Call the future? What a powerful talent! As long as I have this, I will no longer have to be afraid of powerful enemies, right?

However, does such a powerful ability have no side effects?

After just finishing dealing with Baron Ackerman, little Rand muttered with sparks constantly spitting out from his nostrils.

The more powerful the future self is, the shorter the time for its appearance will be. If the gap between it and itself is too big, it may not appear at all.

The system reminds you again at this moment.

I see. I wonder what strength I can summon as my strongest self now? Is it a legend? Or an epic?

Little Rand touched his chin with his paws, showing an interested look on his face.

You can try it out.

Hahaha! Of course I have to test it! It's rare to have such an interesting talent! But not now!

I'm going to find a human territory and give it a try! By the way, collect all the treasures there!

Little Rand yelled.

Little Fiona and little Ed on the side looked at little Rand who kept talking to himself, and felt a little cold in their hearts.

Is this guy crazy?

The crazy look just now was really scary. We must not let him know about our corruption in the mine.

The two little dragons said secretly in their hearts.

Little Rand glanced at the two little dragons and said:

You guys wait here, I'll go out and I'll be back soon.

He finished.

Without waiting for the two little dragons to respond, they went directly along the passage to the outside world.

Under the guidance of the system, he quickly learned to fly.

Afterwards, under the arrangement of the system, he went to the nearest territory.

And this territory is surprisingly the Ackerman Territory!


The hunter, who was still running away like the world Rand lived in in the future, returned to his territory.

In front of Ackerman's orphans, Weiss and his daughter, he told everything and felt deeply ashamed that he had escaped from the battlefield.

After being severely scolded and humiliated by Mrs. Ackerman.

The hunter staggered out of the baron's manor and walked down the street in a daze.

When the people on one side saw him like this, they didn't say hello, they just stayed away from him.

while walking.

The hunter suddenly heard screams in his ears.

Heaven! There is a monster in the sky! The monster has appeared!

This must be a monster! A monster that eats people. The monster is here to catch people! Run!

A group of leading people shouted wildly, the sounds of running, calling for help, and howling in agony one after another.

The hunter, who was still a little depressed at first, suddenly raised his head.

He saw the citizens of the entire territory.

At this time, he was running around like five flies.

Others were looking at the distant sky with frightened expressions.

The hunter followed his gaze. His eyesight was far better than that of ordinary people. He could see the specific appearance of a black spot in the sky from a distance.

That... wasn't that the evil dragon he just encountered while following Baron Ackerman?

He...actually came after me!

Damn evil dragon! You are actually chasing me here! Do you want to kill everyone? Damn it! I will never let you succeed!

Everyone must unite! Let’s fight this evil dragon together!

The hunter roared and ran back to the baron's manor.

He opened his mouth and kept shouting:

Everyone is on alert! An evil dragon is attacking! Everyone is on alert! Pick up weapons, bows and arrows, and prepare to fight to the death!

Dragon? Evil dragon? You're lying, right? How can there be a dragon in such a small place?

No, it won't happen... There will be no dragons in a place like ours. They are legendary creatures!

A group of soldiers who heard the shouting showed disbelief and shouted in horror.

hold head high!!!

But that's about it.

An extremely loud dragon roar came from the distance.

This made a group of soldiers even more frightened. Looking in the direction of the sound, they suddenly saw the little black dot getting closer and closer.

This made them even more frightened.

As a result, without the real owner of the territory, Baron Ackerman, it was impossible to form the appropriate armed forces.

The second floor of the manor.

Baron Ackerman's daughter, Weiss, was standing on the balcony, looking solemnly at the black shadow of the dragon approaching in the distance.

He murmured:

He actually killed him so quickly? What a heinous evil dragon. Does he really want to take revenge on everyone?

Damn it! In my name, it is impossible to effectively form an army to resist.

I can't win this battle... Forgive me, father, forgive my cowardice, I have to retreat first, but please believe me, I will definitely find someone to avenge you!

Say it.

Weiss turned around and prepared to take her mother and escape from the territory.

But the moment I just turned around,

She was startled.

