult for them to interfere with Rand.

This caused most of the mimetic gamma rays released to disappear.

But nevertheless.

These Bailegang Empire forces still have no intention of giving up.

Continuously attacks Rand with mimetic gamma ray bursts.

Constantly fighting for more time, killing Rand's energy.

The population advantage of the Bailegang Empire was clearly revealed at this moment.

It is still up to Rand to kill them no matter how hard they are, and they are all inexhaustible.

Rand was like an ant falling in the ocean.

Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Damn wizards! Damn you all!

Maybe it was too long between killings.

Rand went on a rampage again.

What seemed to be a flawless war weapon once again revealed what seemed to be its only flaw.

Let the wizards of the Bailegang Empire see more possibilities of defeating Rand and the dawn of victory.

And further away.

A certain figure who had been paying attention to the main battlefield disappeared at this moment.

The battlefield where the two sides fought continued to spread outward.

It also made more forces in the Antoli plane take notice.


A world of giant beasts.

All the king beasts gathered together.

Looking at the center, there is a rabbit-like monster with huge eyes.

This monster is also one of the king beasts of Dordorus.

It is called the Void Vision Beast.

And that huge eye has the ability to observe the entire world.

Even if they are thousands or tens of thousands of light years apart, as long as they are in the same plane, He can observe them sideways.

After just receiving some information from some strange beasts, these king beasts gathered together.

Use the innate magical power of the virtual vision beast to observe.

And the goal of observation.

It is a battlefield with Rand as the main body.

Looking at the giant dragon that had grown so huge after more than six hundred years and so powerful that it was beyond comprehension.

All the king beasts were silent.

The blood-red bat even opened its mouth and roared, roaring and screaming:

Damn it! Wasn't this dragon driven into a black hole? Why does it still appear!? This should be impossible!

That bat face was full of panic.

It turns out that those wizards lied! The dragon escaped from the wizards' hands at the end.

And for the sake of face, these guys actually faked the video to brag about their achievements, which is really ridiculous.

The despicability of human beings is also clearly revealed at this moment.

The sunbird, which had restrained its flames, spoke, his voice full of contempt.

“That guy seems to have completely surpassed our realm now.

Perhaps it is similar to the former Emperor Beast.

Unexpectedly, there is such an existence in the world of Io.

Didn’t it mean that Io, the creator god of that world, had disappeared long ago?

Isn't the most terrifying thing about his growth?

In six hundred years, from a position comparable to ours, to growing to this point, there is actually no bottleneck at all.

This dragon may be born sacred.

I suspect that he is the descendant of the creation god of some powerful plane.

Absolutely! Absolutely! We cannot let this dragon win this war! Otherwise we will all be doomed!

We will all be killed by him!

So, let's help those wizards!

The blood bat that had been roaring just now calmed down and actually wanted to persuade other king beasts.

It's over? You're the one who's going to die, right? After all, I attacked that dragon before.

I have no interest in helping those wizards.

As for becoming that dragon's subordinate, I have no interest at all!

I'm ready to leave this plane. With our strength, as long as we don't go to some strange planes, we can become the masters!

One of the king beasts said this and was about to open the portal and leave.

When other king beasts heard this, they also had different thoughts.

But right now.

A portal opened in the void.

A figure slowly emerged from it.

This figure is red and purple in color, with huge bat wings, a long tail and strong limbs.

You are... the iridescent dragon from the Io plane, Hindley Oakdom Della?

The whale-like king beast glanced at the visitor and said.

it's me.

The visitor just nodded.

That dragon's men? I remember you! Go to hell!

The blood bat, which had a problem with Rand, immediately roared and launched an attack.

His whole body turned into blood and burst out.


Facing the attack, the Rainbow Dragon's claws flashed with light, and a glass-like giant egg appeared.

This is naturally the dragon soul of the rainbow dragon Hindley. Like Fiona, it has also been strengthened.

Have similar functions.

With the advanced version of Dragon Soul.

The iridescent dragon gave birth to a divine kingdom projected in the void.

A powerful defensive barrier unfolded.

Block the blood light formed by the blood bat.

Although the entire barrier is constantly trembling.

But he was still able to block it.

Under the protection of the barrier, the rainbow dragon scanned all the king beasts present and said:

Everyone, I know that you are not willing to submit to Rand.

However, this does not hinder our subsequent transactions.

Trade? A king beast was confused.

Trade? You're just an ant? Are you worthy of trading with us?

The blood bat screamed and attacked more and more fiercely.

There were many cracks in the barrier, and it looked like it wouldn't last long.

Yes, deal.

You should also know that I exist.

I haven't grown much in the many years since I came to Dordorus, but after following Rand Safis Oakburn, haven't you noticed that my body seems to have broken its limits and grown to an extremely astonishing level? To the extent?

The iridescent dragon quickly relayed information while resisting attacks.

A group of king beasts were stunned after receiving the message.

Also found the problem.

At first, they instinctively thought it was the effect of the imperial jelly.