Because, a figure in a black cloak appeared in his room at some point, blocked her way, and slowly walked towards her.

Weiss cautiously ducked to the side, trying to keep a safer distance.

But with her sharp eyes, she spotted the appearance of the figure in the cloak when she was avoiding it, which made her froze in place.

伱...who are you?

The cloaked man ignored her, but slowly walked to the balcony and looked at the black spots in the distance.

Then he said:

“The timing this time around seems to be good.

Judging from the size of this dragon, it must have been born not long ago.

However, this time, did he actually take the initiative to attack Ackerman's territory? Sure enough, there are endless variables in the plane.

But it doesn’t matter anymore.

As long as I come here, this evil dragon will meet his death! Everything will come to an end here.

The cloaked man said slowly.

The voice she spoke was almost exactly the same as Weiss's just now.

This made Weiss behind her unable to help but say:

Who are you? Are you your father's illegitimate daughter? But... why do you look exactly like me? Did you use the deformation technique?


The cloaked man slowly turned around and opened his cloak.

The appearance revealed was exactly the same as Wei Si's. She smiled slightly and said:

I am you, you are me!

What are you talking about? What do you mean, I am you and you are me? Weiss didn't understand.

But this cloaked woman didn't say much, but the magic power in her body surged slightly, and the next moment it shot straight into the sky!

This burst of magic stunned Weiss.

This is definitely far beyond level 15, a powerful archmage.

She watched blankly as the other person flew into the sky, heading towards the direction from which the dragon was flying.

In a few breaths, she crossed a thousand meters and arrived not far from the giant dragon.

This made the giant dragon that originally wanted to land stunned in the sky.

He looked at the cloaked woman with some surprise and solemnity, and said in his heart:

Hey, hey, hey! System! Didn't you say that this is a remote town with no strong people?

But what's going on with this guy in front of me? The flight speed just now was close to the speed of sound, right?

Why do I feel like this guy can beat me up?

Little Rand was panicking in his heart, but on the surface he still looked at the other party very calmly, and even put on a posture and said:

Who are you? Are you standing in front of me and seeking death?

Who am I? I am Weiss Ackerman, the daughter of the baron you killed!

The woman said coldly.

He raised his arm slightly.

There was a huge pressure on little Rand.

His body instantly lost balance and crashed towards the ground!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Help! I'm going to fall to death!

Little Rand roared in shock.

Hurry up and use Future Call! The guy in front of you has legendary magic power! Hurry! If you are late, it will be too late!

In my mind, the system was screaming.

Unfortunately, little Rand, who was in panic, did not listen to the system at all. He just kept shouting wildly. He kept flapping the dragon wings in an attempt to stabilize his body.

But in the end it fell straight to the ground!

boom! ! !

The earth trembled slightly.

Ouch~ Ouch~ It hurts me to death! Damn you bitch! Looking for death!

In the smoke-filled pit, little Rand cursed.

He was also extremely angry, and he felt that he had been cheated by the system!

Didn’t you say that there will be no strong people?

What is this bitch in front of me?

Why would such a strong person appear in a small, broken town?

This sudden change.

The hunter and many people noticed.

They were surprised at first, and then overjoyed.

“I didn’t expect that there would be such a strong person hidden in Ackerman’s territory.

If...if there was this strong man among the people who went with the Baron at the beginning, the Baron might not have...

The hunter muttered to himself.

But he immediately shook his head, gathered his thoughts, and headed towards the landing point of the giant dragon.

Evil Dragon, are you surprised, why in an unknown town, the daughter of a baron has such strength?

Weiss, who had just shot down Little Rand, slowly fell from the sky.

There was a hint of coldness, joy and pride on her face.

Little Rand could understand the other party, after all, he had just killed the other party's father not long ago!

Now that the other party is crushing him with powerful force, it is normal for him to want to use words to humiliate him.

But then again.

Isn't this bitch's father a fool? How could such a strong woman come to him with a bunch of weaklings to die without shouting?

It was really beyond comprehension for Long.

He bared his teeth and stared at the figure in front of him in pain.

Even at this time, the system was still reminding him to call his future self.

But little Rand calmed down at this moment.

He did not use his natural ability immediately.

Instead, he looked at the other person with a calmness and confidence.

It's indeed a bit beyond my expectation! But do you think I will be afraid of you?

Little Rand breathed fire from his nostrils and responded in a deep voice.


The woman in front of him laughed, laughed, laughed, and burst into tears:

You still want to pretend to be strong in front of me? Unfortunately, I know everything about you!

Rand Safis Oakburn!

If we follow the normal timeline, there is no way I can be your opponent.

The entire Ackerman territory will also be destroyed by your men in the future.

You will conquer the entire continent of Io and become an extremely evil dragon!


But...what? Little Rand followed the other person's words and asked.

But! The future can be changed!

Especially when I myself am from the future!

The woman in front of him spoke again.

This opening made Little Rand and the system in his body stunned.

From the future? You said you are from the future?

Little Rand was extremely surprised.

The system in my head couldn’t even help but say:

No wonder...this guy looks so familiar, but his strength is completely different.

System, do you know this bitch?

Little Rand heard the voice in his head and asked.

Huh huh huh! Hahaha! You know your future, but you are crushed by me, don't you feel good?

Do not worry! Soon you will be plunged into eternal silence! No more thinking about the future!

Regret it! I regret that I will choose to do evil in the future! I regret why I met you! Then go hate your future self!

Future Weiss sneered and raised her right hand again. The magic power on it was surging crazily, and a glass-like sphere slowly rotated.

It is full of magic power, pulling the wind elements around it.

Let the strong wind gradually blow within a radius of several hundred meters.

This is a spell with a minimum level of eight.

If it hits Little Rand directly, with his current strength, he will definitely die!

Quick! Use Call to the Future! Stop playing! Be careful of playing with it!

The system in my mind screamed again.

I know! Damn stinky bitch! Wait to die! Ang!!!

Little Rand finally responded to the system and roared angrily.

He activated his newly acquired innate ability.

Just at this moment.

He felt like his brain was short-circuited and confused for a moment.

Although he is a magic novice.

But the inherited memory of the dragon.

It was better to let him know that his consciousness had been briefly disturbed by some spell just now.

He thought it was Weiss in front of him.

Buzz! ! !


The originally clear sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds.

A dark portal was slowly opened.


At this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded in Little Rand's mind.

This maniacal laughter was clearly the system that had been accompanying him growing up.

Little Rand wanted to ask why the system was laughing.

But the laughter grew louder, louder, and even overtook him.

A shadow slowly emerged from his body.

Came to the eyes of little Rand.

This is a very small four-winged dragon that exudes dazzling light. Judging from some of the subtle features of this dragon, it seems to be somewhat similar to him.

Xiaolong opened his mouth and kept laughing wildly:

Sure enough! Everything is as expected! With my current magical attainments, I only need to make a few moves when using Summon the Future!

Then, the trapped true body can be summoned! Hehe hehe~ Hahahaha!

I'm finally out! From that damn black hole!

Six hundred years! Six hundred years! I am in the darkness of endless loneliness!

The wizards of Baile Gang! Morning sun! Your doom is coming!

Look up to the sky! Mortal things! Your God! Your master! came back!

The smaller dragon roared, and its figure turned into a stream of light, shooting straight into the high-altitude portal and disappearing.

Hey, hey, hey! What's going on!? System! System! Why didn't you reply? Did you run away?

Little Rand was stunned.

Even Weiss from the future was stunned.

This sudden change made her a little overwhelmed.

What's going on? This is obviously the third time I've traveled to the past, and I've killed the evil dragon Rand Safis Oakburn twice.

But I have never encountered such a change... What exactly is this...

She was shocked.

Staring at the sky blankly.

The dark portal was getting bigger and bigger at the moment.

From the original size of a person, it became a hole with a diameter of at least one kilometer.

But even so, it is still expanding.

Until, the tip of a dragon claw slowly poked out from it.

This claw is at least several hundred meters long, like the Optimus Prime, it is simply shocking people's eyes, challenging the common sense and reason of those watching.

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