However, although the imperial jelly can help living beings break through their limits.

But, how much is needed to make a guy that is only five hundred meters long break through to more than a thousand meters.

This guy is already an adult.

And its own energy has doubled?

This seems unlikely.


They couldn't help but ask.

It is a mysterious substance unique to Rand Safis Oakburn, which has the ability to allow living beings to break through their limits.

You should be able to understand this when you see Rand Safis Oakburn itself, right?

The iridescent dragon responded.

A group of king beasts were silent.

Yes, just by looking at it, you can tell that there is something wrong with the dragon named Rand Safis Oakburn.

Breaking through the limits...

This is, what a tempting thing!

However, which dragon will share this treasure with them?

Many king beasts are unsure.

The rainbow dragon also saw the concerns of these king beasts, so he said again:

“Treasures that push the limits are not disposable items, but can be used multiple times.

In addition, you don’t have to worry about Rand’s integrity.

As his spouse, I can give revelations to the Dragon God or sign contracts with you.

Very sincere.

It seems very credible.

The eyes of several king beasts flickered.

A little worried again.

Before, they cooperated with the blood bats to ignore each other and let them be besieged by the wizards.

Although, they just stand by and watch, everything has nothing to do with them.

However, if the other party doesn't think so, it will still be very troublesome.

Signing a contract is just a matter of words, after all, we have reached this level.

The fairness of the contract has long been no longer guaranteed.

In order to make this transaction go more smoothly, maybe they should do something.

Thinking of this, a group of king beasts couldn't help but turn their attention to the blood bat that was still attacking the rainbow dragon.

These fiery sights.

Let the onslaught blood bat attack, look back at the many king beasts and couldn't help but roar:

What do you think I'm doing? I believe this dragon's lies, right? Wait...wait! Why are you attacking me! Ah!

As the blood bat spoke, it let out bursts of screams.

A group of powerful king beasts directly launched a ferocious attack on Him.

You are disrespectful to the cooperative dragon and want to destroy the friendship between us. I just want to capture you and use it as a gift!

A king beast sneered.

A dozen king beasts versus one.

The battle goes as quickly as it comes.

But it's only about an hour.

The blood bat was knocked to the ground and his will was blocked.

Afterwards, these king beasts led the powerful alien beasts of Dordorus to attack together and support them through the space portal.

Dordorus is a planet larger than the average star.

There are hundreds of billions of creatures living on it.

Although the number seems to be nothing compared to the Bailegang Empire.

But these strange beasts are all extremely powerful.

When they arrived, they immediately reversed the situation again.

What? The group of king beasts from Dordorus launched an attack on us?

These damn bastards! How dare they! Aren’t you afraid of being completely exterminated by us?

On the main battlefield, the top wizards who received the information cursed angrily.

The Gamma Force they finally managed to pull out was ineffective again.

This allowed Rand, who had been losing energy, to slowly recover again during the battle.

However, they did not wait for them to continue deploying their troops.

The unfortunate news came one after another.

Some star beasts wandering in the starry sky, as well as other forces, also attacked one after another.

The entire Bailegang Empire was finally unable to resist and could not organize an effective attack on Rand.

They started to collapse!

We can't win! We can't win at all! The mimic gamma ray cannot be used, and there is no way we can kill that dragon!

Run away! Our era is over!

Damn dragons, damn Dordorus beasts! These bastards are actually united together! A bunch of damn beasts!

Run! Run away!

The wizards screamed again and again, and finally stopped fighting and started running away.

These include the Witch King and the titled wizards.

They were defeated and could no longer care about attacking.

And Rand, who was still charging madly, regained consciousness again.

He looked at the wizards of the Bailegang Empire who were running away with some confusion.

I don’t know why all these guys collapsed?

He obviously wanted to have some fun.

He cast his gaze into the distance again, looking at the groups of strange beasts that were fighting fiercely with the wizards except for his dragon king's court, and finally understood everything.

He immediately roared:

Want to run away? You bunch of bastards? You actually want to run away? Don't even think about it! Savor the torture I suffered in the black hole!

Rand's eyes were blood red and he roared loudly.

The next moment, he suddenly curled up.

The scales that were originally glowing with the brilliance of stars lost their luster and turned into pitch black.

Everything around him was completely distorted at this moment.

The body slowly dissolved into a ball and began to slowly rotate, swallowing and absorbing everything around it!

In an instant.

Everything within a radius of billions of kilometers looks like a starry sky vortex.

Countless wizards trying to escape, as well as the dust and debris after the battle, were all spinning and being torn backwards.

This group of wizards wanted to use spells to escape, but they were shocked to find that they could not cast spells at all.

It seemed that all the rules around him were completely changed at this moment, and he was placed in a strange space and realm.

No... this is a more advanced realm than king beasts and titled wizards.

It is a field that cannot be destroyed with energy!

All spells will be completely destroyed before they are formed.

Even the titled wizards are no exception.

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